7 research outputs found
Mean parasitemias of the 5 Control monkeys compared to the 3 monkeys from vaccine groups which contained their parasitemia below 2%.
<p>The X axis is normalized so day 1 is the first day parasites were detected in the blood for each animal. Monkeys which controlled their parasitemias had slower growth rates.</p
Kaplan-Meyer curves showing parasitemia endpoints for the six experimental groups.
<p>Panel A. shows the percentage of animals in each vaccine group without parasites detected in blood. Panel B. shows the percentage of animals with parasitemia below 2%. X axis shows day since sporozoite challenge. In each panel the DNA/Pox group shows the highest level of protection.</p
Summary of Sterile Protection in Five Pk4 DNA/Pox Vaccine Studies.
<p>Summary of five published vaccine studies in rhesus monkeys using the Pk4 DNA/Pox vaccine and challenge with 100 Pk sporozoites IV. Trial a is the present experiment. Trial b is from Rogers (18). Trials c and e are from experiment 3 in Weiss (19), Trial d is from experiments 1 and 2 in Weiss (19). N gives the number of animals receiving the Pk4 DNA/Pox vaccine, and Sterile gives the number of animals which did not develop parasites in the blood. Longer regimens give higher proportion of sterilely protected animals.</p
Daily parasitemias from individual monkeys after sporozoite challenge.
<p>Panel A, Control group: average parasitemia levels of 5 individual animals was presented as a thick grey line (Cont.) and is included in all 6 panels for comparison; B, Pox group; C, VRP/Pox group; D,VRP/Ad group; E, Ad/Pox group; F, DNA/Pox group; The dotted line in each panel shows the parasitemia level 2% at which we treated animals with anti-malaria drug. One monkey (206) in Panel E, and 3 monkeys (219, 249 and 251) in Panel F that had no detectable parasitemia are shown as horizontal lines.</p
Cox Proportional Hazards Analysis of immune responses and parasitemia.
<p>Crosses (<b>+</b>) show statistically significant effects on protective endpoints when immune responses are analysed separately. When responses to all antigens are analysed sim-ultaneously no single immune response is statistically associated with either protective endpoint.</p
Immune responses of vaccine groups prior to challenge.
<p>The five vaccine groups compared with the Control group for immune responses to each vaccine antigen. Analysis used Student's T test with Tukey's Adjustment for multiple comparisons. Crosses (<b>+</b>) indicate that the comparison with the Control group is statistically significant (p<0.05).</p
Immunization regimens.
a<p>Rhesus monkeys 5 animals per group.</p>b<p>Vaccines are mixtures of vectors expressing the individual antigens PkCSP, PkAMA1, PkSSP2, and PkMSP1.</p>c<p>Recombinant VRP, 5×10<sup>7</sup> IU/dose each antigen.</p>d<p>Recombinant Ad5 vectors, 2.5×10<sup>10</sup> particles each antigen.</p>e<p>Recombinant plasmid vaccine 1 mg/dose each antigen.</p>f<p>Parental pox virus without antigen inserts, 8×10<sup>8</sup> pfu total.</p>g<p>Recombinant pox virus, 2×10<sup>8</sup> pfu/dose each antigen.</p>h<p>Challenge with 100 Pk sporozoites iv 12 days after last vaccination.</p