580 research outputs found
Effective average action based approach to correlation functions at finite momenta
We present a truncation scheme of the effective average action approach of
the nonperturbative renormalization group which allows for an accurate
description of the critical regime as well as of correlation functions at
finite momenta. The truncation is a natural modification of the standard
derivative expansion which includes both all local correlations and two-point
and four-point irreducible correlations to all orders in the derivatives. We
discuss schemes for both the symmetric and the symmetry broken phase of the
O(N) model and present results for D=3. All approximations are done directly in
the effective average action rather than in the flow equations of irreducible
vertices. The approach is numerically relatively easy to implement and yields
good results for all N both for the critical exponents as well as for the
momentum dependence of the two-point function.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 3 table
Interplay of topology and geometry in frustrated 2d Heisenberg magnets
We investigate two-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg magnets using
non-perturbative renormalization group techniques. These magnets allow for
point-like topological defects which are believed to unbind and drive either a
crossover or a phase transition which separates a low temperature, spin-wave
dominated regime from a high temperature regime where defects are abundant. Our
approach can account for the crossover qualitatively and both the temperature
dependence of the correlation length as well as a broad but well defined peak
in the specific heat are reproduced. We find no signatures of a finite
temperature transition and an accompanying diverging length scale. Our analysis
is consistent with a rapid crossover driven by topological defects.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, final version to appear in Physical Review
Spin-wave interactions in quantum antiferromagnets
We study spin-wave interactions in quantum antiferromagnets by expressing the
usual magnon annihilation and creation operators in terms of Hermitian field
operators representing transverse staggered and ferromagnetic spin
fluctuations. In this parameterization, which was anticipated by Anderson in
1952, the two-body interaction vertex between staggered spin fluctuations
vanishes at long wavelengths. We derive a new effective action for the
staggered fluctuations only by tracing out the ferromagnetic fluctuations. To
one loop order, the renormalization group flow agrees with the
nonlinear--model approach.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; new references added; extended discussion on
vertex structure. To appear in Europhysics Letter
Functional renormalization group approach to the singlet-triplet transition in quantum dots
We present a functional renormalization group approach to the zero bias
transport properties of a quantum dot with two different orbitals and in
presence of Hund's coupling. Tuning the energy separation of the orbital
states, the quantum dot can be driven through a singlet-triplet transition. Our
approach, based on the approach by Karrasch {\em et al} which we apply to
spin-dependent interactions, recovers the key characteristics of the quantum
dot transport properties with very little numerical effort. We present results
on the conductance in the vicinity of the transition and compare our results
both with previous numerical renormalization group results and with predictions
of the perturbative renormalization group.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
Correlated versus Uncorrelated Stripe Pinning: the Roles of Nd and Zn Co-Doping
We investigate the stripe pinning produced by Nd and Zn co-dopants in
cuprates via a renormalization group approach. The two dopants play
fundamentally different roles in the pinning process. While Nd induces a
correlated pinning potential that traps the stripes in a flat phase and
suppresses fluctuations, Zn pins the stripes in a disordered manner and
promotes line meandering. We obtain the zero temperature phase diagram and
compare our results with neutron scattering data. A good agreement is found
between theory and experiment.Comment: To appear at the proceedings of the LLD2K Conference Tsukuba, July
2000, Japan. 4 pages, 2 figure
Stripe dynamics in presence of disorder and lattice potentials
We study the influence of disorder and lattice pinning on the dynamics of a
charged stripe. Starting from a phenomenological model of a discrete quantum
string, we determine the phase diagram for this system. Three regimes are
identified, the free phase, the flat phase pinned by the lattice, and the
disorder pinned phase. In the absence of impurities, the system can be mapped
onto a 1D array of Josephson junctions. The results are compared with
measurements on nickelates and cuprates and a good qualitative agreement is
found between our results and the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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