296,595 research outputs found

    Magic Neutrino Mass Matrix and the Bjorken-Harrison-Scott Parameterization

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    Observed neutrino mixing can be described by a tribimaximal MNS matrix. The resulting neutrino mass matrix in the basis of a diagonal charged lepton mass matrix is both 2-3 symmetric and magic. By a magic matrix, I mean one whose row sums and column sums are all identical. I study what happens if 2-3 symmetry is broken but the magic symmetry is kept intact. In that case, the mixing matrix is parameterized by a single complex parameter Ue3U_{e3}, in a form discussed recently by Bjorken, Harrison, and Scott.Comment: Two references added. To appear in Physics Letters

    The origin of Sr segregation at La1-xSrxMnO3 surfaces

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    A uniform distribution of La and Sr in lanthanum-strontium manganites would lead to charged crystal planes, a charged surface, and arbitrarily large surface energy for a bulk crystal. This divergent energy can be eliminated by depleting the La concentration near the surface. Assuming an exponential form for segregation suggested by experiment, the total electrostatic energy is calculated, depending only upon the decay length and on an effective charge Z* associated with the La ion. It is found to be lower in energy than neutralization of the surface by changing Mn charge states, previously expected, and lower than simply readjusting the La concentration in the surface plane. The actual decay length obtained by minimizing this electrostatic energy is shorter than that observed. The extension of this mechanism to segregation near the surface in other systems is discussed

    A Higgs Test of Horizontal Symmetry

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    Identical interactions found in the three families of quarks and leptons suggest the presence of a horizontal symmetry. We discuss how such a symmetry can be tested by measuring the decay rates of Higgs into fermion pairs, and the Higgs production cross section. Depending on the details, there is a chance that the decay widths to the bottom-pair and the tau-pair may be down by more than a factor of 3 or more compared to the usual values, and the fusion production cross section of the Higgs also altered. Whatever the outcome, such a test also serves to constraint horizontal symmetry models.Comment: version to be published in Physics Letter

    Development of a novel 3D simulation modelling system for distributed manufacturing

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    This paper describes a novel 3D simulation modelling system for supporting our distributed machine design and control paradigm with respect to simulating and emulating machine behaviour on the Internet. The system has been designed and implemented using Java2D and Java3D. An easy assembly concept of drag-and-drop assembly has been realised and implemented by the introduction of new connection features (unified interface assembly features) between two assembly components (modules). The system comprises a hierarchical geometric modeller, a behavioural editor, and two assemblers. During modelling, designers can combine basic modelling primitives with general extrusions and integrate CAD geometric models into simulation models. Each simulation component (module) model can be visualised and animated in VRML browsers. It is reusable. This makes machine design re-configurable and flexible. A case study example is given to support our conclusions

    Governing serious offenders : recent developments in legislation in England and Wales

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    The study and management of those offenders classified as dangerous has been at the forefront of political concern for many years. In search for the >>perfect<< publication solution many countries around the globe have tried a variety of risk management and sentencing ideas

    Lean - Mean: Tree climbing machine!

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    Staying fit and healthy is essential if you are planning a long and productive climbing career. Keys to maintaining good fitness and health, along with treating injuries carefully will be discussed in this interactive session. Some simple safety tips will also be up for debate. Knowing how to integrate healthy choices into your lifestyle and work could save your career and possibly more. Want to be a Lean - Mean - Tree Climbing Machine? Come along and be a part of the discussion. This session will be formed with the collaboration between health professionals and sports coache
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