37 research outputs found

    Non-universal Scaling of Thermoelectric Efficiency in 3D and 2D Thermoelectric Semiconductors

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    We performed the first-principles calculation on common thermoelectric semiconductors Bi2Te3\rm Bi_2Te_3, Bi2Se3\rm Bi_2Se_3, SiGe\rm SiGe, and PbTe\rm PbTe in bulk three-dimension (3D) and two-dimension (2D). We found that miniaturization of materials does not generally increase the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZTZT) according to the Hicks and Dresselhaus (HD) theory. For example, ZTZT values of 2D PbTe \rm PbTe (0.32) and 2D SiGe \rm SiGe (0.04) are smaller than their 3D counterparts (0.49 and 0.09, respectively). Meanwhile, the ZTZT values of 2D Bi2Te3\rm Bi_2Te_3 (0.57) and 2D Bi2Se3\rm Bi_2Se_3 (0.43) are larger than the bulks (0.54 and 0.18, respectively), which agree with HD theory. The HD theory breakdown occurs because the band gap and band flatness of the materials change upon dimensional reduction. We found that flat bands give a larger electrical conductivity (σ\sigma) and electronic thermal conductivity (κel\kappa_{el}) in 3D materials, and smaller values in 2D materials. In all cases, maximum ZTZT values increase proportionally with the band gap and saturate for the band gap above 10 kBT10\ k_BT. The 2D Bi2Te3Bi_2Te_3 and Bi2Se3Bi_2Se_3 obtain a higher ZTZT due to the flat corrugated bands and narrow peaks in their DOS. Meanwhile, the 2D PbTe violates HD theory due to the flatter bands it exhibits, while 2D SiGe possesses a small gap Dirac-cone band.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Fermi energy dependence of first- and second-order Raman spectra in graphene: Kohn anomaly and quantum interference effect

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    Intensity of the first- and the second-order Raman spectra are calculated as a function of the Fermi energy. We show that the Kohn anomaly effect, i.e., phonon frequency renormalization, in the first-order Raman spectra originates from the phonon renormalization by the interband electron-hole excitation, whereas in the second-order Raman spectra, a competition between the interband and intraband electron-hole excitations takes place. By this calculation, we confirm the presence of different dispersive behaviors of the Raman peak frequency as a function of the Fermi energy for the first- and the second-order Raman spectra, as observed in experiments. Moreover, the calculated results of the Raman intensity sensitively depend on the Fermi energy for both the first- and the second-order Raman spectra. These results thus also show the importance of quantum interference effect phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    The quest and hope of Majorana zero modes in topological superconductor for fault-tolerant quantum computing: an introductory overview

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    Ettore Majorana, in his short life, unintendedly has uncovered the most profound problem in quantum computation by his discovery of Majorana fermion, a particle which is its own anti-particle. Owing to its non-Abelian exchange statistics, Majorana fermions may act as a qubit for a universal quantum computer which is fault-tolerant. The existence of such particle is predicted in mid-gap states (zero modes) of a topological superconductor as bound states that have a highly entangled degenerate ground state. This introductory overview will focus on the simplest theoretical proposals of Majorana fermions for topological quantum computing in superconducting systems, emphasizing the quest from the scalability problem of quantum computer to its possible solution with topological quantum computer employing non-Abelian anyons on various platforms of certain Majorana fermion signature encountered.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, The 4th International Seminar on Metallurgy and Materials (ISMM) 2020 Indonesian Institute of Sciences; typos correcte

    Breit-Wigner-Fano lineshapes in Raman spectra of graphene

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    Excitation of electron-hole pairs in the vicinity of the Dirac cone by the Coulomb interaction gives rise to an asymmetric Breit-Wigner-Fano lineshape in the phonon Raman spectra in graphene. This asymmetric lineshape appears due to the interference effect between the phonon spectra and the electron-hole pair excitation spectra. The calculated Breit-Wigner-Fano asymmetric factor 1/qBWF as a function of the Fermi energy shows a V-shaped curve with a minimum value at the charge neutrality point and gives good agreement with the experimental result.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Origin of electronic Raman scattering and the Fano resonance in metallic carbon nanotubes

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    Fano resonance spectra for the G band in metallic carbon nanotubes are calculated as a function of laser excitation energy in which the origin of the resonance is given by an interference between the continuous electronic Raman spectra and the discrete phonon spectra. We found that the second-order scattering process of the non-zero q electron-electron interaction is more relevant to the continuous spectra rather than the q = 0 first-order process because the q = 0 direct Coulomb interaction vanishes due to the symmetry of the two sublattices of a nanotube. We also show that the RBM spectra of metallic carbon nanotubes have an asymmetric line shape which previously had been overlooked.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letters on February 4, 201

    Long-lived domain wall plasmons in gapped bilayer graphene

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    Topological domain walls in dual-gated gapped bilayer graphene host edge states that are gate- tunable and valley polarized. Here we predict that plasmonic collective modes can propagate along these topological domain walls even at zero bulk density, and possess a markedly different character from that of bulk plasmons. Strikingly, domain wall plasmons are extremely long-lived, with plasmon lifetimes that can be orders of magnitude larger than the transport scattering time in the bulk. While most pronounced at low temperatures, long domain wall plasmon lifetimes persist even at room temperature with values up to a few picoseconds. Domain wall plasmons possess a rich phenomenology including a wide range of frequencies (up to the mid-infrared), tunable sub-wavelength electro-magnetic confinement lengths, as well as a valley polarization for forward/backward propagating modes. Its unusual features render them a new tool for realizing low-dissipation plasmonics that transcend the restrictions of the bulk