7 research outputs found
Parameter Genetik Sifat Pertumbuhan Dan Kerapatan Kayu Klon Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell. Di Dua Tapak Yang Berbeda Di Kalimantan Timur
Industrial forest plantations have an important role in fulfilling the wood demand. Based on global industrial development, the forest plantations industry will increase in the following years. Eucalyptus pellita has become main species in Indonesia forest plantations because it has a short cycle and wood products are suitable to forest industry. The average productivity of E. pellita plantations in Indonesia is still low and high variation. In an effort to increase the productivity, the first step is a better understanding of genetic control on growth and basic density. This study aims to determine the genetic parameters for growth and basic density of E. pellita clones on two different sites. The clonal trials was conducted at two different sites. Both clonal trial are designed using RCBD. The number of clones tested in both trial was 30, 5 blocks and 25 tree/plot. The result of the study showed that the effects of clones vary greatly according the enviromental conditions. The clones- environemntal interaction of growth trait is higher than the basic density. This is in line with genetic parameters of growth trait that are less stable than the basic density. The expected genetic gain of growth trait is higher than the basic density and at the same time there was a weak genetic correlation (there is even a negative) between growth trait and basic density. Therefore carefulness is needed in selecting clones when the two traits are used as selection parameters
Variasi Pertumbuhan Tinggi Klon Hibrid Acacia (a. Mangium X a. Auriculiformis) Umur 12 Bulan Di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah
Forty four clones of Acacia hybrid propagated from selected stoolplants were tested together with a control of pure species seedling and clone in a clonal test established at Wonogiri, Central Java. The design of clonal test was Incomplete Block Design, which was laid-out as single treeplot of 20 replications with spacing of 3 m x 3 m. Measurements of tree height were conducted at age 12 months. There were significant differences between the clones in height growth. Eleven clones of 44 were more superior than the original population at SSO F1 (Control 4th) which superiority ranging from 1.81-35.35 % and 3 of them were more superior than the pure species (control 1th, control 2th and control 3th) which superiority ranging from 3.51 – 17.28%. Meanhile, clone repeatability for height at age 12 months was, while individual repeatability for height was 0.59 +- 0.
Karakter Hibrid Acacia (Acacia Mangium X a. Auriculiformis) Berdasarkan Viabilitas Benih, Kemampuan Bertunas Dan Berakar Stek
The first generation of Acacia hybrid between A. mangium and A. auriculiformis potential to be developed for plantation because of its superiority. The superiority of hibrid Acacia were fast growth, straight bole, light branching, more tolerant to pest/disease attack and better wood property than the parent trees. The only way to maintain their superiority is to propagate it vegetatively. The objective of the research was to observed characteristics of hibrid Acacia based on seed viability,sprouting and rooting ability. Materials used in this study were collected seed from control pollination at breeding garden which verified by molecular marker. The result showed that the character of seed viability on hybrid Acacia was still low (48.1%) meanwhile the sprouting and rooting ability were 16.5 ± 0.7 shoots and 78,4% respectively
Analisa Parameter Genetik Sifat Kayu Kombinasi Uji Provenans Dan Uji Keturunan Acacia Mangium Di Kalimantan Selatan
Combination of provenance progeny trial of Acacia mangium from Claudie River-Queensland- Australia was established in Pelaihari, South Kalimantan. The objective of this research is to find variation on diameter, wood specific gravity and fiber lenght between provenance seedlot and family within provenance seedlot in provenance progeny trial of A. mangium on 22 months old.The results showed that the mean of wood specific gravity and was 0.40 and mean of fiber length was 0.89 mm. Variation of diameter, wood specific gravity, and fiber length were significant difference among provenance seedlot or between family within provenance seedlot in the trial. Individual heritability of diameter, wood specific gravity, and fiber length were medium (hi 2=0.49 for diameter; hi 2=0.33 for specific gravity and hi 2=0.39 for fiber length). The results of investigation from this trial indicate that diameter, wood specific gravity, and fiber length are necessary to be used for tree selection to improve growth wood quality in the combination of provenance progeny trial of A. mangium
Variasi Pertumbuhan Pada Ju Keturunan Merbau (Intsia Bijuga O.Ktze) Di Sobang, Banten
The aims of this study to investigate the adaptability, genetic variation of growth character, and genetic correlation among tested plants. The design was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 100 tested families from 8 populations, with 4 tree plots and 6 replications. The spacing was 4mx4m. The resultsb showed that adaptabily of plant was very good, with high percentage of plant survival (91.64%). There were significants variations within families and within populations on height, diameter and branching. The individual heritability (h2i)on height and diameter were hight (0.50) and 0.40) and moderate on branching (0,24). The family heritability (h2f) was moderate on height , diameter and branching (0.56, 0.50, and 0.46 respectively). Yhe genetic correlation (rg) between plant heght and diameter was 0.96