91 research outputs found


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    Abstract Along with the development of the theory of Multiple Intelligences in the realm of education and learning, it is possible that the renewal in the cultural order of schooling. School as a systematic institution inheritance of the nation's cultural values will undergo changes in accordance with the development of the paradigm of intelligence. The importance of school culture as a park for students to develop a variety of intelligence, it is necessary model of school culture that accommodate the growth of various intelligence students. The results showed that the school culture model based on multiple intelligence developed in SD Inpres Palanro was valid, practical, and interesting. Furthermore, the use of the school culture model was effective in increasing the activity of teachers and students in SD Inpres Palanro


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    Among the younger generation, the use of social media is unavoidable. In the era of digital disruption characterized by rapid technological change, changing online culture, and dominant social media, the concept of digital identity has become important. This research aims to find out how individuals and social media play a role in shaping the digital identity of the younger generation and how these individuals manage and maintain their self-image online in the era of digital disruption. This research is also to find out how digital identity impacts the mental health of the younger generation. This research uses a qualitative descriptive analysis research method with data collection techniques through literature study and interviews. From the research results, the author found that social media plays a major role in shaping the digital identity and self-creation of the younger generation and making them known to many people. They can shape their self-image according to what they want and how they want to be seen by others. However, they also have to adjust the pros and cons before posting something on social media. This is done as an effort to form and maintain a positive self-image as a digital identity on social media. Apart from that, digital identity also affects their mental health if they are cut off from internet access because it will have an impact on decreasing the number of views and incomeDi kalangan generasi muda, penggunaan media sosial tidak dapat dihindari. Era disrupsi digital yang ditandai oleh perubahan teknologi yang cepat, budaya daring yang berubah, dan media sosial yang dominan, maka konsep identitas digital menjadi penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana individu dan media sosial berperan membentuk identitas digital generasi muda serta bagaimana cara individu tersebut mengelola dan merawat citra diri mereka secara daring di era disrupsi digital. Penelitian ini juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana identitas digital berdampak pada kesehatan mental generasi muda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literature dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis menemukan bahwa media sosial berperan besar dalam membentuk identitas digital dan penciptaan diri generasi muda dan membuat mereka dikenal oleh banyak orang. Mereka dapat membentuk citra diri sesuai dengan yang diinginkan dan cara mereka ingin dipandang oleh orang lain. Namun mereka juga harus menyesuaikan baik buruknya sebelum memosting sesuatu di sosial media. Hal itu dilakukan sebagai upaya membentuk dan merawat citra diri yang positif sebagai identitas digital di sosial media. Selain itu, identitas digital juga berpengaruh pada kesehatan mental mereka jika terputus dengan akses internet karena akan berdampak pada menurunnya jumlah views dan pemasukan

    The Development of Learning Media of Pakakala Boardgame

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    Abstract This study aims to develop a learning media in the form of boardgame Learning Media (Optional Board and Career Cards) to improve students’ career knowledge in a fun, interactive and active learning under. This research uses Research and Development Method, with The phases in this research consist of; (1) product analysis, (2) developing products, (3) validation and revision, (4) play-trials and final products. Data collection techniques using interviews and questionnaires. Feasibility check and assessment by theory expert, learning media expert and users using Likert scale with the value used are 5 to 1. The results of the validation by theory expert get score 5 with a very worthy category, while the validation by media expert gets score 4.89 with the very worthy category. Whereas in the usage test by users or students and teacher response as an education practitioner showed very worthy category with scores 4.53 and 5 respectively. As a result, the developed pakakala boardgame for year 4 students at SDN 84 Parepare is suitable to use in teaching theme 4 concerning various occupations. Keywords: learning media; the optional board; career cards; thematic learning; career guidance in primary schoo


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    Kata Pengantar Penyusunan buku berjudul Model Kultur Sekolah Berbasis Multiple Intelligences Sekolah Dasar (Hasil Riset dan Pengembangan Kultur Sekolah Dasar) bertujuan untuk menjadi bahan informasi dan inspirasi bagi Kepala Sekolah dalam manajemen persekolahan, khususnya di Sekolah Dasar. Buku berjudul Model Kultur Sekolah Berbasis Multiple Intelligences Sekolah Dasar ini memuat informasi seputar rasionalitas, landasan pengembangan (landasan filosofis, landasan social, landasan yuridis, dan MBS); tujuan dan ruang lingkup model; konsep Multiple Intelligences (MI); prosedur pengembanagn, Implementasi pengembangan model kultur sekolah berbasisi multiple intelligences di Sekolah Dasar; serta kebaruan dan temuan spesifik model kultur sekolah berbasis multiple intelligences

    Kajian Ekonomi Politik Media (Hiperealitas Ruang Politik Publik)

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    This study aimed at enhancing a comprehension about economic and political power, media and public spaces. It included an effort to synchronize the relation of social media, market public and power or nation. Furthermore, the parties who have authorities in economic and politics are the media owners which involved in political practice and tend to ignore public interest. Media industries controlled by some global and national corporations which dominate the public are used for political-economy pragmatism. This study used qualitative research related to critical paradigms in perspective of political-economy media theory in which the theory chosen is Professor Vincent Moscow theory. The data was gained by means of observation, interview, and document through validity of media and public. It includes focus group discussion held with weekly review of Atjeh Analyst Club (A2C) and Sekolah Menulis dan Kajian Media (SMKM-Atjeh). The result of the study shows that the media has heavily involved in oligarchy politic, monopoly and hegemony so that the public opinion is on the edge. The content forms of media are more selected by political power, economy, capitals owner and media income orientation rather than the public although the public has the right to select the truth and correct information. It is expected that the study provides the benefit to raise the public’s critical awareness, the regulation and policy which is oriented to the public so that the media becomes truly public right and this study is expected to enrich previous practical and theoretical findings. &nbsp


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    MEMBANGUN KULTUR SEKOLAH (Menuju Pendidikan Berbasis Iman dan Takwa)

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    Kata Pengantar Upaya membangun kultur sekolah dengan iman dan takwa sebagaimana ditawarkan penulis buku ini tidak terlepas dari kesadaran seluruh pihak baik internal maupun ekternal sekolah. Secara garis besar, prosesnya dapat melalui tahapan berikut; (1) Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai dari sistem nilai iman dan takwa, oleh unsur-unsur anggota komunitas sekolah (Kepala Sekolah, komite sekolah, guru, peserta didik, pegawai sekolah) yang disesuaikan dengan Rencana Strategis Pengembangan Sekolah. (2) Membentuk komitmen bersama untuk mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai tersebut dalam berpikir, bersikap, berucap dan bertindak se hari-hari di ingkungan sekolah. (3) Mengaktualisasikan komitmen tersebut dalam bentuk penetapan standar/kriteria/prosedur pelaksanaan tugas, proses pembelajaran, interaksi kedinasan/pribadi, pelayanan internal/eksternal dan penataan lingkungan fisik sekolah. (4) Mensosialisasikan standar/kriteria /prosedur tersebut secara terus menerus dalam berbagai kegiatan dan media komunikasi yang ada di lingkungan sekolah, yang mengarah pada pembiasaan kehidupan semua anggota komunitas sekolah melalui proses internalisasi (penyerapan dan pemaknaan dalam diri pribadi-pribadi) dan proses institusionalisasi (pelembagaan) sehingga menjadi tradisi bersama, dan terakhir (5) Memelihara dan mengembangkan tradisi yang terwujud

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas V SD Negeri di Gugus IV Wilayah II Kecamatan Soreang Parepare

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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1)  Kesulitan yang dialami oleh peserta didik kelas V SD negeri di gugus IV wilayah II Kecamatan Soreang Parepare dalam pembelajaran matematika; 2) Faktor penyebab kesulitan belajar matematika yang dialami oleh peserta didik kelas V SD negeri di gugus IV wilayah II Kecamatan Soreang Parepare. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 4 orang wali kelas V di gugus IV wilayah II Kecamatan Soreang Parepare dan  4 orang peserta didik kelas V dari UPTD SD Negeri 10 Parepare, 3 orang peserta didik dari UPTD SD Negeri 81 Parepare, 4 orang peserta didik dari UPTD SD Negeri 82 Parepare, dan 3 orang peserta didik UPTD SD Negeri 42 Parepare. Data hasil penelitian diperoleh dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan belajar matematika yang dialami oleh peserta didik kelas V di gugus IV wilayah II Kecamatan Soreang Parepare yaitu kesulitan memahami konsep, kesulitan dalam keterampilan menghitung, dan kesulitan memecahkan masalah. Faktor yang menyebabkan kesulitan belajar matematika peserta didik tersebut berasal dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal yang berasal dari dalam diri peserta didik meliputi: tingkat kecerdasan atau intelegensi yang rendah, tidak dapat berkonsentrasi dengan baik, sikap dan perilaku peserta didik, dan daya ingat yang masih rendah. Sedangkan faktor eksternal yang berasal dari luar diri peserta didik meliputi: lingkungan keluarga yang kurang mendukung, kurangnya variasi mengajar guru, dan tingkat kesadaran masyarakat sekitar terhadap pendidikan masih rendah

    Development of a Group Guidance Service Model Based on Segulaha Cultural Values to Improve the Character of Junior High School Students

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    This research is a development research which aims to find out: (1) Description of the need for a group guidance service model based on segulaha cultural values in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City, (b) Design of a group guidance service model based on segulaha cultural values in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City, (c) Validity, practicality and effectiveness of the segulaha cultural values-based group guidance service model in improving the character of junior high school students in Ternate City. The type of research is Research and Development with the ADDIE model. Data collection was carried out by using questionnaires, observations, feasibility and practicality assessment sheets. The data obtained was then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative statistics. The results of the research show that a group counselling service model is needed in improving character education based on cultural values. The model designs created are outlined in model books and guidebooks for group guidance services based on cultural values to improve student character. The model developed is valid, feasible and practical to be continued in supporting group guidance services based on cultural values as well as improving the character of junior high school students. The results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the segulaha cultural values-based group guidance service model in improving the character of junior high school students were very effective. This is based on the results of the pretest and posttest which have increased
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