6 research outputs found

    Manajemen Portalmakassar.com dalam Menjaga Kredibilitas sebagai Media Online Terverifikasi Dewan Pers

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    Portalmakassar.com adalah media online yang sudah terverfikasi Dewan Pers sejak2019. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana manajemen Portalmakassar.com dalammenjaga kredibilitas sebagai media online yang terverifikasi Dewan Pers. Penelitian inidilakukan dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkanbahwa Portalmakassar.com tetap berkomitmen dan konsisten mematuhi rambu-rambu kodeetik jurnalistik sebagai komitmen menjaga kredibilitas sebagai media online yang terverifikasiDewan Pers


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    Memasuki era informasi dan tekhnologi, sistem informasi dan pengendalian internal merupakan dua variabel yang sangat menentukan kualitas laporan keuangan. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena penyajian laporan keuangan didukung oleh sistem yang mempercepat input informasi kemudian dibarengi dengan pengendalian untuk melahirkan laporan keuangan yang berkualitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem informasi akuntansi dan pengendalian internal terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan melakukan regresi linear dan metode survei kepada 30 responden yang merupakan karyawan Bosowa Group Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara sistem informasi akuntansi yang digunakan dan system pengendalian internal yang diberlakukan terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan

    Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi Anggaran Pemerintah di Era Covid-19 Pada Website Pemerintah Daerah Se-Indonesia

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    This study tries to analyze the accountability and transparency of local government budgets throughout Indonesia, during the Covid-19 period, through their official website. This research then used an indicator-based content analysis that has been commonly used to measure accountability and transparency practices through local government websites while still adapting them to the local Indonesian context. This study shows the low level of accountability and transparency of local government budgets, especially about the re-focusing budget for the COVID- 19 response. It is suspected that this result is caused by (1) weak public pressure on the government, (2) the absence of standards that have law consequences governing the pattern of local government accountability on their official websites, (3) the uneven social-education-technology order of Indonesian society, especially in the regions of central and eastern Indonesia which are far behind. Therefore, there is no good community structure that can optimally oversee government accountability and transparency in all regions in Indonesia. Finally, this study suggests that the provincial government to district/city governments should pay more attention to accountability and transparency related to the budget as a form of government accountability by inviting the public to oversee these activities actively. This research is then expected to fill the discussion of accountability and transparency issues in the current government study literature

    Nilai Budaya Lamaholot dalam Penentuan Harga Jual Kain Tenun Ikat: Studi pada Kelompok Perempuan Penenun “Tene Tuen” di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    This study aims to reveal the practice of determining the selling price of woven cloth in a women's weaver group called "Tene Tuen". This research was conducted from July to August 2021 through interviews with leaders of the women weaver group. This study used the qualitative method with a descriptive approach as a research method and collected data by using interviews, direct observation, and documentation. This study found that the concept of formulating the selling price set by the (sellers) informants was not only formed by material values but also contained cultural and justice values with a holistic philosophy. In the end, the selling price determined by the tene tuen group seeks to create prosperity and justice for all parties

    Towards Indonesia halal tourism

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    The background of this research is the increasingly halal phenomenon of halal tourism development. This study aims to determine and criticize the nature of halal tourism and know the indicators that can be used to measure the happiness of a kosher tourist destination. The research method used in this research is qualitative method. This study concludes that there has been a change in the nomenclature of sharia tourism into halal tourism. The concept of halal tourism has principles derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah. At the beginning of its development in 2013, the Ministry of Tourism with DSN-MUI has determined the criteria of halal tourism that includes nine principles, namely the benefit of the ummah; enlightenment, refreshment and tranquility; avoid idolatry, khurafat and immoral; maintaining the behavior, ethics and noble values of humanity; maintaining trust, safety and comfort; universal and inclusive; preserving the environment; and respect for sociocultural values and local wisdo

    Model of sharia compliance on developing tourism industry in Indonesia

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    The trend of sharia tourism development is increasing. Muslim tourists from Indonesia include the top 10 tourists who travel to various countries around the world. However, it has not formulated a model of compliance to halal tourism. The absence of a model of compliance to the norms of halal tourism will lead to the absence of standardization of halal tourism. The research method used in this research is juridical and normative method. The data have been collected and analyzed qualitatively to be able to parse and formulate the model of sharia obedience related to halal tourism. The study concludes offered models by this study aremodifications of existing models. The model was built on legal maxim. The legal maxim is ( الاصل فى السیاحة الإباحة إلا أن یدل الدلیل على خلافھ ) the principle of law of tourism is permissible unless there is a proposition to the contrary. The paper modifies four major components of tourism development: government, infrastructure, human resource development, and products and services. The other one is the community. Enhance the development of halal tourism through more inclusive action by involving the community at large