87 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted in December 2020 at the village of Pasir Panjang, West Kotawaringin Regency, the method used in this research was the survey method. This research uses a qualitative approach, with data analysis techniques used are interviews and observation. The research subjects were determined purvosively, namely: (1). The leaders and responsibilities of the TPA, (2). Community members. Based on the description of the research data, the following can be concluded: Waste management in this Long Sand Translik landfill uses sanitary landfill methods.Waste management in this TPA Translik Pasir Panjang is: 1). Transportation of waste, 2). Sanitary landfill process in Long Sand Translic Landfill, namely: Storage zone, Work surface, Waste demolition, Driver, spread, and leveling of waste, Soil cover, Lindi Management, Lindi Processing, Lindi Resiculation, Gas Processing, and Gas Control. The composition of the waste in the TPA is dominated by 50% organic waste, 8% paper waste, 1% glass waste, 15% plastic waste, 2% metal waste, 2% wood waste, 2% cloth waste, 1% rubber waste, and 19% other waste. The impact of waste management at the TPA Translik is in empowering local communities, especially for scavengers or collectors. Negative impact of this TPA, there have been no complaints from the local community about the smell or things related to waste management at the TPA Transli


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    Aqiqah Ritual in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng Subdistrict, Gowa Regency has several series outside of the aqiqah implementation that should be, so research This aims to determine the process of the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency and to know the Da'wah message in the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency. The results of this study indicate that there are five aqiqah implementation processes in Kalemandalle Village, namely, slaughtering goats, Barzanji, giving names, cutting children's hair and providing jajjakkang. As for those containing the message of da'wah in the implementation of aqiqah there are three processes namely, slaughtering goats, cutting hair, and giving names. All three processes are recommendations of the Prophet Muhammad. As for the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, which is merely a tradition, does not contain the message of preaching, but is only limited to customary messages.Aqiqah Ritual in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng Subdistrict, Gowa Regency has several series outside of the aqiqah implementation that should be, so research This aims to determine the process of the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency and to know the Da'wah message in the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency. The results of this study indicate that there are five aqiqah implementation processes in Kalemandalle Village, namely, slaughtering goats, Barzanji, giving names, cutting children's hair and providing jajjakkang. As for those containing the message of da'wah in the implementation of aqiqah there are three processes namely, slaughtering goats, cutting hair, and giving names. All three processes are recommendations of the Prophet Muhammad. As for the implementation of aqiqah in Kalemandalle Village, West Bajeng District, Gowa Regency, which is merely a tradition, does not contain the message of preaching, but is only limited to customary messages

    Pergolakan Politik Umat Islam: Studi atas Kondisi Sosial Politik Pasca Ustman Ibn Affan

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    Buku ini pada dasarnya disusun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para peminat akan referensi Sejarah Peradaban Islam dibidang kajian sejarah dan dinamika politik umat Islam. Namun demikian, membaca buku ini dari awal sampai akhir, tidak berarti keseluruhan pembahasan kajian politik pasca Ustman ibn Affan tersaji secara tuntas, karena apa yang dipaparkan dalam buku ini merupakan sebagian kecil saja dari keseluruhan pembahasan dinamika internal umat Islam pasca Ustma

    Menyusuri Jejak Historis Kedatuan Sawitto di Pesisir Barat Jazirah Sulawesi Abad XVI-XVII

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    Tom Pires adalah seorang yang berkebangsaan Portugis yang mengunjungi Malaka pada tahun 1512 M dan menyusun sebuah buku tentang Nusantara yang berjudul “Suma Oriental” yang menyatakan bahwa di Celebes (Sulawesi Selatan) terdapat lima puluh raja. Berangkat dari keterangan Suma Oriental tersebut, yang merupakan kepustakaan Eropa tertua tentang Nusantara khususnya tentang Sulawesi Selatan, bisa dipahami bahwa di Sulawesi Selatan terdapat lima puluh kerajaan lokal pada abad XVI M. Di antara kerajaan-kerajaan tersebut adalah kedatuan Sawitto yang pernah mengalami kejayaan, memegang supremasi politik di pesisir barat pulau Sulawesi pada abad XVI M, sebelum kemunculan Gowa sebagai kerajaan terkuat di Sulawesi. Kejayaan kedatuan Sawitto masih terekam di dalam naskah-naskah lontarak. Bahkan, dalam sejarah kristenisasi di Sulawesi Selatan atas usaha orang Portugis, kawasan Suppa dan Sawitto menjadi daerah tujuan awal untuk dikristenkan oleh bangsa Portugis baru ke daerah Makassar (Tallo) dan wilayah lain di kawasan Sulawesi Selatan. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa dalam pandangan orang Portugis wilayah setempat memiliki potensi yang penting dibandingkan wilayah tetangganya khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi dan politik

    Bureaucracy of The Sambas Sultanate During The Dutch Colonial Period (1818-1942)

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     This study aims to describe the enforcement of colonial power in Sambas Sultanate and to analyze the influence of the colonial bureaucratic system on changes in the bureaucratic system in Sambas Sultanate. This study uses a multidisciplinary approach namely the historical approach as the main approach assisted by social science approaches such as sociological, political, anthropological, and economic approaches. The method used is a historical method that includes four steps namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that the establishment of colonial rule in Sambas Sultanate began with an agreement of friendship and fellowship in 1818, continued with the abolition of the Chinese Kongsis, and prevented the expansion of British power. The implementation of the colonial bureaucracy that had led to modernization then influenced changes in the bureaucratic system in Sambas Sultanate, including changes in the administrative area, the implementation of governance with an ambivalent government system (direct and indirect government systems) and the recruitment of officials adjusted to colonial interest. The ambivalent nature of the bureaucracy aims to maintain the hegemony and position of the Dutch colonial as a superstructure. As a result, there was a patron-client relationship between colonial and traditional governments.تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى وصف تطبيق القوة الاستعمارية في سلطنة سامباس وتحليل تأثير النظام البيروقراطي الاستعماري على التغيرات في النظام البيروقراطي في سلطنة سامباس .تستخدم هذه الدراسة نهجًا متعدد التخصصات هو النهج التاريخي باعتباره النهج الرئيسي الذي تدعمه مناهج العلوم الاجتماعية مثل النهج الاجتماعي والنهج السياسي والنهج الأنثروبولوجي والنهج الاقتصادي .الطريقة المستخدمة هي طريقة تاريخية تتضمن أربع خطوات هي الاستدلال، التحقق، التفسير والتأريخ. أظهرت النتائج أن إقامة الحكم الاستعماري في سلطنة سامباس بدأ بمعاهدة الصداقة والزمالة عام 1818 ، تلاه إلغاء المجتمعات الصينية ومنع توسع السلطة البريطانية. أثر تطبيق البيروقراطية الاستعمارية التي أدت إلى التحديث على التغييرات في النظام البيروقراطي في سلطنة سامباس، بما في ذلك التغييرات في المجال الإداري، وتنفيذ الحكومة بنظام حكومي متناقض (أنظمة حكومية مباشرة وغير مباشرة) وتجنيد المسؤولين الذين تم تعديلهم حسب الأذواق الاستعمارية. تهدف الطبيعة المتناقضة للبيروقراطية إلى الحفاظ على هيمنة ومكان الاستعمار الهولندي كبنية فوقية .ونتيجة لذلك، توجد علاقة راعية-عميل بين الحكومتين الاستعمارية والتقليدية. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penegakan kekuasaan kolonial di Kesultanan Sambas dan menganalisis pengaruh sistem birokrasi kolonial terhadap perubahan sistem birokrasi di Kesultanan Sambas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan multidisipliner yaitu pendekatan historis sebagai pendekatan utama dibantu dengan pendekatan ilmu-ilmu sosial seperti pendekatan sosiologis, politik, antropologis dan ekonomi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis mencakup empat langkah yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan kekuasaan kolonial di Kesultanan Sambas dimulai dengan perjanjian persahabatan dan persekutuan tahun 1818, dilanjutkan dengan menghapus Kongsi-kongsi Cina dan mencegah perluasan kekuasaan Inggris. Pelaksanaan birokrasi kolonial yang sudah mengarah ke modernisasi kemudian mempengaruhi perubahan sistem birokrasi di Kesultanan Sambas antara lain perubahan wilayah administrasi, pelaksanaan pemerintahan dengan sistem pemerintahan yang bersifat ambivalent (sistem pemerintahan secara langsung dan tidak langsung) dan rekrutmen pejabat disesuaikan selera kolonial. Sifat birokrasi yang ambivalent tersebut bertujuan untuk mempertahankan hegemoni dan kedudukan kolonial Belanda sebagai superstructure. Akibatnya terjalin hubungan patron-client antara pemerintah kolonial dan tradisional


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    This article discusses the development of Judaism in European and the history of the Arab-Jewish conflict. Researchers in this case uses qualitative methods by collecting library data. The historical approach is an alternative research in tracing the traces of Jews in Europe and the beginning of the Arab-Jewish conflict. The author comes to the conclusion that a change of power, conquest, war has brought the Jewish nation to the pain of continuing suffering. Get discriminatory treatment to be the lowest class and intolerance treatment from the authorities who control the area where they settled. The unfair treatment they received from the authorities until 70 AD when the Jews under Roman rule broke out but ended in failure and caused damage to their own diei. The Temple of Solomon which was the center of their religious worship in Jerusalem was destroyed. These conditions caused the Jewish people to scatter to the outside world which became known as The Great Diaspora

    The Existence of Makka Keke’s Belief System in Gantarang, Selayar

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    The impurity of Islam understood by most Indonesian Muslims at the beginning of dissemination constitutes to a form of adaptation through assimilation between Islam and local tradition that animism  and dynamism are found,  so that the Indonesian Muslims show things that are contrary with principles of Islam, especially those are related to the principles of Islamic’s theology that rejects all forms of musyrik and khurafat. The sinkretisme happens and experiences over all archipelago in general and continues to be-so, at least before some Islamic reform movement is present as neutralizing the situation. The existences of Islamic reform movements are not able to eliminate the ongoing process of acculturation. There is no much efforts provided considering that all movements in colonial period are limited. It is only at the time of Indonesia's independence that is all movements by reformist and traditional ulama are in move to act the upheaval including those take place in Selayar with Makka Keke’s belief system in the village of Gantarang

    Islam and Politics: The Basic Propaganda of The Islamic State by Masyumi in Selayar

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    The purpose of this study is (i) to describe the struggle of Islam and politics (the basic debate of the state) as an initial analysis, (ii) the basic propaganda of the state based on Islam (the implementation of Islamic teachings and laws in the life of a person, society, state) as the goal of the party. Masyumi, (iii) the basic propaganda of the Islamic state by Masyumi in Selayar. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analytic research. This research focuses on the Selayar area, which became the site of the campaign carried out by Masyumi in 1950. This research uses historical research steps that are generally carried out, starting with Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The research uses a religious, social and political theory approach. The results of this study indicate that (i) there are different views among Islamic scholars in responding to political positions in Islam, (ii) Masyumi is an Islamic party that fights for Islam as a foundation in personal, community and state life through the constituent line (iii) Massive propaganda The basis of an Islamic state carried out by Masjumi cadres in Selayar has become a real thing in sharpening its influence to local level politics (Selayar). The implications of this research are expected to be able to provide insight regarding Masyumi's activities in achieving its goals. In addition, this research is expected to be the first step in revealing further the turbulence of thinking about the ideal state basis at that time

    Menelusuri Sejarah Islam di Pakistan: Eksplorasi Ide Pembaharuan Muhammad Ali Jinnah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri sejarah Islam di Pakistan dan mengkaji ide-ide reformasi yang diusung Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti mengkaji visi Muhammad Ali Jinnah tentang negara Islam modern, serta gagasan reformasi sosial, politik, dan budaya yang dianutnya. Peneliti menganalisis dampak ide-ide tersebut terhadap perkembangan Pakistan sebagai negara Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi tinjauan pustaka, pemetaan sejarah, analisis dokumen, dan interpretasi data. Investigasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang sejarah Islam di Pakistan dan kontribusi Muhammad Ali Jinnah terhadap modernisasi dan reformasi di negara tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peran besar dari Muhammad Ali Jinnah dalam sejarah Islam di Pakistan, dan memberikan relevansi dan implementasi gagasan reformasi dalam membentuk identitas bangsa. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai tokoh dan peristiwa berpengaruh dalam sejarah dan perkembangan Islam di Pakistan

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Pelaku Wisata Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Wisatawan Mancanegara Di Taman Nasional Tanjung Puting, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat

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    Indonesian tourism in 2019 provided the second largest contribution after CPO in providing foreign exchange. With this development, currently various regions in Indonesia are developing tourism, one of which is in West Kotawangin Regency with the Tanjung Puting National Plant (TNTP) destination. To develop regional tourism, extra services are needed by tourism actors such as guides, Klotok, food and so on in order to provide satisfaction for both foreign tourists (tourists) and domestic tourists (Wisnus). Therefore, this study aims to 1) determine the effect of the quality of tour kelotok services, on the satisfaction level of foreign tourists visiting Tanjung Puting National Park. 2) Knowing the effect of the quality of tour guide services on the level of satisfaction of foreign tourists visiting Tanjung Puting National Park. 3) Knowing the effect of the quality of food and baverage services on the level of satisfaction of foreign tourists visiting the Tanjung Put National Park. and 4) Knowing the effect of hotel service quality on the level of satisfaction of foreign tourists visiting Tanjung Puting National Park. The research method used. in this research is quantitative with data analysis using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of the study show that the service quality of tourist services has an effect on the level of satisfaction of foreign tourists, both tour group services, guide services, food and baverage services and hotel services as a whole (simultaneously) have an effect of 60.1% on the level satisfaction of foreign tourists