413 research outputs found
The scattering of - and -modes from ensembles of thin magnetic flux tubes - An analytical approach
Motivated by the observational results of Braun (1995), we extend the model
of Hanson & Cally (2014) to address the effect of multiple scattering of f and
p-modes by an ensemble of thin vertical magnetic flux tubes in the surface
layers of the Sun. As in observational Hankel analysis we measure the scatter
and phase shift from an incident cylindrical wave in a coordinate system
roughly centred in the core of the ensemble. It is demonstrated that, although
thin flux tubes are unable to interact with high order fluting modes
individually, they can indirectly absorb energy from these waves through the
scatters of kink and sausage components. It is also shown how the distribution
of absorption and phase shift across the azimuthal order m depends strongly on
the tube position, as well as on the individual tube characteristics. This is
the first analytical study into an ensembles multiple scattering regime, that
is embedded within a stratified atmosphere.Comment: 20 pages, 8 Figure
Multiple Scattering of Seismic Waves from Ensembles of Upwardly Lossy Thin Flux Tubes
Our previous semi-analytic treatment of f- and p-mode multiple scattering
from ensembles of thin flux tubes (Hanson and Cally, Astrophys. J. 781, 125;
791, 129, 2014) is extended by allowing both sausage and kink waves to freely
escape at the top of the model using a radiative boundary condition there. As
expected, this additional avenue of escape, supplementing downward loss into
the deep solar interior, results in substantially greater absorption of
incident f- and p-modes. However, less intuitively, it also yields mildly to
substantially smaller phase shifts in waves emerging from the ensemble. This
may have implications for the interpretation of seismic data for solar plage
regions, and in particular their small measured phase shifts.Comment: 9 Pages, 5 Figures. Accepted by Solar Physic
Resonant Absorption as Mode Conversion? II. Temporal Ray Bundle
A fast-wave pulse in a simple, cold, inhomogeneous MHD model plasma is
constructed by Fourier superposition over frequency of harmonic waves that are
singular at their respective Alfven resonances. The pulse partially reflects
before reaching the resonance layer, but also partially tunnels through to it
to mode convert to an Alfven wave. The exact absorption/conversion coefficient
for the pulse is shown to be given precisely by a function of transverse
wavenumber tabulated in Paper I of this sequence, and to be independent of
frequency and pulse width.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted (15 Nov 2010) by Solar Physics.
Ancillary file (animation) attache
Enhanced Acoustic Emission in Relation to the Acoustic Halo Surrounding Active Region 11429
The use of acoustic holography in the high-frequency -mode spectrum can
resolve the source distributions of enhanced acoustic emissions within halo
structures surrounding active regions. In doing so, statistical methods can
then be applied to ascertain relationships with the magnetic field. This is the
focus of this study. The mechanism responsible for the detected enhancement of
acoustic sources around solar active regions has not yet been explained.
Furthermore the relationship between the magnetic field and enhanced acoustic
emission has not yet been comprehensively examined. We have used vector
magnetograms from the \Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on-board the
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to image the magnetic-field properties in the
halo. We have studied the acoustic morphology of an active region, with a
complex halo and "glories," and we have linked some acoustic properties to the
magnetic-field configuration. In particular, we find that acoustic sources are
significantly enhanced in regions of intermediate field strength with
inclinations no different from the distributions found in the quiet Sun.
Additionally we have identified a transition region between the active region
and the halo, in which the acoustic source power is hindered by inclined fields
of intermediate field strength. Finally, we have compared the results of
acoustic emission maps, calculated from holography, and the commonly used local
acoustic maps, finding that the two types of maps have similar properties with
respect to the magnetic field but lack spatial correlation when examining the
highest-powered regions.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, Accepted by Solar Physic
Sensitivity kernels for time-distance helioseismology: efficient computation for spherically-symmetric solar models
The interpretation of helioseismic measurements, such as wave travel-time, is
based on the computation of kernels that give the sensitivity of the
measurements to localized changes in the solar interior. These are computed
using the ray or the Born approximation. The Born approximation is preferable
as it takes finite-wavelength effects into account, but can be computationally
expensive. We propose a fast algorithm to compute travel-time sensitivity
kernels under the assumption that the background solar medium is spherically
symmetric. Kernels are typically expressed as products of Green's functions
that depend upon depth, latitude and longitude. Here, we compute the spherical
harmonic decomposition of the kernels and show that the integrals in latitude
and longitude can be performed analytically. In particular, the integrals of
the product of three associated Legendre polynomials can be computed thanks to
the algorithm of Dong and Lemus (2002). The computations are fast and accurate
and only require the knowledge of the Green's function where the source is at
the pole. The computation time is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared
to other recent computational frameworks. This new method allows for flexible
and computationally efficient calculations of a large number of kernels,
required in addressing key helioseismic problems. For example, the computation
of all the kernels required for meridional flow inversion takes less than two
hours on 100 cores
Supervised Neural Networks for Helioseismic Ring-Diagram Inversions
The inversion of ring fit parameters to obtain subsurface flow maps in
ring-diagram analysis for 8 years of SDO observations is computationally
expensive, requiring ~3200 CPU hours. In this paper we apply machine learning
techniques to the inversion in order to speed up calculations. Specifically, we
train a predictor for subsurface flows using the mode fit parameters and the
previous inversion results, to replace future inversion requirements. We
utilize Artificial Neural Networks as a supervised learning method for
predicting the flows in 15 degree ring tiles. To demonstrate that the machine
learning results still contain the subtle signatures key to local helioseismic
studies, we use the machine learning results to study the recently discovered
solar equatorial Rossby waves. The Artificial Neural Network is computationally
efficient, able to make future flow predictions of an entire Carrington
rotation in a matter of seconds, which is much faster than the current ~31 CPU
hours. Initial training of the networks requires ~3 CPU hours. The trained
Artificial Neural Network can achieve a root mean-square error equal to
approximately half that reported for the velocity inversions, demonstrating the
accuracy of the machine learning (and perhaps the overestimation of the
original errors from the ring-diagram pipeline). We find the signature of
equatorial Rossby waves in the machine learning flows covering six years of
data, demonstrating that small-amplitude signals are maintained. The recovery
of Rossby waves in the machine learning flow maps can be achieved with only one
Carrington rotation (27.275 days) of training data. We have shown that machine
learning can be applied to, and perform more efficiently than the current
ring-diagram inversion. The computation burden of the machine learning includes
3 CPU hours for initial training, then around 0.0001 CPU hours for future
predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 10 Figures, Accepted by A&
A linear model for inertial modes in a differentially rotating Sun
Inertial wave modes in the Sun are of interest owing to their potential to
reveal new insight into the solar interior. These predominantly
retrograde-propagating modes in the solar subsurface appear to deviate from the
thin-shell Rossby-Haurwitz model at high azimuthal orders. We present new
measurements of sectoral equatorial inertial modes at where the modes
appear to become progressively less retrograde compared to the canonical
Rossby-Haurwitz dispersion relation in a co-rotating frame. We use a spectral
eigenvalue solver to compute the spectrum of solar inertial modes in the
presence of differential rotation. Focussing specifically on equatorial Rossby
modes, we find that the numerically obtained mode frequencies lie along
distinct ridges, one of which lies strikingly close to the observed mode
frequencies in the Sun. We also find that the ridge is deflected strongly
in the retrograde direction. This suggests that the solar measurements may not
correspond to the fundamental Rossby-Haurwitz solutions as was initially
suspected, but to a those for a higher . The numerically obtained
eigenfunctions also appear to sit deep within the convection zone -- unlike
those for the modes -- which differs substantially from solar
measurements and complicates inference.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure
Magnetic flux in the Sun emerges unaffected by supergranular-scale surface flows
Magnetic flux emergence from the convection zone into the photosphere and
beyond is a critical component of the behaviour of large-scale solar magnetism.
Flux rarely emerges amid field-free areas at the surface, but when it does, the
interaction between magnetism and plasma flows can be reliably explored. Prior
ensemble studies identified weak flows forming near emergence locations, but
the low signal-to-noise required averaging over the entire dataset, erasing
information about variation across the sample. Here, we apply deep learning to
achieve improved signal-to-noise, enabling a case-by-case study. We find that
these associated flows are dissimilar across instances of emergence and also
occur frequently in the quiet convective background. Our analysis suggests
diminished influence of supergranular-scale convective flows and magnetic
buoyancy on flux rise. Consistent with numerical evidence, we speculate that
small-scale surface turbulence and / or deep-convective processes play an
outsize role in driving flux emergence.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in Ap
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