3 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Food And Beverage Service terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Hotel Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah
The Effect of Food Service Quality and Beverage Service on Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles of Food and Beverage Service together on customer satisfaction at Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel Sharia, knowing the influence of the reliability and dimensions of the Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Hotel, Sharia, knowing the effect of the responsiveness dimension of Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, knowing the influence of the assurance dimension (assurance) Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, knowing the influence of the dimensions of empathy (emphaty) Food and Beverage Service on the customer satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel, and knowing the influence of the dimensions of empathy (emphaty) Food and Beverage Service on the satisfaction of Grand Hotel customers Dafam Rohan Syariah. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. In this study, the samples taken were some customers of Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel. In this study the number of samples taken 100 people. The sampling method in this study was purposive sampling. The method of data analysis uses descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Linear Regression analysis results show that Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Empowerment), Empathy (Emphaty), and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) affect jointly on Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel (probability value (sig.) F-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0.05)) and Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) partially influence on the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel (probability value (sig.) t-count (0,000) <Level of Significant (0.05)). The conclusion that Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Physical Proof (Tangibles) influences both jointly and partially on the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel. This can be interpreted, if Reliability (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Empowerment), Empathy (Emphaty), and Physical Evidence (Tangibles) increases together or partially, then the Customer Satisfaction of the Grand Dafam Rohan Syariah Hotel increased.
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Civitas Akademika Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu untuk Korban Banjir Bandang Rogo, Sigi - Sulawesi Tengah: Humanitarian Assistance from Palu Health Polytechnic for Flash Flood Victims of Rogo, Sigi - Central Sulawesi
Banjir bandang yang disertai material lumpur, batu dan kayu menerjang desa Rogo. Puluhan rumah warga tertimbun lumpur setinggi 1-2meter dan tidak layak huni. Dampak yang ditimbulkan seperti kekurangan makanan, air bersih serta kebutuhan dasar lainnya. Peran modal sosial dibutuhkan dalam upaya pemulihan pasca bencana banjir bandang. Upaya melibatkan masyarakat dengan donasi atau bantuan kemanusiaan. Oleh karena jumlah korban banjir bandang cukup besar dan kebutuhan korban banjir bandang yang mendesak maka melalui kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan bantuan kemanusiaan civitas akademika Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu untuk Korban Banjir Bandang Rogo, Kabupaten Sigi provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Kegiatan penggalangan donasi dilakukan setelah informasi dari media sosial tentang kejadian banjir bandang di Desa Rogo. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan penyaluran sembako (Beras, minyak goreng, gula pasir, teh) nasi kuning, buah pisang, sayur-sayuran, Biskuit balita dan ibu hamil, popok, ember dan gayung. Kegiatan penggalangan donasi dan penyalurannya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 05-07 September 2021. Masyarakat Rogo yang terdampak banjir bandang menerima dengan baik bantuan yang diberikan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar
Bantuan Kemanusiaan Korban Banjir Bandang di Sulawesi Tengah: Humanitarian Assistance for Flash Flood Victims in Central Sulawesi
The flash flood disaster hit Galumpang Village, Aung Village and Bajungan Village in Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi on Wednesday morning 23 March 2022. Due to the large number of victims of flash floods and the urgent needs of victims of flash floods, the Civitas Academic of Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu provided humanitarian aid for victims of flash floods in Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi. Humanitarian assistance in the form of ready-to-eat food, rice, Toothpaste, Soap, Sunlight, Shampoo, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Tea, Sugar, Bucket, Dipper, Mask and Pampers Children under two. The assistance was handed over by the Chief Community Service Officer to the Head of Galumpang Village on April 1, 2022 at the Disaster Management Command Post in Galumpang Village, Dakopamean District, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi. The flash flood victim’s community as beneficiaries have received assistance from the Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu Academic Community through Community Service activities.
Bencana banjir bandang telah menghantam Desa Galumpang, Desa Aung dan Desa Bajungan di Kabupaten Tolitoli, Sulawesi Tengah pada Rabu dini hari tanggal 23 Maret 2022. Oleh karena besarnya jumlah korban banjir bandang dan kebutuhan korban banjir bandang yang mendesak, maka Civitas Akademika Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan korban banjir bandang di Kabupaten Tolitoli Sulawesi Tengah. Bantuan kemanusian berupa makanan siap saji, beras, Pasta Gigi, Sabun, Sunlight, Shampoo, Susu Kental Manis, Teh, Gula Pasir, Ember, Gayung, masker dan Pampers Baduta. Bantuan diserahkan oleh Ketua Pelaksana Pengabdian Masyarakat kepada Kepala Desa Galumpang pada tanggal 01 April 2022 di Posko Induk Penanggulangan Bencana Desa Galumpang Kecamatan Dakopamean Kabupaten Tolitoli, Sulawesi Tengah. Masyarakat korban banjir bandang sebagai penerima manfaat telah menerima bantuan dari Civitas Akademika Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat