17 research outputs found
Kerukunan Keluarga Sulawesi Selatan (Kkss) sebagai Forum Komunikasi dalam Penyelesain Konflik Etnis di Kota Palu
This study aims to: 1) understanding the function of KKSS as a forum for communication in the resolution of ethnic conflicts of Bugis and Kaili in Palu city, 2) understanding the factors that support and inhibit KKSS as a forum of communication in the resolution of ethnic conflicts of Bugis and Kaili in Palu city.Data collection used interviews, observation, documentation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data was analysed using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques.The result showed that in the resolution of the conflict between Bugis and Kaili in Palu, KKSS Palu used group communication and interpersonal commnunication. In addition, the role of community leaders in resolving the conflict of Bugis-Kaili is also very influential. Barriers that is faced by the KKSS of Palu can be overcome by good communications between KKSS committee, local government and community leaders of Bugis and Kaili
Framing Media Terkait Polemik Pengesahan Qanun Bendera dan Lambang Aceh
Framing is the way in which the reality constructed by media. This research aimed to investigative and analyze the framing and the siding of the polemic about the legalization of the Flag Qanun and Logogram of Aceh. The research used the qualitative method with the framing analysis approach the text of the online news website were analyzed using Gamson and Modigliani model, which refers to a frame consisting of two supporting elements, namely the framing devices and the reasoning devices. The research objects were two online news websites; Kompas.com and Antaranews.com. The total sample frames comprised 56 pieces of news from the two online news website in three mounthstime from March through May 2013. The research results revealed that the two websites considered the polemic about the Flag Qanun and Logogram of Aceh important because there was a news value in it. The framing substance used by two online news websites was the same, i.e. the Flag Qanun and Logogram of Aceh was inconstitutional and therefore had to be revised. Such a framing had an implication that the media took side with the groups who were against the Flag Qanun and Logogram of Aceh
Pengungkapan Diri Anggota Pasukan Inong Balee dalam Komunikasi dan Integrasi dengan Masyarakat Pasca Konflik Bersenjata di Kabupaten Aceh Besar Provinsi Aceh
This research aimed to investigate (1) the self-disclosure of the members of Inong Balee force in their involvement in GAM armed force during the time of armed conflict in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province, (2) the communication pattern and interaction between the members of Inong Balee force and the community, and (3) the integration process between the members of Inong Balee force and te community.The research was conducted in Aceh Besar regency, Aceh Province using the qualitative research. The research subjects consisted of 9 ex-members of Inong Balee force and 6 members of the community, who were chosen using the purpusive sampling technique and the showball manner. The data collection was carried out using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were further analyzed using Miles and Huberman\u27s interactive model analysis.The research result revealed that the self-disclosure of the members of Inong Balee force in their involvement with GAM force was basically either attracted or self-interested since the Inong Balee force were recruited for the independence of Aceh. The patterns of communication and interaction were more open and therefore they were free to communicate and share information and more experience they acquired. Even atfer the armed conflict, the active members of Inong Balee force still gathered with their compatriots in GAM; hence they still had had leaders or commandants. As for the integration between the community and the members of Inong Balee force still run well; no obstruction felt in joining in doing their daily activities. This good integration was supported by their sacrifices and understanding each other. The sense of unity in life was still felt by Aceh community
Peran Pemuka Pendapat (Opinion Leader) Dalam Memelihara Kedamaian Di Tengah Konflik Horizontaldi Desa Wayame Ambon.pdf
Wayame is the only village in the city of Ambon, which is not affected by horizontal conflicts in Ambon, although heterogeneous society consisting of two large community of Muslims and Christians. This study aims to determine the role of opinion leaders in maintaining peace in the middle of the horizontal conflict in Ambon city Wayame village and know the factors that cause Wayame villagers not involved in horizontal conflicts in Ambon. Data collection techniques in this study using in-depth interviews (depth Interview). Analysis of the data in this study using the interactive model analysis of Miles and Huberman which includes the step of data reduction, data presentation and verification of the data or conclusions withdrawal. From these results it can be concluded that in maintaining peace in the middle of the horizontal conflict in Ambon, then the opinion leaders (opinion leader) in the village of Wayame attempt to commit an act that involves many parties in the village Wayame. Actions of opinion leaders (opinion leaders) are seen in: a) forming TEAM 20, b) build partnerships with the community Wayame, c) coordinating with security, d) coordinate with neighboring Villages and Religious Institutions, and e) peace efforts in neighboring villages about the importance of peace. Fifth roles performed above Wayame be decisive for the community in maintaining peace and tranquility in the middle of horizontal conflicts in Ambon. The factors that cause people Wayame not in conflict, namely: a) the commitment of opinion leaders (opinion leaders) with the community, b) the handling of TEAM 20, c) the communication channel, d) the application of local laws and penalties, e ) the awareness and support of the community,, f) the regular meetings, and g) the peaceful market