1,479 research outputs found
Combining ability analysis for seed yield and its components in sesame
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) experiments, were carried out in central Sudan during the rainy season of 2009 at two locations (Abu Naama and Sinnar). The hybridization plan consisted of seven male and seven female parents giving 49 crosses following line x tester arrangement. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The crosses and their parents were sown on the 7th of July for all the experiments at both locations. The traits measured were days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, capsule length, 1000-seed weight and seed yield. Analysis of variance revealed that genetic variability was highly significant for all the characters studied at both locations and across them. Combining ability analysis showed that additive gene effects were important for inheritance of days to 50% flowering, plant height, number of capsules/plant, number of seeds per capsule, capsule length, 1000-seed weight, days to maturity and seed yield, whereas non-additive gene effects were important for number of seeds/capsule, indicating that the inheritance of this trait is due to specific combining ability (SCA). Combining ability analysis showed that parents, L7, L5, T2, T5 and T6 were good combiners for high seed yield as well as for most of the other traits measured in this study. Assessment of SCA effects for seed yield at Abu-Namma revealed that hybrid T4 x L4 had a maximum positive SCA effect and a high per se performance followed by T2 x L2, T5 x L5 and T6 x L3, while at Sinnar T6 x L6 had the highest positive SCA effects followed by T6 xL3, T1 x L5 and T2 x L6. However T6 x L3, T1 x L5, T4 x L2 and T2 x L1 exhibited the highest SCA effects across sites. The present study suggested hybrids T6 x L3, T1 x L5 and T4 x L2 to be tested in multi-location trials for commercial utilization, while, parents L7, L5, T2 and T6 can be used in recurrent selection.
أجريت هذه التجارب في السودان أثناء الفصل الممطر عام 2009 في أبو نعامة وسنار بإتباع تحليل سلالة x مختبر line x tester analysis)) والذي شمل سبعة آباء ذكورmale parents)) وسبعة أباء اناث (female parents) معطية 49 هجيناً. أستخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات. زرعت التجارب في يوم 7 يوليو 2009 في كلا الموقعين. الصفات التي تمت دراستها شملت عدد الأيام حتى 50% إزهار، عدد الأيام حتى النضج، طول النبات، عدد الكبسولات في النبات، عدد البذور في الكبسولة، طول الكبسولة، وزن 1000 بذرة وإنتاجية البذور. أظهر تحليل التباين وجود فروق معنوية لكل الصفات المدروسة في الموقعين. أظهر تحليل القدرة علي التالف أن تأثيرات الفعل الإضافي للجين كانت أهم لتوريث صفات عدد الأيام حتى 50% إزهار، طول النبات، ارتفاع أول كبسولة، ارتفاع أول فرع، عدد الفروع في النبات، عدد الكبسولات في النبات، طول الكبسولة، عدد الأيام حتى النضج، وزن 1000 بذرة و إنتاجية البذور كما كانت تأثيرات الفعل الجيني غير الإضافي مهمة في توريث صفة عدد البذور في الكبسولة وهذه النتيجة تشير بان السيادة وتفاعلات التفوق تتحكم في تلك الصفة. أظهرت تأثيرات القدرة العامة للاتحاد إن الآباء L7 T5, T2, L5,و T6كانت الأفضل قدرة على الاتحاد لإنتاج البذور بالإضافة لأغلب الصفات الأخرى في التحليل المشترك. الهجن التي أظهرت أعلى قوة هجين في أبونعامة T5 x L5, T2 x L2, T4 x L4 وT6 x L3 ، بينما في سنار T6 x L6, T6 x L3, T2 x L6 و T1 x L5وعبر الموقعين T6 x L3, T1 x L5, ,T4xL2 وT2 x L1. وجد أن هناك ارتباطاً موجباً لإنتاجية البذور لكل من وزن 1000 بذرة ، عدد الكبسولات في النبات وعدد الأيام حتى النضج. اقترحت الدراسة الحالية إن الهجنT1 x L5, T6 x L3 وT6 x L7 لإنتاج البذور أما الآباء T4، T1 ، L6و T6 فيمكن استخدامهم في التهجين الرجع
Factors affecting Hvac system maintenance-Abu Dhabi-Uae
While HVAC maintenance is primarily a technical service, it is provided by people who work for other people, and is performed for people who own or occupy a building. A maintenance measure is only effective if technicians have the tools, skills and training to implement it properly. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems consume the largest portion of energy used in a building. Many building faults that occur during a project life cycle hugely contribute to energy loss, including: operational faults from improper installation, poor testing and commissioning, poor integration with building management systems, equipment degradation, sensor offset failures and control logic problems. They can be grouped into several categories, including: (1) control fault, (2) sensor offset, (3) equipment performance degradation, (4) fouling fault, (5) stuck fault, and others. The present study identified seven factors affected HVAC Maintenance performance that increased the energy consumption. These factors are: building design, temperature and humidity sensors, condition of HVAC Units, rules and regulations, engagement with stakeholders and allocation of budgets. Questionnaires were distributed to 150 participants: designers, facility managers and maintenance experts working in companies in Abu Dhabi. Exploratory data analysis using descriptive statistics was used to measure which of the above factors are more important and have significant effects on HVAC maintenance performance and increased the energy consumption. The results showed that the most important factors affecting HVAC system maintenance are: the HVAC system, the building design, and the engagement with stakeholders, in that order
Optimizing the density of waste materials in landfills by proper compaction prolongs the facility life due to the efficient use of landfill airspace. Cement kiln dust (CKD) is a waste by-product produced in huge amounts which exceeds the used quantities in the cement recycling industry and beneficial CKD applications. The vast amount of CKD is almost landfilled in its loose state in Egypt which causes a big loss in landfill airspace due to the low density of CKD. The hydraulic binder effect and dusty behavior of reactive CKD complicates its compaction process. Accordingly, this research was performed to investigate CKD compaction properties with three types of lubricants, which are potable water, salt water and waste oil. Maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture content (OMC) for these lubricant types and different wetting methods were investigated in order to improve the landfill air space utilization and to reduce the dusty effect of CKD during compaction. The effect of immediate compaction after wetting and the effect of compaction delay by allowing CKD to hydrate initially for a certain period were studied. Compaction energy and methods of the wetting of CKD either by full submergence in water or prewetting were tested. The maximum weights of a disposed CKD and durations required to fill an intended landfill air space for different CKD conditions, lubricant types and compaction methods were presented for a case study in Ain Sokhna, Egypt.Optimiziranje gustoće otpadnih materijala na odlagalištima pravilnim zbijanjem produljuje vijek trajanja objekta zahvaljujući učinkovitom korištenju odlagališnog prostora. Prašina iz peći za dobivanje cementa (PDC) je otpadni nusproizvod koji nastaje u velikim količinama koje znatno premašuju količine materijala koji se može reciklirati u cementnoj industriji i korisno upotrijebiti na druge načine. Velika količina PDC-a u Egiptu se odlaže na odlagališta u rastresitom stanju, što uzrokuje veliki gubitak odlagališnog prostora zbog niske gustoće PDC-a. Učinak hidrauličkog veziva i ponašanje reaktivnog PDC-a kao prašinastog materijala komplicira proces njegovog zbijanja. U skladu s tim, ovo je istraživanje provedeno kako bi se ispitala svojstva zbijanja PDC-a s tri vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata pitka voda, slana voda i otpadno ulje. Maksimalna suha gustoća i optimalni sadržaj vlage ispitani su za te vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata i za različite metode vlaženja kako bi se poboljšala iskorištenost odlagališnog prostora i smanjio negativni učinak PDC-a tijekom zbijanja. Proučavani su učinak neposrednog zbijanja nakon vlaženja i učinak odgode zbijanja dopuštanjem PDC-u da se inicijalno hidratizira tijekom određenog razdoblja, a zatim odradi zbijanje. Ispitana je energija zbijanja i metode vlaženja PDC-a potpunim uranjanjem u fluid ili prethodnim vlaženjem. Prezentirane su maksimalne težine odloženog PDC-a i vrijeme potrebno za ispunjavanje predviđenog odlagališnog prostora za različite PDC uvjete, vrste ovlaživača/lubrikanata i metode zbijanja za studiju slučaja Ain Sokhna u Egiptu
There is a direct relationship between climate change and carob seed germination, particularly in areas where carob is native, such as Libya. It is important to study the germination process and response of carob seeds to the anticipated temperature increase. Information regarding the general effects of rising global temperatures on seed germination is currently scarce. By investigating the ecophysiology of germination performance in carob, a sclerophyllous Mediterranean species, this work seeks to close this information gap. The study concentrated on a wild carob genotype that was cultivated in Balagrae, Al-Bayda, in the Libyan region of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar. The primary goals were to examine the germination responses of seeds from various individual trees at the same site and evaluate the impact of anticipated temperature change on carob seed germination characteristics. This study is the first to document the relationship between temperature rise in the Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region and carob seed germination. However, given the eco-physiological features, more investigation is required to completely comprehend how carob seed germination reacts to projected temperature rise on a bigger scale. The consequences of rising global temperatures on seed germination in general are not well understood. We can forecast potential changes in flora as a result of climate change and improve our understanding of C. siliqua's distribution by gathering data on the factors influencing carob seed germination. It is acknowledged that carob is a natural species in the Mediterranean area. It is clear that several tree species with a broad regional distribution, such as carob, have evolved unique geographic variants. These differences correlate with physiological characteristics such growth season duration, photoperiod requirements, and resistance to cold, drought, and illnesses. These mutations have adapted to certain habitats through natural selection throughout time, which makes them less successful when transferred to other ecosystems. Via the seeds, these genetic variations are inherited. In the event that local seeds are unavailable, it is therefore advantageous to use seeds from a source close by or from a region with a comparable climate and latitude. Furthermore, three different trees' seeds from the same site were the subject of our investigation. Expanding the study to include more trees from both the same and different places might be beneficial. As seen by variations in growth rate, wood density, turpentine yield, and other characteristics, even trees of the same species growing near to one another can differ genetically and physiologically. The fact that these characteristics are frequently passed down through seeds to progeny highlights how crucial it is to choose seed trees for nursery planting with care. Superior trees usually produce heterozygous offspring with a variety of advantageous features
False positive detection rate of R2-CAD in evaluation of breast lesions at Full-Field-Digital Mammogram (FFDM)
Introduction: Interpretation of mammogram is a challenging task and the performance level of readers is known to vary widely between general radiologist and breast imaging experts. R2-CAD is a software-based system to identify regions of the mammogram with suspicious features and to draw the reader’s attention to these areas and decide whether they are genuinely abnormal. It has been available for several years with FDA Approval and was recently brought to our centre with the use of FFDM.
Method: This is a retrospective study of cases from January 2008 until May 2008. We collected all 191 cases of mammogram with R2-CAD highlighted lesion during this period. The images were traced and reviewed. The CAD-prompt lesion was documented and correlation with supplementary imaging, FNAC or biopsy was done to conclude the CAD-prompt lesion.
R2-CAD highlighted calcification in 41 patients (21.5%), lump in 122 patients (63.9%) and both calcification and lump in 28 patients (14.7%). The R2-CAD detected malignant lesions in 13 patients (6.8%), benign lesions in 67 patients (35.1%) and normal breast tissue (false positive) in 111 patients (58.1%)
R2-CAD has a high false positive rate and low detection rate for malignant lesions. As such, it should be used as an aid not the first line mammographic interpretation
The Association of High Prevalence of Trophozoites in Peripheral Blood with Lower Antibody Response to P. falciparum
Background. The most prominent variant surface antigens (VSAs) of Plasmodium falciparum are the var gene-encoded Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) family, which serves as a parasite-sequestering ligand to endothelial cells. In this study we have examined the antibody reactivity of autologous plasma from symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria infected children against the infected erythrocytes’ surface antigens using flow cytometry. Methods. Ethidium-bromide-labelled erythrocytic mature forms of P. falciparum parasites obtained from symptomatic and asymptomatic children were sequentially incubated with autologous plasma and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated (FITC) antihuman IgG. Plasma antibody reactivity was detected by flow cytometry. Results. Asymptomatic children had more prevalence of trophozoites in peripheral blood (66%) compared to symptomatic children (16%), p=0.002. The mean percentage of infected RBCs reacting with autologous sera was 89.78 among symptomatic children compared to 79.62 among asymptomatic children (p=0.09). Moreover, the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) in the asymptomatic was significantly higher compared to symptomatic children (p value = 0.040). Conclusion. Variant surface antigens on Plasmodium falciparum infected RBCs from symptomatic malaria children tend to be better recognized by IgG antibodies. This may suggest a role of some IgG antibodies in severity of malaria
New CG-Algorithms for the nonquadratic model
In this paper we have investigate a new class of conjugate gradient algorithms for unconstrained non- linear optimization which employ inexact line searches and designed for general use. Some theoretical results are investigated which ensure the local convergence of the new proposed algorithms and they compared numerically with the standard HS-CG algorithm(Hestenes & Stiefel ,1952) using a number of test functions for the dimensions between 2 to 400 with some promising numerical results
Factors influencing the total factor productivity growth of maize production in Nigeria
The study analyzed the maize Total Factor Productivity growth using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based on Malmquist Index in Nigerian. Factors that affect maize total factor productivity growth were also identified using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The study used secondary annual data for the period from 1971- 2010 in order to attain the objective. The result revealed that for the forty-year period of maize production the mean value of TFP was 1.004. This implied a maize total factor productivity growth of 0.4%. In the period of study, the result showed that, the country had registered the total factor productivity growth of ≥ 1.00 that stood at 43.6%. While 56.4% of the time studied the country had a decrease in maize total factor productivity growth, and that confirmed inputs growth rather than an output growth. From 1971-1975 on average the country registered a regress in total factor productivity growth by -3.5%.However, from 1986-1990 the country had on average registered maize productivity growth of 3.7%. The result further showed that from 1991-1995 the country had on average experienced a 35.7% growth in maize productivity in the country. A double digits productivity growth of 33.4% is also exhibited for the period from 2006-2010.For the determinants of maize total factor productivity growth, research and development spending, net value of production, fertilizer price and labor were identified to have a significant influence on total factor productivity growth .It was recommended that, expanding scope of research and development, net value of production and labor use will help to raise maize productivity growth in the country. Also price of production inputs like fertilizer should be part of government policy priorities
Mental Health Problems and Sociodemographic Correlates in Elderly Medical Inpatients in a University Hospital in Egypt
Background. Depression and cognitive impairment are two common mental and public health problems especially among elderly. In this study, we determined the prevalence of these problems and their associations with sociodemographic factors among hospitalized elderly in Egypt. To achieve this, 200 elderly medical inpatients were included in this cross-sectional study. Methods. Comprehensive geriatric assessment was done for every participant. Sociodemographic variables were assessed by interviews with patients and their family members. Depressive symptoms were screened for by the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and the presence of depressive symptoms was defined as a GDS score of ≥6. Cognitive impairment was assessed by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Scale, and cognitive impairment was defined as a MMSE score of ≤23 out of a total score of 30. Results. The prevalence of both depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment was 72% and 30%, respectively. Significant associations were noticed between each of depressive symptoms and cognitive impairment, and low income and advancing age (), respectively. Other associations were insignificant. Conclusions. The findings of this study may be an alarm for health authorities and staffs involved in elderly care to increase their awareness of social and mental health problems among the elderly
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