97 research outputs found
Global aspects of the geometry of surfaces
These notes (prepared for the author's lectures at the Cracow Summer School
on Linear Systems organized by S. Mueller-Stach and T. Szemberg, held March
23-27, 2009 at the Pedagogical University of Cracow under the sponsorship of
the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) present a number of open problems on the
theory of smooth projective algebraic surfaces, and put into historical context
recent work on a range of topics, including Mori dream spaces and the finite
generation of the Cox ring, Seshadri constants, and the resurgence of
homogeneous ideals and the problem of which ordinary powers of homogeneous
ideals contain given symbolic powers of those ideals. These notes include many
exercises, with solutions.Comment: 23 pages; exercises are included, with solutions (revision includes
positive characteristic example pointed out by J. Koll\'ar and brought to my
attention by B. Totaro of surface with curves C for which C^2 is arbitrarily
Anticanonical Rational Surfaces
A determination of the fixed components, base points and irregularity is made
for arbitrary numerically effective divisors on any smooth projective rational
surface having an effective anticanonical divisor. All of the results are
proven over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic.
Applications, treated in separate papers, include questions involving: points
in good position, birational models of rational surfaces in projective space,
and resolutions for ideals of fat point subschemes of .Comment: 14 pp. The preprint itself is not contained in the Duke archive;
plainTeX textfile and dvi versions of this preprint can instead be obtained
via the author's www site, http://www.math.unl.edu/~bharbour/ . Comments and
requests can be directed to [email protected]
On Nagata's Conjecture
Modifying an approach of J. Roe, this paper gives an improved lower bound on
the degrees d such that for general points p1,...,pn in P2 and m > 0 there is a
plane curve of degree d vanishing at each point pi with multiplicity at least
m. In certain cases, for m not too large compared with n, the new bound implies
a bound conjectured by Nagata.Comment: 6 page
Configuration types and cubic surfaces
This paper is a sequel to the paper \cite{refGH}. We relate the matroid
notion of a combinatorial geometry to a generalization which we call a
configuration type. Configuration types arise when one classifies the Hilbert
functions and graded Betti numbers for fat point subschemes supported at
essentially distinct points of the projective plane. Each type gives
rise to a surface obtained by blowing up the points. We classify those
types such that and is nef. The surfaces obtained are precisely
the desingularizations of the normal cubic surfaces. By classifying
configuration types we recover in all characteristics the classification of
normal cubic surfaces, which is well-known in characteristic 0 \cite{refBW}. As
an application of our classification of configuration types, we obtain a
numerical procedure for determining the Hilbert function and graded Betti
numbers for the ideal of any fat point subscheme such
that the points are essentially distinct and is nef, given only
the configuration type of the points and the coefficients .Comment: 14 pages, final versio
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