49 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan Teknologi yang semakin maju dalam mendukung pelayanan dapat diakses dengan berbagai cara secara mudah, cepat, dan efisien. Pelayanan yang dulunya banyak dilakukan secara konvensional mulai berubah menjadi lebih modern dan canggih karena pelayanan secara terkomputerisasi dan terkoneksi dengan jaringan internet. Oleh karena itu pembuatan sebuah aplikasi ujian online dapat mendukung pelaksanaan Tes masuk secara online kepada calon mahasiswa baru.Dengan metode berbasis online, sistem ujian seleksi masuk calon Mahasiswa baru akan sangat membantu dan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif dalam pelaksanaan ujian dengan cepat. Adapun AplikasiTryout Online Mandiri merupakan sebuah sistem pendukung dalam pelaksanaan Ujian Seleksi Masuk Calon Mahasiswa Baru secara online padaIBI Kosgoro 1957 Jakarta . Dalam Artikel ini dijelaskan mengenai masalah-masalah yang timbul serta pemecahan masalah yang dite liti.Aplikasi Tryout Online mandiri pada IBI Kosgoro 1957 Jakarta dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan MySql sebagai database-nya. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah Web Engineering yang terdiri dari enam tahapan yakni, (1). formulasi, (2). perencanaan, (3) analisis, (4) rekayasa, (5) implementasi dan pengujian, (6) evaluasi konsumen.Pengujian Aplikasi Tryout Online dilakukan secara langsung pada setiap fungsi yang telah ada. Hasil dari pengujian setiap fungsi yang ada dapat diketahu i bahwa fungsi-fungsi pada Aplikasi Ujian Online dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan perancangannya. Secara keseluruhan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Aplikasi Tryout Online dapat berfungsi sesuai dengan tujuan dan kegunaannya dengan baik


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    Hubungan Antara Minat Membaca dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas X di SMK Cyber Media Jakarta Selatan”,penulis mencoba memaparkan tentantang Program Studi, Pendidikan Ekonomi, disekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Purnama, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar Hubungan Antara Minat Membaca dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas X di SMK Cyber Media Jakarta Selatan.Tujuan penelitian ini berguna bagi kalangan pendidikan pada umumnya dan bagi penulis khususnya serta para guru guna mencari tujuan pembelajaran yang efektif. Adapun tujuan penelitian pada penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat Hubungan Minat Membaca dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas X di SMK Cyber Media Jakarta Selata

    Development of Village Based Potentials of Social Capital in Madiun District, East Java, Indonesia

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    Social capital as a potential development resource, if there is synergy between the interests of the villagers with the orientation of the target of village development. The lack of success in village development has been due to the lack of conformity with the needs of the villagers, due to the involvement of the villagers in the development process as a means of getting closer between the government and the villagers. The social capital of the villagers will result in a form of cooperation realized through mutual assistance and community awareness, and has been believed to be a strength and adhesive in the lives of village communities in the face of various village development issues. The problem is whether the potential of social capital has been synergized to be a force in supporting the implementation of village development. While the target in this research in 5 (five) sub-district of Madiun Regency and each sub-district determined 2 (two) village by purposive sampling. Data analysis used regression model through SPSS calculation. Keyword: Social Capital, Rural Development

    Komparasi Algoritma SVM Dan SVM Berbasis PSO Dalam Menganalisis Kinerja Guru SMAN 3 Selong

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    Teachers have an important role in printing quality students, so that there is a need for good performance. teacher performance is assessed from how the duties and responsibilities are carried out as educators. SMAN 3 selong is one of the educational institutions in East Lombok Regency, in measuring the performance of the headmaster of SMAN 3 Selong, usually looking at attendance data and the number of lesson hours, this causes the school principal to assess the teacher's performance is not effective so it needs to be built a system that can help school principals assess teacher performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of teachers of SMAN 3 Selong so that the performance criteria of teachers who teach well and are good enough can be known. To help the process of analyzing teacher performance accurately, a method of data mining is needed by applying a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). Based on the results of the experiments conducted using the PSO-based SVM (support vector machine) method (particle swarm optimization), by training 55 data records, 29 teachers were expected to be good performing teachers, 25 teachers with fairly good performance and 1 teacher It is estimated that it is quite good but has a good performance, with an accuracy of 98.33%.DOI : 10.29408/jit.v2i2.144

    The Effect of Product Quality and Service Quality on Purchase Decisions Through Word of Mouth at PT Hosana Inti Branch Malang

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    This study examines four variables, namely product quality, service quality, word of mouth, purchasing decisions. The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the effect of product and service quality on purchasing decisions by testing word of mouth as an intervention. Research respondents are consumers of PT Hosana Inti Malang Branch. A total of 321 people became the sample of this study. The analysis technique is descriptive, classical assumption test, and linear regression to confirm a structural equation model built by the researcher. A quantitative approach was chosen to explain the influence between research variables. Collecting data using a questionnaire. The results of this study found that word of mouth can mediate the influence of product quality and service quality so that it has an impact on increasing purchasing decisions at PT Hosana Inti Branch Malang. Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Word of Mouth Purchase Decision DOI: 10.7176/JMCR/85-03 Publication date: February 28th 2022

    Motivasi belajar ditinjau dari persepsi siswa terhadap guru dan teman sebaya pada siswa-siswi SMA Unggulan Haf-Sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong Probolinggo

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    ABSTRAK Motivasi merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan belajar. Siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mencurahkan segala kemampuannya untuk mendapatkan hasil belajar yang optimal sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan. Semakin tinggi motivasi yang dimiliki siswa, siswa akan tergerak belajar lebih giat lagi dan frekuensi belajarnya menjadi semakin meningkat, sehingga hasil belajarnyapun meningkat. Salah satunya adalah, motivasi belajar pada siswa-siswi SMA Unggulan Haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong, kuat dan lemahnya motivasi setiap siswa berbeda-beda, salah satu hal itu dipengaruhi oleh faktor persepsi siswa terhadap guru dan teman sebaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggetahui adanya tingkat motivasi belajar ditinjau dari persepsi siswa terhadap guru dan teman sebaya, dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar persepsi siswa terhadap guru dan teman sebaya, dan apakah ada hubungan motivasi belajar ditinjau dari persepsi siswa terhadap guru dan teman sebaya di SMA Unggulan Haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif koresional dengan bantuan SPSS 14.01 for windows. Dari populasi sebanyak 292 siswa sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 118 siswa-siswi SMA Unggulan haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong dengan menggunkan metode statified proportional ramdom sampling. Dari hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara motivasi belajar dengan persepsi yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar 0,319. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar pada sebagian siswa-siswi dalam kategori sedang. Terlihat dari aktivitas keseharian siswa yang terlihat adanya penurunan prestasi dibidang akademik. Indikator yang menyatakan motivasi belajar siswa dalam kategori sedang ialah siswa sering terlambat datang ke sekolah. Berdasarkan data statistik dari 118 siswa yang dijadikan sampel penelitian, diketahui bahwa terdapat 15,25% siswa yang memilki motivasi belajar rendah dengan jumlah 18 subyek, 72,88% siswa memilki motivasi belajar sedang dengan jumlah 86 subyek, dan 11,86% siswa yang memilki motivasi belajar tinggi dengan jumlah 14 subyek. ABSTRACT Motivation is one important factor affecting learning success. Students with motivation tend to have ability to get optimum learning result to achieve their expected objective. The higher students’ motivation will push the student to learn harder with greater frequency, therefore resulting in greater learning result. The learning motivation of students at SMA Haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong, Probolinggo, may be the example. Each student has different motivation, either stronger or weaker. The difference occurs due to students’ perception factor about the teacher and peer. The objective of research is to understand the rate of learning motivation viewed from students’ perception about the teacher and peer and to examine the rate of students’ perception about the teacher and peer. Research attempts to answer the question whether the relationship exists between learning motivation and students’ perception about the teacher and peer in the context of SMA Haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong, Probolinggo. Research can be categorized as correlation quantitative study assisted by SPSS 14.01 for Windows. From the population including 292 students, the sample has been used was 118 students of SMA Haf-sa Zainul Hasan BPPT Genggong, Probolinggo, which has been determined by stratified proportional random sampling method. The relationship definitely exists between learning motivation and students’ perception, as shown in the correlation coefficient (rx y) of 0.319. Results of research indicate that learning motivation of students remain in the medium category. It can be seen from the daily activity of students, especially from their decreasing academic achievement. The indicator of medium level of students’ learning motivation is that students are often coming late to school. Regarding to the statistical data for 118 students as sample, it seems that 15.25 % students or 18 subjects have low learning motivation, while 72.88 % students or 86 subjects have medium learning motivation, but 11.86 % or 14 subjects have high l

    Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth Combination

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    The development of microcontroller technology has been implemented in the robotics industry, particularly in performing tasks that are risky for living beings, especially humans. In this context, a wheeled smart car robot can automatically extinguish fires. The fire extinguishing system is taken over by the robot's system when fire or heat is detected, and the robot's controller activates the extinguishing system, spraying water at the fire point. The ESP 32 CAM microcontroller serves as the processing and controlling unit, handling data and displaying real-time camera images to ensure accurate fire extinguishing. Additionally, a mecanum wheel drive mechanism is added to enhance the robot's movement flexibility

    Money Politics and Horizontal Conflict in the Vehicle CH

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    Problems in village head elections are the occurrence of money politics, and even cause horizontal conflicts. Consequently, it does not produce village heads with capabilities and aspirations. Money politics by most politicians is considered an effective mode of influencing villagers in their political choices. Therefore, each candidate village head used the money to mobilize villagers in village head elections. The money politics mode is carried out with various activities that are labeled as food aid donations, contributing social facilities to the citizens. The practice of money politics, is very vulnerable to cause conflict between citizens who have different political choice affiliations, so it is very influential on the continuity of democratic village head elections. Keywords: Money politics, Horizontal conflict, Village Head Electio

    Village Democracy Strengthening in Realizing Good Governance

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    Community service performance has become an increasingly strategic policy issue because the improvement of bureaucratic performance has implications in the administration of government functions. The number of public complaints about the performance of public services, such as services that are convoluted, procedural, and slow in its completion, thus causing public distrust to the village government. The orientation of community service still seems centralized to the village head as the head of government, consequently being hampered in managing public services. To that end, it is necessary to improve the performance of community services through strengthening the democratization of the village by developing community capacity in political knowledge so as to encourage awareness to be actively involved in the process of village governance. Community involvement can be given space and opportunity to be involved in the process of planning, implementing and controlling the administration of government functions. With the involvement of the community, it will encourage increased social control as a balancing force, and can encourage the realization of good governance Keywords: Village governance, good governance, public services, democratization. DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-6-09 Publication date:June 30th 201