34 research outputs found
Adoption of Good Management Practice (GMP) in Small and Medium Scale Vannamei Shrimp Farms on the Northern Shore East Java
The objectives of this research were to describe the value chain of Vannamei shrimp industry on the northern shore of East Java, to identify the current management practice that is being implemented by small to medium scale shrimp farmers, to analyze the level of adoption of Good Management Practice by small to medium scale shrimp farmers and to identify the challenges that prevent small to medium scale farmers from adopting Good Management Practice. This research utilized descriptive qualitative method using multiple-case study. Data collection was conducted through interviews with experts and various actors in shrimp industry and interviews and observations in shrimp farms. From this research it can be concluded that the farming activity gives the largest contribution in final product value, that the current management practice in observed intensive Vannamei shrimp farms is in line with recommendations of various institutions with the exception of waste management, that the observed intensive Vannamei shrimp farms have high adoption level of Good Management Practice (GMP) for various stages of shrimp farming activity with the exception of waste management, and that there is a tendency that farmers follow the good practices that have direct impact to the success of the production, and that the main challenges of GMP adoption are the lack of a comprehensive GMP manual, the lack of structured technology dissemination, and the lack of incentive for the farmers to adopt waste management practices
This Article Reported Risk Preferences and the Consequences on Tobacco Farming in Pamekasan. Frontier Production Function Model with Heteroskedastic Error Structure Estimated by Maximume Likelihood Estimation Developed by Kumbhakar Was Adopted to Analyze the Goals. This Model Can Capture the Effect of Risk Preference on Input Allocation, Inefficiency and Productivity. Four Hundred Fifty Samples Were Drawn by Cluster Sampling Method. the Results Show That Risk Preferences Were Not Depended on Agroecosystem and Farming System, But They Were Determined by Farm Size. Most of the Farmers Prefered to Avoid Production Risk. the Consequences Were Input Allocation Under Optimum Condition, Technical and Allocative Efficiencies at a Low Level, and Depleted Productivity. Key Words: Productivity, Production Risk, Risk Preference, Inefficiency
This article reported risk preferences and the consequences on tobacco farming in Pamekasan. Frontier production function model with heteroskedastic error structure estimated by maximume likelihood estimation developed by Kumbhakar was adopted to analyze the goals. This model can capture the effect of risk preference on input allocation, inefficiency and productivity. Four hundred fifty samples were drawn by cluster sampling method. The results show that risk preferences were not depended on agroecosystem and farming system, but they were determined by farm size. Most of the farmers prefered to avoid production risk. The consequences were input allocation under optimum condition, technical and allocative efficiencies at a low level, and depleted productivity
Analisis Pengaruh Struktur Modal terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan
At this time, business growth requires proper companys financial strategy, especially by managing the capitalstructure to meet funding need of business operations. This research describes the impact of capital structure onfinancial performance of finance company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years 2009-2013. The dependent variable in this study is financial performance composed of return on assets ratio (ROA),return on equity ratio (ROE) and price-to-earnings ratio (PER).While the independent variable in the form ofcapital structure is the ratio of debt to total assets (DAR) and the ratio of debt to total equity (DER). The resultof panel data regression analysis showed that the capital structure has negative significant effect on financialperformance of ROA and ROE, but has positive significant effect on PER. Based on these results, the financecompanies should apply the precautionary principle in managing capital resources coming from debt financing,because the increased component of excessive debt in the capital structure of the company could lead to anincrease in the financial burden that affects the reduction in companys profit
Analisis Integrasi Pasar Spasial Komoditi Pangan Antar Provinsi di Indonesia
Food prices stabilization through the food production and trade to fulfillment consumption in terms of both availability and accessibility food is government major problem. Government's ability to determine an appropriate pricing policy depends on market structure, behavior and effectiveness. Trade barriers and market failure reduction, improved access information would make market integration effective and efficient. This study aims to analyze the market integration and the price transmission elasticity that occurs between regions in Indonesia. Using Ravallion integration analysis and a span from 2009 to 2013 on 33 provinces retail prices data in Indonesia to capture level integration and price transmission between regions. The results showed in the rice shows that Jakarta and South Sulawesi region is becoming the leading market and Jakarta for sugar market those integrated with most areas in Indonesia. Sugar and rice have a better degree of integration than soya. Integration analysis with Ravallion models cannot explain two areas integrated or not. It is necessary to study towards further for East Java in terms of either regional autonomy policy or any market failure that occurs in order to find a policy solution to be more integrated
Transmisi Harga Jagung di Provinsi Lampung
Corn is one of the leading commodities in Lampung Province. The average corn price received by farmers (producers) from January 2009 to December 2014 amounted to Rp 1.820 per kilogram, while the average price of corn at the consumer level was at Rp 3.205 per kilogram. Corn prices at the consumer level are more volatile when compared with the price of corn at the producer level. The purpose of this study are to analyze the transmission of corn prices from the consumer level to the producer level in Lampung Province. The data used was a monthly time series data from January 2009 to December 2014 (72 month). Asymmetric Error Correction Model (AECM) developed by von Cramon-Taubadel and Loy (1996) was used to analyze corn price transmission from the consumer level to the producer level. Causality test results indicate that corn prices at the consumer level affect the formation of corn prices at the producer level. From AECM estimates obtained, the short run corn price transmission from the consumer level to the producer level was asymmetric. However, the long-run transmission of corn prices from the consumer level to the producer was symmetric. After the Wald test, results obtained showed that there was no prove of asymmetric price transmission from the consumer level to the producer level in the long run
Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Besaran Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
Development of Financing of Islamic banking in Indonesia has increased. However, the amount of financing is only 3-5% when compared to conventional bank loans. This study aims to analyze the factors affecting the amount of financing provided by Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study uses a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to see the long-term effect and response to shock that occur in the studied variables. The result shows that in the long run, the percentage of profit and loss sharing, third party funds, and FDR give a positive and significant effect on the financing, while NPF has negative and significant effect. ROA and BOPO have no significant effect on the financing. Shocks that occur in the financing, NPF, and ROA positively responded by financing and will be stable in the long term. While the shocks that occur in the percentage of profit and loss sharing, third party funds, FDR, and BOPO responded negatively by financing and will be stable in the long term
Determinan Angka Partisipasi Sekolah SMP Di Jawa Barat
West Java province's junior secondary school enrollment rate is still below the Millenium Development Goal of universal primary education by 2015. Panel data of 26 districts in West Java, Indonesia, was used to analyze the determinant factors of junior secondary school enrollment rate. The study shows that GRDP per capita and education level of the household head positively infuence junior secondary enrollment rate, in contrast poverty rate and number of child labour had negative impact. This study suggests that government should increase local revenue to enable the people to have sufficient income for attending school, especially for the poor. The government is also expected to increase the availability of schools