28 research outputs found
ABSTRAKAdanya pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah pola hidup masyarakat, termasuk pola berbelanja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Selain adanya himbauan pembatasan aktivitas karena Covid-19, kemajuan teknologi di era digital ini juga meningkatkan permintaan konsumen terhadap layanan belanja secara online dan pengiriman barang belanjaan ke rumah. Terdapat tahapan yang dilalui pelanggan dalam berbelanja online yang mungkin dapat memengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis peran online customer journey dan nilai hedonis terhadap kepuasan dan kaitannya dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Metode analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan bantuan software AMOS versi 22.0. Metode convenience sampling digunakan, di mana responden diasumsikan pernah membeli buah-buahan dan sayuran segar secara online melalui e-commerce Sayurbox, Happyfresh, Segari, dan/atau Brambang minimal dua kali dalam satu bulan terakhir. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 255 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel-variabel online customer journey (pendaratan situs, penemuan produk, presentasi produk, manajemen keranjang, check out, pengiriman) secara signifikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan secara positif berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Nilai hedonis secara signifikan tidak memediasi hubungan antara kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan e-commerce buah-buahan dan sayuran segar di Jabodetabek. Kepuasan yang dirasakan pelanggan cenderung mengarah pada produk yang telah diterima, sedangkan tahapan transaksi pembelian online tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelangga
Coffee Business Development Strategy (Case Study at PT XYZ)
The coffee business especially in the coffee shop sector to be superior to the competition is something that must be carried out in a sustainable manner by PT XYZ. Realizing this goal, PT XYZ must formulate its business development strategy. This study aims to determine internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) which are used as the basis for formulating coffee shop business development strategies. The basic research method is descriptive with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), observation, documentation. Information was obtained through key informants who were determined purposively with the consideration of knowing the coffee shop business, namely directors, managers, supervisors, baristas, consumers, competitors, suppliers and coffee experts. Data analysis uses internal factor evaluation matrix, external factor evaluation, Grand Strategy matrix, SWOT matrix, and participatory prospective analysis. The results of the study show that the position of the grand strategy of PT XYZ is in quadrant I, which means that the strategy concentrates on market and product sustainability, product diversification, and aggressiveness. The main strategy prioritized based on the driving strategy is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of departmental performance and improve the quality of human resources
Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Cabai Merah di Kabupaten Sleman dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process
This study aims to formulate a strategy for developing red chili agribusiness that can be applied in Sleman Regency. The study was conducted in Kalasan District since it has the highest red chili production in Sleman Regency. The method used in this research was Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the results of the study there were 5 aspects of strength, 5 aspects of weakness, 5 aspects of opportunity, and 5 aspects of threats. All internal and external aspects form the basis for making alternative strategies. The position of grand strategy matrix is quadrant I. There were 5 alternative strategies that are generated and included in the AHP hierarchy structure. Of the 5 alternative strategies, the 05 strategy was chosen with a priority weight value of 0.357, namely the strategy with the development of a chili auction market using digital technology
This research aims to (1) knowing the defects of the edel cocoa beans (2) knowing the defects of the edel cocoa beans in the Banjarsari garden were still within the control limit or not (3) knowing the dominant defects, and (4) analyzing the causes and proposed actions to improve the defects of the edel cocoa beans in PTPN XII (Persero) Kebun Banjarsari. The basic method of research is descriptive analytical. The method of determining key informants and respondents was carried out by purposive sampling. The results showed that (1) The defects of the edel cocoa beans consisted of 2753.2 kg of prongkol beans, 2143.2 kg of broken beans, 1898.47 kg of black skin seeds, 1667.34 kg of cocoa beans, moldy seeds (moldy) as much as 34.193 kg, and insect seeds as much as 0.69 kg. (2) Chart analysis found that the quality tolerance limits of edel cocoa beans varied for 5 years, Deviation of defects in edel cocoa occurred in the 9th month (September 2015) and the 53rd month (August 2019). (3) Pareto diagram analysis, the dominant defects in edel cocoa beans are prongkol, crushed beans and black skin beans. (4) The Fishbone diagram identifies the factors that cause edel cocoa bean defects are method, human, material, environment. Proposed remedial action for each of the factors must be implemented immediately to overcome the dominant damage problem. The recommendation given is to hold routine training at least once a month, the company to take alternative actions by planting diversified cover crops, improving cleanliness regularly, performing sanitation and cleaning weeds around the garden area
Competitive Strategy of Tie-Dyed Cloth Smes in Facing the Existence of Batik Cloth in Yogyakarta City
The aims of this study were to determine the factors that are considered a buyer in the purchase of tie-dyed cloth in the Yogyakarta City and want to know the tie-dyed cloth competitive strategy faces batik cloth in the domestic and international markets. This research was conducted in tie-dyed cloth industry centers of the city of Yogyakarta. Type of this research is a descriptive study. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Comparative analysis of the attributes of tie-dyed cloth and batik cloth were analyzed by competitive profile matrix. The results recommend that the tie-dyed cloth competitive strategy faces batik cloth in the domestic and international markets is a tie-dyed cloth should be positioned as a product that is unique than batik cloth
Candlenut Efficiency Analysis and Marketing Strategy (Aleurites moluccana) in Alor Regency
Candlenut commodity is a featured farming commodity for farmers in Alor Regency. Candlenut marketing business with current marketing pattern has not shown equitable sharing of benefits among farmers, collectors and wholesalers (inter-island traders). This study aims to determine the pattern of candlenut marketing channels, candlenut marketing efficiency through the marketing margin approach and “farmer's share”, and to know what alternative strategies that are needed to improve candlenut marketing business in Alor Regency. The formulation of strategic alternatives conducted by SWOT analysis and continued with QSPM analysis for the determination of strategic priorities. The results showed that (1) Marketing channels of whole round shelled candlenut and crushed/mixed shelled candlenut consist of five marketing channels. (2) The most efficient and the best marketing channel of whole round shelled candlenut is the fourth channel, with the smallest marketing margin (11.85%) and the largest farmer's share (88.15%). The most efficient and the best marketing channels for crushed/mixed shelled candlenut is the channel I, with the smallest marketing margin (16.95%) and the largest farmer's share (83.05%); (3) The marketing strategies that can be implemented by the Government of Alor regency to support the improvement of candlenut marketing efficiency is to improve access to post-harvest modern technology through partnerships with large enterprises / partner companies outside the region and the capital increase to the marketing agents provided by the loan bank
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran, marjin pemasaran dan farmer’s share beras organik di Kabupaten Boyolali. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) di Kecamatan Sawit dan Kecamatan Banyudono. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif analitif. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif (marjin pemasaran dan farmer’s share). Total responden 30 petani produsen, 2 pedagang pengumpul desa, 5 penggilingan desa dan 1 pedagang pengecer. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada 4 tipe saluran pemasaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata produsen beras organik di Kabupaten Boyolali melewati satu lembaga pemasaran saja (penggilingan padi). Hasil pertanian padi organik di Kabupaten Boyolali belum sepenuhnya diserap sebagai produk organik. Penyerapan hasil produksi organik di Kabupaten Boyolali sebagai produk organik hanya ada 37% dari keseluruhan responden produsen. Penjualan beras organik diperlakukan sama seperti beras biasa sebesar 63%. Marjin pemasaran terbesar pada saluran pemasaran I yaitu sebesar Rp 8.500,00 dan terendah pada saluran pemasaran IV yaitu Rp 5.375,00. Nilai farmer’s share tertinggi 57% dan terendah sebesar 37%.Kata kunci : saluran pemasaran; beras organi
Strategi Bersaing Keripik Singkong Cap Gerus Produksi UKM Sumekar Pratiwi Kabupaten Tuban
This research aim to assess the determinants of success of Cassava Chips Gerus, assess the competitive position of Cassava Chips Gerus, and formulate the alternative strategies for SME Sumekar Pratiwi in order to market their products. The basic method used in this research is descriptive analytic. Subject of this research is determined purposively. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. This study used Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) as its analysis data method. The result shows factors that determined the success of cassava chips Gerus brand. Based on CPM analytic, the product of cassava chips Gerus brand (3.116) occupies the second position in comparison to its competitors, namely cassava chips C (2.058) and cassava chips D (1.655). Cassava chips B (3,171) occupies the first position. Alternative competitive strategy that can be applied to the cassava chips Gerus is to promote the brand Gerus brand through sales-force promotion, conduct product positioning to create the image of quality products: that taste more savory, has the most recognized brands, more attractive label design and label information is more informative, and benchmark color, taste of the final product after the meal and set prices quantity discounts to final consumersKey words: Cassava Chips, Competitive Profile Matrix, Competitive Strateg
Center for Integrated Farming in Agribusiness Regency Sukoharjo is one of centers in the Sukoharjo Regency potential number of units SME’s agribusiness, which has considerable potential to further developed forward. The research method is implemented with the survey and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The results showed stakeholders performance within Integrated Agricultural Cluster development seen from the achievement of the results of the institutional activities that had been undertaken by related agencies involved in the Integrated Agriculture cluster development in Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo Regency FEDEP, among others, the Bappeda Sukoharjo Regency, local Government of Sukoharjo through service related, and Agricultural Cluster Integrated Rembug Forum as targets of mentoring activities during this FEDEP is enough well, though still not optimal. The role of BDS (Business Development Service) as escort agency nor an escort FEDEP Integrated Agricultural Cluster during this already plays well. The role of the College during this already good. While the role of financing institution has also been good, especially Banking as long as it's been good in support of cluster development in integrated agricultural. The role of the association profession and non government (NGO) in Sukoharjo Regency have already good much seen in Integrated Agriculture cluster development Sukoharjo Regency . Determinants of the success of the integrated Agriculture Cluster, among others, specialization, research and development capacity, knowledge and skills, human resource development, networking and social capital, proximity to suppliers, capital availability, the soul of entrepreneurship, as well as leadership and shared vision. Determinants of the success of the integrated Agriculture Cluster, among others, specialization, research and development capacity, knowledge and skills, human resource development, networking and social capital, proximity to suppliers, capital availability, the soul of entrepreneurship, as well as leadership and shared vision. Some of the determinants of the success of the cluster has been running quite well for example in terms of networking and social capital, proximity to suppliers, and the spirit of entrepreneurship, while other factors are still not running optimally. Suggestions in this study include 1). Capacity building of institutional FEDEP and Agricultural Integrated Cluster Forum Sukoharjo Regency, 2) upgrade human resource in Cluster of integrated Farming, with a wide range of training courses is gradually and continuously, intensively involved with the College and the state-owned enterprises as well as private owned companies, and 3). Network Development efforts on Integrated Agricultural Cluster through the integrated system between the sub cluster, through cooperation between the sub cluster associated with the provision of raw materials, production technology, product innovation, product quality standards (certification), institutional, and product marketing, with facilitation and mentoring of stakeholders associated within FEDEP Sukoharjo Regency. The expected synergies also intercity in SOLO RAYA