19 research outputs found
Research Directions, Challenges and Issues in Opinion Mining
Rapid growth of Internet and availability of user reviews on the web for any product has provided a need for an effective system to analyze the web reviews. Such reviews are useful to some extent, promising both the customers and product manufacturers. For any popular product, the number of reviews can be in hundreds or even thousands. This creates difficulty for a customer to analyze them and make important decisions on whether to purchase the product or to not. Mining such product reviews or opinions is termed as opinion mining which is broadly classified into two main categories namely facts and opinions. Though there are several approaches for opinion mining, there remains a challenge to decide on the recommendation provided by the system. In this paper, we analyze the basics of opinion mining, challenges, pros & cons of past opinion mining systems and provide some directions for the future research work, focusing on the challenges and issues
Early Diagnosis of Lung Tumors for Extending Patientsâ Life Using Deep Neural Networks
Funding Information: Funding Statement: This work was funded by the Researchers Supporting Project Number (RSP2023R 509) King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This work was supported in part by the Higher Education Sprout Project from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan, (109-2628-E-224-001-MY3), and in part by Isuzu Optics Corporation. Dr. Shih-Yu Chen is the corresponding author. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Tech Science Press. All rights reserved.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
In Internet era E-mail has become the most important mode of communication in every day life. E-mail offers several advantages like secure delivery, speed, cheaper cost, acknowledgement report, transparent service, and distributed environment. As spammers try to induce large amount of spam or unsolicited mails, managing these E-mailsâs in an efficient manner requires huge attention. This paper focus on personalizing the E-mail messages after eliminating the spam messages. The basic step starts with pre-processing the documents and classifying the contents into several folders or categories. The next step is to cluster the documents based on the relativeness they have using cosine similarity metric. This clustering approach is carried out using unsupervised method. The mail messages are the parsed through a filter that would identify the spam immediately. Studies on personalization of mails after spam identification, prioritizing the E-mailâs based on the importance and summarization of were also proposed. The results were quiet promising leading to efficient spam identification providing a platform for further improvements to build a domain independent personalizer system
A Comparison of Similarity Measures for Text Documents
Similarity is an important and widely used concept in many applications such as Document Summarisation, Question Answering, Information Retrieval, Document Clustering and Categorisation. This paper presents a comparison of various similarity measures in comparing the content of text documents. We have attempted to find the best measure suited for finding the document similarity for newspaper reports.Stop words, stemming, normalisation, similarity measure, discriminant
Classifying product reviews from balanced datasets for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
The Online reviews provided for a product enables web user to make decisions
appropriately. These reviews may be positive, negative or neutral in nature. Analyzing and
classifying such product reviews have attracted reasonable interest. It has become quite hard
to make decisions since we arenât able to obtain the decisions quickly. Hence it is required to
classify the reviews from balanced data sets for analysis and opinion mining of any
applications. The reason for considering balanced data sets is that the decision will not be
biased on the category of reviews considered. We have carried out investigations using
similarity measures to categorize the reviews correctly. Experiments reveal that the reviews
that were mixed in nature were able to be grouped correctly
A framework investigating the online user reviews to measure the biasness for sentiment analysis
Enhanced QSVM with elitist nonâdominated sorting genetic optimisation algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis
Abstract Machine learning has emerged as a promising method for predicting breast cancer using quantum computation techniques. Quantum machine learning algorithms, such as quantum support vector machines (QSVMs), are demonstrating superior efficiency and economy in tackling complex problems compared to traditional machine learning methods. When compared with classical support vector machine, the quantum machine produces remarkably accurate results. The suggested quantum SVM model in this study effectively resolved the binary classification problem for diagnosing malignant breast cancer. This work introduces an enhanced approach to breast cancer diagnosis by integrating QSVM with elitist nonâdominated sorting genetic optimization (ENSGA), leveraging the strengths of both techniques to achieve more accurate and efficient classification results. ENSGA plays a crucial role in optimising QSVM parameters, ensuring that the model attains the best possible classification accuracy while considering multiple objectives simultaneously. Moreover, the quantum kernel estimation method demonstrated exceptional performance by achieving high accuracy within an impressive execution time of 0.14 in the IBM QSVM simulator. The seamless integration of quantum computation techniques with optimisation strategies such as ENSGA highlights the potential of quantum machine learning in revolutionising the field of healthcare, particularly in the domain of breast cancer diagnosis