44 research outputs found
The Role of Nutritional Status, Age, Genetic Factors, and Lifestyle on the Hypertension Prevalence among Community in Indonesian Coastal Area
Hypertension is one of cardiovascular disease which has the highest mortality rate. This study aims to determine the risk factors of hypertension among the community in the coastal area of Medan Labuhan in Medan city, Indonesia. The study population was the population who live in the coastal area of Medan Labuhan district in Medan City. The number of participants in this study was 108 people recruited by continuous and consecutive sampling method. Assessment of nutritional status was based on body mass index (BMI) that calculated from the body weight and height which measured at the same day of the interview; blood pressure measurements were performed twice with a 5-minute interval by using a calibrated blood pressure meter. The assessment of smoking habits, coffee consumption, consumption of fruits and vegetables, physical activity, and mental stress was using a valid and reliable questionnaire. The data analysis was using the chi-square test with SPSS computer program. The confidence interval was 95%, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. This study found significant relationships between hypertension with a genetic factor, smoking habits, regular consuming coffee, fruits, and vegetable consumption, and less physical activity (p<0,05). Based on this study, the health practitioner mainly family doctors could conduct health promotions that could improve the awareness of society on prevention of hypertension, they also conduct a proper regular treatment of hypertension especially community in the coastal area, because they have more risks become hypertension
Cataracts Risk Factors and Comparison of Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients towards the Occurrence of Cataracts
BACKGROUND: Cataracts are a multifactorial systemic disease that causes opacity of the optical lens. One aetiology of cataracts is chronic hyperglycemia, usually caused by uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
AIM: The objective of this study is to identify risk factors of cataracts and to analyse if there is a significant difference in blood glucose values between diabetic patients with cataracts and non-diabetic patients with cataracts.
METHODS: This was an analytical case-control study with a sample size of 140 patients that were obtained via consecutive sampling of medical records. This study found that age, high body mass index and hypertension were the dominant risk factors of cataracts.
RESULTS: The mean value of blood glucose levels in diabetic patients with cataracts is 195.58 ± 63.9 and 109.7 ± 26.4 in non-diabetic patients with cataracts. There was a significant difference between the blood glucose values of diabetic patients with cataracts and non-diabetic patients with cataracts (p < 0.001). The dominant risk factors of cataracts were old age, high body mass index and hypertension. The majority of hyperglycemic patients belong in the group of diabetic patients with cataracts.
CONCLUSION: Chronic hyperglycemia can increase a patient’s risk of cataracts.
Healthy House as Indicator to Realize Healthy City and its Relationship with the Role of Community in Medan City
A healthy city connotes a city that is clean, comfortable, safe and healthy for inhabitants, which is achieved through the implementation of the arrangements and agreed activities between communities and local government units. Healthy house is one indicator of a healthy city. A healthy house meets the health requirements as measured by three parameters: components of house, sanitation facilities and the behavior of occupants. This study aimed to analyze if the houses in Medan qualify for the attainment of a healthy city, determine the knowledge of community in terms of healthy house, healthy city and the role of community, and to find out if there is a significant relationship between the role of community and having a healthy house. The study design used is survey with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Research sites were the 21 districts in the city of Medan wherein 400 respondents were selected through proportional random sampling. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that in the city of Medan, only 30% of houses were healthy and 70% were not. 63.0% of the respondents have good knowledge about healthy house and 57.8% have good knowledge about healthy city. Furthermore, the community perceived to have played a good role as much as 75.5% in the effort to realize a healthy home/city. The community’s role has a positive and significant effect on healthy house in efforts to achieve a healthy city in Medan (p = 0.04). It is recommended that the government of Medan City draw up a program of healthy house and healthy city and involve related stakeholders, increase community participation from the beginning of planning stage in order to increase community involvement in the implementation of development and formation of Healthy City Forum
Screening of Degenerative Diseases and Quality of Life among Elderly People in Posyandu Lansia Medan Amplas Sub-Districts, Medan
The number of elderly people in Indonesia from year to year is increasing in line with increasing life expectancy. The number of elderly people reached 7.56% of the population. Certainly, the increase in the elderly population will be followed by an increased risk for the elderly to suffer from degenerative diseases. This study aimed to assess the role of degenerative disease screening and health counseling to the quality of life of the elderly in the health post (Posyandu Lansia). This study was a descriptive analytic with prospective approach by assessing 100 elderly people. Screenings done for examination of blood pressure, blood sugar level, cholesterol level, uric acid level, and urine protein. Assessment of quality of life done by using questionnaire of WHOQOL. The elderly in Posyandu Lansia were educated in accordance with the results of the screening and followed up for 4 months. Screening results showed that most elderly people had high blood pressure (89% had high systolic blood pressure and 70% had high diastolic blood pressure). As much as 55% of elderly people had cholesterol levels ≥ 200 mg/dl, while blood sugar levels as ≥ 200 mg/dl were 20% of the elderly and only 20% of respondents who had uric acid levels that exceed normal limits (8,5mg/dl). As many as 13 of respondents indicated a positive result in urine protein. Assessment of the quality of life of elderly based on the score at first examination obtained a mean of 88.26 ± 9.1. Regarding general health status, 21% of elderly felt less satisfied, 47% declared that their health status in normal conditions and 32% felt satisfied with their current health status. The score of quality of life after receiving counseling, obtained a mean of 89.31 ± 7.8. Assessment of general health status showed only 11% of elderly declared unsatisfactory health status. Result of t test showed that there was a significant difference between score of quality of life before and after screening degenerative diseases (p0.05). Screening of degenerative diseases showed a majority of the elderly had a potential risk to suffer from degenerative diseases. Prevention through screening and health counseling particularly in Posyandu Lansia can reduce morbidity and mortality in elderly, and therefore it will improve quality of life for the elderl
Knowledge and social stigma can influence the behavior of TB sufferers in seeking treatment in order to free themselves from the disease and obtain health recovery. This study aims to analyze the effect of knowledge and social stigma of tuberculosis on treatment-seeking behavior. This research is quantitative research conducted in the working area of Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency. The sample in the study was 60 people consisting of 30 TB patients and 30 people from the community. Research data in the form of primary data, secondary data, and tertiary data. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was no effect of patient knowledge on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with p = 0.563 > 0.05. There is no influence of internal stigma on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with a p-value = 0.565 > 0.05. There is an influence of public knowledge on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients with a p-value = 0.027 <0.05. There is an influence of external stigma on the behavior of seeking treatment for tuberculosis patients in the working area of the Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency with p = 0.030 <0.05. Based on this, it is recommended that the results of this study be used as input for the Hutabaginda Public Health Center, North Tapanuli Regency to make programs and evaluations in dealing with health problems, especially cases of pulmonary TB
The accuracy of the diagnosis code is important as a determinant in the financing of health services. The delay in payment of BPJS Health claims can occur if there is a difference in the diagnosis code. This study aims to describe the differences in the ICD 10 diagnosis code between hospitals and BPJS Health Verifiers and the factors that influence them. Qualitative research with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The research informants consisted of the main informants as many as 3 Doctors in Charge of Service (DPJP) and the triangulation informants as many as 3 people, namely the Internal Verifier, Coder, and Head of the Medical Record Section. Processing and analyzing data using the content analysis method. The results of the study were 187 claim files experienced delays in payment due to differences in diagnosis codes, no quality audit of diagnosis coding was carried out, no clinical protocol, lack of cooperation between DPJP, coder, and internal verifier, lack of understanding of DPJP, lack of hospital management role involving DPJP in writing the code diagnosis, the absence of hospital policies/SOPs related to writing the ICD 10 diagnosis code, not providing diagnostic coding training. The conclusion of the study is that there are differences in the ICD 10 diagnosis code due to the absence of quality audits for diagnosis coding, clinical protocols, and the role of hospital management which is lacking in preparing policies and training on diagnosis coding causing delays in claim payments
Situation Analysis as a Effort to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Labuhan Batu Regency in 2022
Indonesia has set a target in accordance with the SDGs Program in 2030 in the health sector, namely through efforts to improve nutrition and health quality in combating the prevalence of stunting. The achievement of the SDGs goals must be prepared from now on by coordinating cross-sectoral. Over the last 20 years, the handling of the stunting problem has been very slow, globally, the percentage of children whose growth is stunted has decreased by only 0.6% per year since 1999. It is predicted that if this continues, 15 years later it is estimated that 450 million children will experience growth retardation or stunting. The contributing factor is suspected to be the lack of cross-sectoral roles in preventing stunting, so it is necessary to strengthen the role through convergence action to accelerate stunting reduction. The role of Universities as the Regency/City Assistance Implementation Team through the Stunting Reduction Acceleration Program in 10 loci in Labuhan Batu Regency with a 5-pillar approach, namely; (1) increasing commitment and leadership of the Village/Urban Government; (2) System strengthening and development, data, information, research and innovation; (3) communication of behavior change and community empowerment in terms of nutrition, healthy behavior, mutual cooperation and independence; (4) convergence of specific and sensitive interventions through a family approach caring for stunting; (5) food security at the level Individuals, Families and Communities through optimizing the use of local food ingredients. The factors that encourage the implementation of convergence actions to accelerate stunting reduction are the government's commitment, as well as the involvement of various parties, both from the health and non-health sectors
Analysis of Employment Relationship with Nurse Performance at Special Eye Hospital, North Sumatra Province
In the Special Eye Hospital of North Sumatra, it is known that there are several problems that occur which reflect the high number of nurses who experience work stress. This study aims to analyze whether there is a relationship between work stress and the performance of nurses in the Environment Eye Hospital Province Of North Sumatra This research was a quantitative research with a cross sectional research design. The study was conducted at the Environment Eye Hospital Province Of North Sumatra from July to August 2022. The number of samples was 43 nurses who were obtained by total sampling. The data in this study include primary data, secondary data and tertiary data. Data analysis was performed using univariate analysis test, bivariate analysis using Chi-square test and multivariate using logistic regression test. The results showed that in the univariate analysis of 43 respondents, most of the respondents aged > 35 years, as many as 24 (55.4%) respondents, female, as many as 40 (93.2%) respondents with D3 Nursing education as many as 34 (79 ,1%). In the bivariate analysis, it is known that there is a relationship between task demands (p value = 0.024), role demands (p value = 0.001), organizational structure (p value = 0.033), organizational leadership (p value = 0.024) with the performance of nurses in the Special Hospital Environment. Eyes of North Sumatra Province. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the most dominantly related variable was the role demands variable (p value = 0.001)
Kewaspadaan standar dalam pencegahan infeksi sangat penting diterapkan di kamar bedah, mengingat pembedahan memiliki resiko yang besar terjadinya infeksi nasokomial sehingga dapat meningkatkan morbilitas dan mortalitas serta meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Kejadian Infeksi Daerah Operasi (IDO) di RSUD Doloksanggul pada Tahun 2019 yaitu kasus bedah umum sebesar 10%, kasus bedah mata sebesar 10%, kasus kebidanan sebesar 2% dan kasus bedah mulut sebesar 0,5%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kewaspadaan standar dalam pencegahan infeksi di Kamar Bedah RSUD Doloksanggul. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di RSUD Doloksanggul. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 8 orang Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi lapangan dan analisa data dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebersihan tangan yang dilakukan oleh petugas kesehatan di kamar bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Doloksanggul kurang baik, pemakian alat pelindung diri (APD) kurang baik, dekontaminasi peralatan perawatan pasien sudah baik, pengendalian lingkungan kurang baik, pengelolaan limbah sudah baik, pengelolaan linen sudah baik, perlindungan kesehatan petugas kurang baik, Penempatan pasien kurang baik, Praktik menyuntik sudah baik, Praktik lumbal fungsi sudah baik. Disarankan kepada RSUD Doloksanggul untuk meningkatkan peran dan fungsi tim pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi, melakukan pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi petugas kamar bedah tentang pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi