4 research outputs found
PENGARUH MODIFIKASI CROSSLINK TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK TEPUNG UBI JALAR SAAT DIPANASKAN: Crosslink Modification Effect on the Characteristics of Sweet Potato Flour When Heated
Sweet potato is a plant that is easy to be cultivated and very potential to be processed into flour. But the quality is still low compared to other flour especially when heated. Because it is done to improve the quality especially when heated. Modification done crosslink using sodium tripolyphosphate reagent (STPP). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of modified flour on flour characteristics when heated. Parameters used in this research are water absorption, Swelling Power, and flour solubility. The data processing used is RAL of 1 factor at the 0.05 level and further test using Duncan test. The results showed that the characteristics of flour modification is better than natural flour. The higher the concentration of STPP used, the water absorbency increases, the swelling power increases, and solubility decreases. Sweet potato flour has optimum absorption limit and optimal development on reaction process for 1 hour, and will decrease at longer reaction process..
Key words: sweet potato, sweet potato flour, modified flour, crosslink modification, STPP
Ubi jalar merupakan tanaman yang mudah dibudidayakan dan berpotensi diolah menjadi tepung, namun kualitasnya masih rendah dibandingkan dengan tepung lainnya, khususnya saat dipanaskan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya meningkatkan kualitas tepung ubi jalar terutama saat dipanaskan. Modifikasi dilakukan secara crosslink dengan pereaksi sodium tripolyfosfat (STPP). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan pengaruh modifikasi terhadap karakteristik tepung saat dipanaskan. Parameter yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah daya serap air, swelling power, dan solubillitas tepung. Pengolahan data menggunakan RAL faktorial pada taraf 0,05 dan uji lanjut menggunakan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa karateristik tepung modifikasi lebih baik daripada tepung alami. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi STPP, daya serap air meningkat, nilai swelling power meningkat, dan solubilitas menurun. Tepung ubi jalar memiliki batas optimum penyerapan serta pengembangan optimal pada reaksi selama 1 jam dengan konsenrasi STTP 3%, serta menurun pada reaksi yang lebih lama.
Kata kunci: ubi jalar, tepung ubi jalar, modifikasi pati, modifikasi crosslink, STP
The aim of this study was to produce resistant starch (RS) from a combination of acid hydrolysis and autoclaving-cooling processes of sago starch. This study compared two methods of starch modification to produce RS, i.e. (1) acid hydrolysis treatment followed by autoclaving-cooling cycles (AH-AC), and (2) autoclaving-cooling cycles followed by acid hydrolysis treatment (AC-AH). The acid hydrolysis used 1 and 2% HCl while autoclaving-cooling process consisted of three-cycle of autoclaving at 121°C for 30 min followed by cooling at 4°C for 72 hrs. Both AH-AC and AC-AH modification methods decreased starch content, altered amylose and amylopectin ratio, and increased RS contents. Both modification methods also yielded nearly flat pasting profiles at both heating and cooling phases as compared to that of native sago starch. At the same HCl concentration, the AH-AC process yielded a higher RS content than that of AC-AH. Among all treatments, the acid hydrolysis treatment using 1% HCl followed by three cycles of autoclaving-cooling process yielded the highest RS content (74.28%). The crystallinity of RS was also lower than of native sago starch, but its A crystalline type remained the same
PATI RESISTEN SAGU HASIL PROSES HIDROLISIS ASAM DAN AUTOCLAVING-COOLING [Resistant Starch of Sago from Acid Hydrolyzis and Autoclaving-Cooling Processes]
The aim of this study was to produce resistant starch (RS) from a combination of acid hydrolysis and autoclaving-cooling processes of sago starch. This study compared two methods of starch modification to produce RS, i.e. (1) acid hydrolysis treatment followed by autoclaving-cooling cycles (AH-AC), and (2) autoclaving-cooling cycles followed by acid hydrolysis treatment (AC-AH). The acid hydrolysis used 1 and 2% HCl while autoclaving-cooling process consisted of three-cycle of autoclaving at 121°C for 30 min followed by cooling at 4°C for 72 hrs. Both AH-AC and AC-AH modification methods decreased starch content, altered amylose and amylopectin ratio, and increased RS contents. Both modification methods also yielded nearly flat pasting profiles at both heating and cooling phases as compared to that of native sago starch. At the same HCl concentration, the AH-AC process yielded a higher RS content than that of AC-AH. Among all treatments, the acid hydrolysis treatment using 1% HCl followed by three cycles of autoclaving-cooling process yielded the highest RS content (74.28%). The crystallinity of RS was also lower than of native sago starch, but its A crystalline type remained the same.</p
The Effect of Sodium Tripolyphosphate and Guar Gum on Physical Characteristics of Analog Rice from Gaplek Flour
Gaplek flour is a processed product of cassava preservation abundant during the harvest season in Lampung Province. The high carbohydrate content in cassava facilitates the processing of gaplek flour into carbohydraterich food source, such as analog rice. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of adding STPP and guar gum on the formulation of analog rice made from 70% gaplek flour and 30% corn flour. Analog rice was produced using the extrusion method with a twin-screw extruder. The results showed that the addition of STPP did not affect water absorption characteristics. The solubility of rice in deep water also decreased with increasing amounts of STPP and guar gum. Meanwhile, guar gum significantly increased water absorption and reduced the solubility of rice in water. The degree of gelatinization decreased with the addition of both materials. The addition of 0.3-0.5% STPP and 0.5-2% guar gum had no significant effect on hardness, stickiness, elasticity, and cohesiveness of analog rice prepared using a cooker