23,844 research outputs found
Space Charge Behaviour in Oil-Paper Insulation with Different Aging Condition
Oil-paper insulation system is widely used in power transformers and cables. The dielectric properties of oilpaper insulation play an important role in the reliable operation of power equipment. Oil-paper insulation degrades under a combined stress of thermal (the most important factor), electrical, mechanical, and chemical stresses during routine operations, which has great effect on the dielectric properties of oil-paper insulation [1]. Space charge in oil-paper insulation has a close relation to its electrical performance [1]. In this paper, space charge behaviour of oil-paper insulation sample with three different ageing conditions (aged for 0, 35 and 77 days) was investigated using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique. The influence of aging on the space charge dynamics behaviour was analysed. Results show that aging has great effect on the space charge dynamics of oil-paper insulation. The homocharge injection takes place under all three aging conditions above. Positive charges tend to accumulate in the sample, and increase with the oil-paper insulation sample deterioration. The time to achieve the maximum injection charge density is 30s, 2min and 10min for oil-paper insulation sample aged for 0, 35 and 77 days, respectively. The maximum charge density injected in the sample aged for 77 days is more than two times larger than the initial sample. In addition, the charge decay speed becomes much slower with the aging time increase. There is an exponential relationship between the total charge amount and the decay time. The decay time constant ? increases with the increasing deterioration condition of the oil-paper insulation sample. The ? value may be used to reflect the aging status of oil-paper insulation
Jastrow-Correlated Wavefunctions for Flat-Band Lattices
The electronic band structure of many compounds, e.g., carbon-based
structures, can exhibit essentially no dispersion. Models of electrons in
flat-band lattices define non-perturbative strongly correlated problems by
default. We construct a set of Jastrow-correlated ansatz wavefunctions to
capture the low energy physics of interacting particles in flat bands. We test
the ansatz in a simple Coulomb model of spinless electrons in a honeycomb
ribbon. We find that the wavefunction accurately captures the ground state in a
transition from a crystal to a uniform quantum liquid.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, update context, references and publication
Adjusting for Confounding by Neighborhood Using a Proportional Odds Model and Complex Survey Data
In social epidemiology, an individual\u27s neighborhood is considered to be an important determinant of health behaviors, mediators, and outcomes. Consequently, when investigating health disparities, researchers may wish to adjust for confounding by unmeasured neighborhood factors, such as local availability of health facilities or cultural predispositions. With a simple random sample and a binary outcome, a conditional logistic regression analysis that treats individuals within a neighborhood as a matched set is a natural method to use. The authors present a generalization of this method for ordinal outcomes and complex sampling designs. The method is based on a proportional odds model and is very simple to program using standard software such as SAS PROC SURVEYLOGISTIC (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina). The authors applied the method to analyze racial/ethnic differences in dental preventative care, using 2008 Florida Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey data. The ordinal outcome represented time since last dental cleaning, and the authors adjusted for individual-level confounding by gender, age, education, and health insurance coverage. The authors compared results with and without additional adjustment for confounding by neighborhood, operationalized as zip code. The authors found that adjustment for confounding by neighborhood greatly affected the results in this example
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Thermodynamic analysis of a novel fossil-fuel–free energy storage system with a trans-critical carbon dioxide cycle and heat pump
This paper presents and analyzes a novel fossil-fuel–free trans-critical energy storage system that uses CO2 as the working fluid in a closed loop shuttled between two saline aquifers or caverns at different depths: one a low-pressure reservoir and the other a high-pressure reservoir. Thermal energy storage and a heat pump are adopted to eliminate the need for external natural gas for heating the CO2 entering the energy recovery turbines. We carefully analyze the energy storage and recovery processes to reveal the actual efficiency of the system. We also highlight thermodynamic and sensitivity analyses of the performance of this fossil-fuel–free trans-critical energy storage system based on a steady-state mathematical method. It is found that the fossil-fuel–free trans-critical CO2 energy storage system has good comprehensive thermodynamic performance. The exergy efficiency, round-trip efficiency, and energy storage efficiency are 67.89%, 66%, and 58.41%, and the energy generated of per unit storage volume is 2.12 kW·h/m3, and the main contribution to exergy destruction is the turbine reheater, from which we can quantify how performance can be improved. Moreover, with a higher energy storage and recovery pressure and lower pressure in the low-pressure reservoir, this novel system shows promising performance
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