1,820 research outputs found
The purpose of this study is to determine how the readiness of Computer
Engineering and Networking teacher in teaching using the computer laboratory at
SMKN 1 and SMKN 2 in Bima and to know the facilities and infrastructure at the
Computer Laboratory at SMKN 1 and SMKN 2 in Bimaaccording to the standards
required by the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.
40 of 2008.
This study used quantitative descriptive methods. Descriptive methods
used in earlier studies to collect data about the readiness of teachers and
computer laboratory infrastructure conditions. This descriptive study aimed to
obtain information about how the readiness of teachers to teach computer
engineering and networking in a computer laboratory, and how the description of
the feasibility of the SMKN 1 and SMKN 2 Bimacomputer laboratory. Data
collection method used by questionnaire to determine the readiness of teachers,
and a check list for the computer laboratory infrastructure. The instruments
validation performed by expert judgment. The results of data were analyzed using
a quantitative approach. After obtaining the results, then describe the conclusions
based on the numbers processed with the statistical method.
The results of this study obtained that the readiness of teachers to teach in
SMKN 1Bima reached 88% with the excellentcategory. For SMKN 2 BIMA, the
level of preparedness of teachers in teaching reached 77% with good category.
While for readiness of facilities and infrastructure in the SMKN 1 Bimacomputer
laboratoryclassified as excellent by achieving a score of 85.71% and SMAN I
Bima reached 80.95% with good category.
Keywords: Teacher CEN (Computer Engineering and Networking), Facilities,
Infrastructure, Computer Laboratorys
Three essays on political connections, financial reporting, and auditing : evidence from Indonesian listed companies : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Accountancy at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
This research examines the association between political connections and related party transactions (RPTs). This study also investigates whether politically-connected firms use RPTs to tunnel resources and mask “true” operating performance by managing earnings. This study is motivated by conflicting views on whether political connections are beneficial or detrimental to stakeholder interests. In addition, this research investigates how political connections, in concert with RPTs, determine auditor choice in Indonesia. This auditor choice aspect of the study is motivated by the conflicting views and inconclusive findings on whether politically-connected firms will appoint reputable auditors, i.e., the Big 4 audit firms, or non-Big 4 auditors. Essay one examines the relationship between political connections and RPTs and investigates whether firms with political connections engage more or less in RPTs. It hypothesizes that politically connected firms conduct more value-destroying RPTs compared to non-politically connected firms, because they have more power and opportunities gained from their connections. The findings of essay one reveal that politically connected firms conduct more RPTs compared to non-politically connected firms. In terms of economic significance, the reported coefficient suggests that, compared to non-connected firms, politically connected firms carry out 43% more RPTs. However, the regression results show that the significant influence of political connections applies only to RPTLOAN (RPT loans and guarantees). In order to capture the richness in political dynamism in Indonesia, a finer classification of political connections is utilized where connected firms can be classified further into government, military, and Suharto connections. Using this approach, the study reveals that only the coefficient of GCON (government connection) is positive and significant, suggesting that listed firms having political connections with the Government will conduct more RPTLOANs. The insignificant influence of Suharto and military connections occurs because, after Suharto‟s resignation, firms associated with Suharto and military personnel had difficulties in establishing a connection with the new government, and experienced loss of government contracts, distributorships, and brokerage monopolies.
Essay two investigates whether politically connected firms use RPTs to tunnel resources, and to mask “true” operating performance by managing earnings. This essay argues that politically connected firms have incentives to conduct more tunnelling compared to non-politically connected firms, due to the costs of establishment and maintenance of political connections, the opportunity to seize the benefits brought by political connections, and fewer disciplinary constraints from laws and regulations. Such tunnelling activities cause the economic performance of politically connected firms to deteriorate and, as a result, they need to be concealed by conducting income-increasing earnings management. Essay two provides empirical evidence that politically connected firms use RPTs to tunnel resources, and to engage in income-increasing earnings management designed to mask tunnelling activities. Essay three investigates how political connections determine auditor choice in Indonesia. This essay proposes that, because of tunnelling incentives, firms having political connections with the government might appoint non-big four auditors in order to allow them to have less transparent financial statements and to obfuscate their tunnelling activities. On the other hand, following the collapse of the Suharto regime, privileges and benefits enjoyed by firms having connections with Suharto and the military have gone, so that they have less incentive to engage in tunnelling and financial report manipulation in order to obfuscate such tunnelling. Therefore, essay three proposes that firms having connections with Suharto and the military are more likely to hire the Big 4 auditors. The results of essay three document that politically connected firms in Indonesia tend to choose non-Big 4 auditors. When a finer classification of political connections is used the regression results show that firms having connections with the government are more inclined to choose non-Big 4 auditors, whereas those with connections to Suharto have the option to appoint Big 4 auditors.Further, essay three also proposes that since RPTs involving loans allow politically connected firms to siphon resources, there is an incentive for those firms to manipulate financial reports in order to obfuscate “true” economic performance. Thus, politically connected firms with RPT loans are more likely to choose non-Big 4 auditors. Essay three documents that RPTs have a significant influence on the appointment of auditors of politically connected firms. The tendency to appoint non-Big 4 auditors increases when firms have political affiliations with the government and carry out RPTs.
Key words:
political connections, politically connected firms,
related party transactions, tunnelling, earning management,
auditor choice, Indonesi
ABDUL HARIS.The relationship between advertising sosro tea brand image with a bottle on the marketing of education students in jakarta state university .A thesis , jakarta .The marketing of education study program , the economy and administration , the economics faculty , jakarta state university .2015 .
This research aims to get information and knowledge based on data or the fact that proper ( valid , true , valid ) ( reliable and trustworthy , reliable about the relationship between advertising sosro tea brand image with a bottle on the marketing of education students in jakarta state university.
The method used is a method of survey research with the approach of correlational .This research was conducted in jakarta state university , for three months starting from april 2015 until june 2015 .This research is the whole population in the marketing of education students ( the 2011 , 2012 , 2013 and 2014 . The marketing of education students ( the 2011 , 2012 and 2013 ) sosro product that uses a bottle of tea with the number of 118 students .The sample collection technique used is purposive techniques of sampling as many as 89 people.
Data analysis techniques starts with finding a simple regression equation, which is derived regression equation y = 24.90 + 0.572 X Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X (Y - Ŷ) with test Liliefors obtained Lhitung = 0.068, whereas Ltabel for n = 89 at 0.05 significance level was 0.94. Because Lhitung Ftable, namely Fhitung = 50.95> F table = 3.96, meaning that the mean regression model. The correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment obtained r xy = 0.608, then this means there is a positive relationship between the ad with the brand image. Furthermore, the correlation coefficient significance test was done using t-test and obtained t> t table, namely t = 7.14> table = 1.68, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship with satisfaction ads Brand Image. The coefficient of determination obtained at 36.93%, which indicates that 36.93% Brand image is determined by the ad.
The results of this research has proved the existence of a positive relationship between advertising a brand image with a bottle sosro tea on the marketing of students in jakarta state university
Karakteristik Jaring Makanan dan Tingkatan Trofik Pada Komunitas Ikan Muara di Perairan Ajkwa, Minajerwi dan Kamora Papua
Limbah pasir sisa (tailing) dari pabrik pengolahan bijih tambang PT. Freeport Indonesia diendapkan melalui aliran pengendapan yang dimodifikasi di sungai Ajkwa (Mod-ADA), sedangkan yang halus akan lolos dan mengendap di muara Ajkwa sehingga menyebabkan perairan menjadi keruh dan partikel tersuspensi tinggi. Sedimentasi dan kekeruhan yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan berukurangnya biota bentik dan plankton sebagai sumber makanan bagi komunitas ikan muara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengkaji apakah terdapat perbedaan model karakteristik jaring makanan (food webs), tingkatan trofik (tropic levels) dan pertumbuhan (growth) pada komunitas ikan muara di Ajkwa (tailing impacted), Minajerwi (ex-tailings impected) dan Kamora (no impacted area), dengan melakukan kajian terhadap isi perut pada 19 jenis dari 11 famili ikan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari – April 2012. Metode analisa secara visual dan gravimetri dengan menghitung indek kesukaan makan (prepondarence index), sedangkan kajian pertumbuhan dengan mengukur hubungan panjang-berat ikan.hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan model jaring makanan, tingkat trofik dan pertumbuhan dari komunitasikan di periran muaradi muara Ajkwa, Minajerwi dan Kamora.
Kata Kunci : Isi perut ikan, Ajkwa, Minajerwi, Kamora, jaring makanan dan pertumbuhan
Tailings waste from the processing of ore in PT. Freeport Indonesia was deposited with deposition flow in the river Ajkwa have modified (Mod-ADA), while the fine will pass and settle in the Ajkwa estuary that causing a high turbid and suspended particles in the waters. High sedientation and turbidity can cause a reduction of benthic animals and plankton as a food source of estuatine fish communities. The purpose of this research is to examine whether there are differences in characteristic of model food webs, trophic levells and growth in estuarine fish communities in Ajkwa(tailing impacted), Minajerwi (former tailings impacted) and Kamora (non tailings impacted). To review of stomach contects to 19 species of 11 families fish in the water. The study was conducted in February – April 2012. Visual and gravimetric analysis methods by calculating indices preference meal (prepondarence index), while the study of growth by measuring the length-weight relationships of fishes. The results have showed no difference in the method food webs, tropich levels and growth of fish communities in estuarine water in Ajkwa, Minajerwi and Kamora estuaries.
Key word : Stomach content, Ajkwa, Minajerwi, Kamora, food webs and growth
IPB University's Policy of Biodiversity’s Innovation for Eco-Edutourism
IPB University has declared as a Biodiversity Campus since 2011. This declaration was carried out considering the high biodiversity at the IPB University Campus. One of the causes of the high campus biodiversity is the uniqueness of the campus landscape and the maintained proportion between the built and open-green areas. The existence of lakes, forests, arboretums, plantations, and three rivers that cross the campus area has contributed to the high diversity of habitats and consequently to the biodiversity. At least 22 species of mammals, 99 species of birds, 12 species of amphibians, 38 species of reptiles, 128 species of butterflies, 173 species of woody-plants, 40 species of bamboos and 127 species of medicinal plats have been recorded inhabiting the 257 ha of the campus area. The biodiversity has significant role as objects for research of the students, lecturers, researchers as well as for tourism such as for bird watching, picture hunting, outbond and other recreational activities. Therefore the campus functions for education and for tourism, thus ecoedutourism for academic community as well as community around the campus. To maintain the biodiversity, IPB University issued several policy innovations. The first policy innovation is monitoring of population and distribution of biodiversity on a regular basis. Second, habitat management for biodiversity. Third, on-site and offsite socialization to campus and offcampus communities. Fourth, conserving the habitats of the flora and fauna. Fifth, rare tree planting. Sixth, the movement to plant fruit trees by each faculty. Seventh, conservation of biopharmaceutical medicinal plants. Eighth, building a garden for food sovereignty. Ninth, conducting research on campus biodiversity. All of these policies involve the academic community, experts, alumni and the community around the campus
Penelitian ini mengacu kepada pertanyaan pokok, "Bagaimana
pengembangan kualitas sumber daya pemuda melalui program pelatihan
terhadap program pelatihan kader HMI Cabang Tasikmalaya dilakukan ?"
yakni, dalam soal motivasi, sistem dan materi, proses pelaksanaan, hasil
dan dampak, hambatan-hambatan dan dukungan yang diperoleh serta
bagaimana follow up setelah pelatihan itu dilaksanakan. Penelitian
bertujuan untuk mengungkap dari hal-hal tersebut di atas, di HMI Cabang
Ada beberapa landasan yang dikemukakan dalam menjawab
pertanyaan penelitian ini, yakni : a. karakteristik PLS yang meliputi :
Falsafah PLS, Sistem PLS, Teori PLS, Managemen PLS, Metodologi PLS,
b. Pendidikan sebagai proses pemberdayaan. c. Latar Belakang Sejarah
Kehadiran HMI, d. Jati diri HMI sebaga^ suatu oiganisasi e. Arti dan
essensi pelatihan bagi pengembangan sumber daya pemuda mencakup : (1)
Pentingnya pelatihan, (2) kebutuhan terhadap pelatihan, (3) proses
merancang pelatihan; masalah dan kebutuhan kelompok sasaran,
sumberdaya penyelenggara pelatihan, ruiuan dan kurikulum pelatihan^
pengorganisasian pelatihan, Pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan Model-model
Untuk itulah maka penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan
pendekatan kualitatif (qualitative approach), yang menuntut peneliti
sendiri menjadi instrumen utama (human instrument) yang secara langsung
melakukan investigasi ke lapangan. Demikian peneliti dapat memiliki
'adaptabilitas' yang diharapkan cukup tinggi untuk menyesuaikan diri
dengan situasi dan kondisi yang dihadapinya. Adapun prosedurnya, yaitu
Metode penelitian, Teknik pengumpulan data melalui : wawancara,
observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian dan penarikan kasus;
subjek penelitian, penarikan kasus, Analisis dan penafsiran data meliputi:
analisis data,penafsiran data, Langkah-langkah penelitianya meliputi :
tahap orientasi, tahap eksplorasi, tahap membercheck dan pengolahan
Pembahasan hasil temuan penelitian mencakup : Sejarah HMI
Cabang Tasik, analisis Hasil penelitian yang terdiri dari; motivasi, sistem
danmateri, pelaksanaan, hasil dan dampak, hambatan dan dukungan serta
follow up pascalatihan, dan Keterbatasan penelitian.
Implikasinya : pemuda tidak cukup mengandalkan kemampuan
yangdidapat dari bangku kuliahnya semata, akan tetapi perlu di dukung
dengan kemampuan-kemampuan yang di dapat dari aktifitasnya di
organisasi ekstra kampus. Hal demikian itu perlu dilakukan mengingat
kehidupan diera globalisasi sangat sarat dengan persaingan yang tinggi
Migrasi Internasional Dan Pembangunan Daerah: Realitas Dan Dualisme Kebijakan Lokal
This study was an effort to understand the Sasak people migration phenomena to Malaysia and how those activities were placed in the local development policies This study was also done to understand its contribution in development process. This research was carried out in East Lombok and some sub.districts had been taken as area research sample, such as Pringgasela, Masbagik, Kerrie:1k and Sakra. The sample of research areas were chosen because statistically, were the most potential international migration sources in East Lombok and Lombok island in general.
Based on this research, there are three conditions that forte the Sasak people migrate from their area of origin to Malaysia, e.g: poverty, lack of opportuniD4 and low wage compare to destination country. The inability of localgovernment to create new opportunity has become a main factor in all of the migration process. The increasing of employment growth that unbalanced with the growth of opportunity also creates open unemployment and under unemployment at the origin. This fact caused frustration among those of productive age that pushed them to get a better alternative of theirown.
The fact also shows that localgovernmentfaced difficulties to put returnees in a clearposition in local development process. This was because there is no regulation that gives possibilities for returnees to involve in all of development process and policy implementation. Migrant participation in a whole development process, therefore, cannot be seen as a program made by government in order to give chance to the returnees directly involved.
The other facts show of migrant workers\u27 contribution in local economic development. The increasing of economic activities and local treading, workers substitution from farm to non farm are the real phenomenon that can be seen as their contribution in the whole of development process At the macro level, rnigrans\u27 contribution has created new opportunity to improve economic activities. This phenomenon may causes that specific group such as labor agents, and "calos" (middlemen) will dominate local capital.
It can\u27t be denied, however, that the involvement of Sasaknese migrants creates a balance of local labor market, specifically in their origin that also create a new polarization based on classical reasons such as skills and training. Finally it cannot avoid that the polari-.ation will create differentiation based on skill and working status. Furthermore, these facts will create broader opportunity and labor market competition in formal and informal sectors that motivate small and medium economic activities at the origin.
Keywords : International Migration, Regional Developmen
PROFIL PENGELOLAAN USAHA MANDIRI LULUSAN PELATIHAN KETERAMPILAN: Kasus Lulusan Pelatihan Keterampilan Menjahit Panti Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putra "Binangkit" Lembang Jawa Barat
Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab sebuah permasalahan berkenaan dengan
penmgaruh pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki para lulusan pelatihan
keterampilan Panti Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putra Binangkit" Lembang, terhadap
pengelolaan usahanya, bagaimana merencanakan, pelaksanaan, upaya meningkatkan,
dan berbagai pendukung dan hambatan dalam pengelolaan usaha tersebut. Selain itu
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambgaran tentang pengelolaan usaha
(mata pencaharian) oleh lulusan pelatihan keterampilan dimaksud.
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, serta upaya dalam mencapai
tujuannya, maka ada beberapa teori yang mendasari, di antaranya : Teori andragogi,
yang menekankan bahwa pengalaman yang dimiliki seseorang sangat berpengaruh
dalam belajarnya; Konsep aliran progresivisme, yang salah satu prinsipnya bahwa
pendidikan adalah kehidupan itu sendiri, yang mengandung makna bahwa tanpa upaya
pendidikan maka manusia tidak dapat hidup sempurna; Konsep pendidikan luar
sekolah, yang menekankan bahwa pendidikan itu berlangsung seumur hidup dan
dijalankan dengan sengaja, teratur dan terencana, dan bertujuan untuk
mengaktualisasikan potensi manusia berupa sikap, tindak dan karya, menuju
terbentuknya manusia seutuhnya yang gemar belajar agar mampu meningkatkan
mutu dan taraf hidupnya. Meningkatnya mutu kehidupan dapat bermula dari perolehan
pekerjaan atau berwiusaha sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki
sebagai dampak hasil belajarnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dalam bentuk studi kasus,
di mana subyek yang diteliti sebanyak 4 orang, yakni masing-masing mereka yang telah
atau sedang mengelola suatu usaha (mata pencaharian) secara mandiri, yang berkaitan
erat dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, yakni usaha di bidang
menjahit pakaian. Sedangkan untuk mendapatkan data yang relevan untuk menjawab
pertanyaan penelitian, digunakan teknik pengamatan (observasi), wawancara (interview),
dan studi dokumentasi, dan untuk memudahkan penggunaan ketiga teknik
pengumpulan data tersebut, dilengkapi dengan pedoman, yang berisikan pertanyaan
Berbagai data/informasi yang berhasil dihimpun guna menjawab pertnyaan
penelitian ini, yakni perolehan pengertahuan dan keterampilan melalui pelatihan
keterampilan menjahit pada Panti Rehabilitasi Sosial Pamardi Putra "Binangkit"
Lembang, dan penerapannya dalam melakukan usahanya; cara merencanakan
pengelolaan usaha, meliputi tujuan yang ingin dicapai, persiapan modal usaha,
persiapan tempat usaha, persiapan tenaga pengelola usaha; pelaksanaan usaha,
meliputi pengadaan bahan baku jahitan, peralatan yang digunakan, jenis produksi yang
dilakukan, proses produksi, waktu yang digunakan, pemasaran hasil produksi, upah
atau keuntungan yang diperoleh, administrasi dan pembukuan kegiatan usaha, serta
uapaya kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja; upaya yang dilakukan guna meningkatkan
pengelolaan usaha; dan berbagai faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengelolaan usaha
yang dilakukan oleh responden.
Untuk menarik suatu kesimpulan akhir dari hasil pelaksanaan penelitian ini,
dilakukan pembahasan/diskusi terhadap teihuan-temuan lapangan. Dan sehubungan
dengan keterbatasan penelitian ini, maka perlu direkomendasikan : (1) Penyeleggaraan
pelatihan ketermpilan sedapat mungkin lerbih mengutamakan pemenuhan kebutuhan
peserta daripada pencapaian target program, selain itu, materi pelatihan sebaiknya
tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk menciptakan produk,
melainkan yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah cara menerapkan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan itu melalui kegiatan nyata dalam pengelolaan usaha mata pencaharian; (2)
Para lulusan pelatihan keterampilan yang telah mengelola suatu usaha perlu mendapat
bimbingan secara terus menerus, terutama dalam hal pengembangan usaha kearah
yang lebih maju; (3) Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, agar dapar menelusuri lebih jauh
dampak pelatihan berbagai keterampilan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh panti tersebut di
atas, dengan menggunakan populasi dan sampel yang lebih besar, serta dengan
pendekatan dan metode yang lebih bervariasi
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Kristal Kalsium OKsalat Urin (Studi Case Control pada Pekerja Pengelasan Pagar Teralis di Kecamatan Tembalang)
Batu Saluran Kemih (BSK) merupakan penyakit dimana didapatkan masa keras seperti batu yang terbentuk disepanjang saluran kemih baik saluran kemih atas (ginjal dan ureter) dan saluran kemih bawah (kandung kemih dan uretra), yang dapat menyebabkan nyeri, perdarahan, penyumbatan aliran kemih dan infeksi. Batu ini terbentuk dari pengendapan garam kalsium, magnesium, asam urat, atau sistein. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar kristal kalsium oksalat dalam urin. Populasi penelitian ini adalah para pekerja pengelasan pagar teralis di kecamatan Tembalang, sebanyak 60 oraang yang terdiri dari 29 orang positif mengandung kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin, dan 31 orang negatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan laboratorium kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji chi square dan Odds Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh umur terhadap kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin dengan OR = 3,352; kebiasaan minum terhadap kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin dengan OR = 7,232; kebiasaan makan makanan yang mengandung oksalat terhadap kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin dengan OR = 7,632; kebiasaan menahan buang air kemih terhadap kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin dengan OR = 6,525; posisi saat bekerja terhadap kadar kristal kalsium okaslat urin dengan OR = 3,200; dan lama bekerja ditempat panas terhadap kadar kristal kalsium oksalat urin dengan OR 4,462. kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah dari semua variabel bebas mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kadar kristal kalsium okaslat urin. Saran bagi pekerja hendaknya mengkonsumsi air yang cukup (2500 ml/hari) agar dapat membantu mengeluarkan batu-batu berukuran kecil melalui pembuangan urin.
Kata Kunci: umur, kebiasaan minum, kebiasaan makan, kebiasaan menahan buang air kemih posisi saat bekerja, lama bekerja, dan kadar kristal kalsium oksalat uri
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