54,471 research outputs found

    Absence of magnetic long range order in Y2_{2}CrSbO7_{7}: bond-disorder induced magnetic frustration in a ferromagnetic pyrochlore

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    The consequences of nonmagnetic-ion dilution for the pyrochlore family Y2_{2}(M1xNxM_{1-x}N_{x})2_{2}O7_{7} (MM = magnetic ion, NN = nonmagnetic ion) have been investigated. As a first step, we experimentally examine the magnetic properties of Y2_{2}CrSbO7_{7} (xx = 0.5), in which the magnetic sites (Cr3+^{3+}) are percolative. Although the effective Cr-Cr spin exchange is ferromagnetic, as evidenced by a positive Curie-Weiss temperature, ΘCW\Theta_\mathrm{{CW}} = 20.1(6) K, our high-resolution neutron powder diffraction measurements detect no sign of magnetic long range order down to 2 K. In order to understand our observations, we performed numerical simulations to study the bond-disorder introduced by the ionic size mismatch between MM and NN. Based on these simulations, bond-disorder (xbx_{b} \simeq 0.23) percolates well ahead of site-disorder (xsx_{s} \simeq 0.61). This model successfully reproduces the critical region (0.2 < xx < 0.25) for the N\'eel to spin glass phase transition in Zn(Cr1x_{1-x}Gax_{x})2_{2}O4_{4}, where the Cr/Ga-sublattice forms the same corner-sharing tetrahedral network as the M/NM/N-sublattice in Y2_{2}(M1xNxM_{1-x}N_{x})2_{2}O7_{7}, and the rapid drop in magnetically ordered moment in the N\'eel phase [Lee etet alal, Phys. Rev. B 77, 014405 (2008)]. Our study stresses the nonnegligible role of bond-disorder on magnetic frustration, even in ferromagnets

    The Large Footprints of H-Space on Asymptotically Flat Space-Times

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    We show that certain structures defined on the complex four dimensional space known as H-Space have considerable relevance for its closely associated asymptotically flat real physical space-time. More specifically for every complex analytic curve on the H-space there is an asymptotically shear-free null geodesic congruence in the physical space-time. There are specific geometric structures that allow this world-line to be chosen in a unique canonical fashion giving it physical meaning and significance.Comment: 7 page

    Implementing Options Markets in California To Manage Water Supply Uncertainty

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    In California, the tremendous spatial and temporal variation in precipitation suggests that flexible contractual arrangements, such as option contracts, would increase allocative efficiency of water over time and space. Under such arrangements, a water agency pays an option premium for the right to purchase water at some point in the future, if water conditions turn out to be dry. The premium represents the value of the flexibility gained by the buyer from postponing its decision whether to purchase water. In California, the seller of existing option arrangements is often an agricultural producer who can fallow land, in the event that a water option is exercised. In this simulation-optimization approach, we seek to determine the value of transferring water uncertainty from one party to another at several locations in California, given current water prices and the spatial and temporal distribution of water year types in the state. (Preliminary analysis covers northern California; future analysis will incorporate southern California.) We analyze within a mathematical programming framework whether increased trading among water agencies across time as well as space would result in significant gains from trade. We use output from CALVIN, an economic-engineering optimization model of the California water system which runs the current configuration of the California water system over historical hydrological conditions, to generate water's imputed price at different locations during different seasons. We also explore reasons why previous theoretical calculations of option value in the western United States have far exceeded option premia on existing bilateral contracts.Risk and Uncertainty,

    Crossover Behavior in Burst Avalanches of Fiber Bundles: Signature of Imminent Failure

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    Bundles of many fibers, with statistically distributed thresholds for breakdown of individual fibers and where the load carried by a bursting fiber is equally distributed among the surviving members, are considered. During the breakdown process, avalanches consisting of simultaneous rupture of several fibers occur, with a distribution D(Delta) of the magnitude Delta of such avalanches. We show that there is, for certain threshold distributions, a crossover behavior of D(Delta) between two power laws D(Delta) proportional to Delta^(-xi), with xi=3/2 or xi=5/2. The latter is known to be the generic behavior, and we give the condition for which the D(Delta) proportional to Delta^(-3/2) behavior is seen. This crossover is a signal of imminent catastrophic failure in the fiber bundle. We find the same crossover behavior in the fuse model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Wind tunnel measurements in the wake of a simple structure in a simulated atmospheric flow

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    Measurements of longitudinal mean velocity and turbulence intensity were made in the wake of a rectangular model building in a simulated atmospheric boundary-layer wind. The model building was a 1:50 scale model of a structure used in a wake measurement program at the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center 8-tower boundary-layer facility. The approach wind profile and measurement locations were chosen to match the field site conditions. The wakes of the building in winds from azimuths of 0 and 47 degrees referenced to the normal to the building long axis were examined. The effect of two lines of trees upwind of the building on the wake and the importance of the ratio of the building height to boundary-layer thickness on the extent of the wake were determined

    Ammonia emissions from deciduous forest after leaf fall

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    The understanding of biochemical feedback mechanisms in the climate system is lacking knowledge in relation to bi-directional ammonia (NH3) exchange between natural ecosystems and the atmosphere. We therefore study the atmospheric NH3 fluxes during a 25-day period during autumn 2010 (21 October to 15 November) for the Danish beech forest Lille Bøgeskov to address the hypothesis that NH3 emissions occur from deciduous forests in relation to leaf fall. This is accomplished by using observations of vegetation status, NH3 fluxes and model calculations. Vegetation status was observed using plant area index (PAI) and leaf area index (LAI). NH3 fluxes were measured using the relaxed eddy accumulation (REA) method. The REA-based NH3 concentrations were compared to NH3 denuder measurements. Model calculations of the atmospheric NH3 concentration were obtained with the Danish Ammonia MOdelling System (DAMOS). The relative contribution from the forest components to the atmospheric NH3 flux was assessed using a simple two-layer bi-directional canopy compensation point model. A total of 57.7% of the fluxes measured showed emission and 19.5% showed deposition. A clear tendency of the flux going from deposition of −0.25 ± 0.30 μg NH3-N m−2 s−1 to emission of up to 0.67 ± 0.28 μg NH3-N m−2 s−1 throughout the measurement period was found. In the leaf fall period (23 October to 8 November), an increase in the atmospheric NH3 concentrations was related to the increasing forest NH3 flux. Following leaf fall, the magnitude and temporal structure of the measured NH3 emission fluxes could be adequately reproduced with the bi-directional resistance model; it suggested the forest ground layer (soil and litter) to be the main contributing component to the NH3 emissions. The modelled concentration from DAMOS fits well the measured concentrations before leaf fall, but during and after leaf fall, the modelled concentrations are too low. The results indicate that the missing contribution to atmospheric NH3 concentration from vegetative surfaces related to leaf fall are of a relatively large magnitude. We therefore conclude that emissions from deciduous forests are important to include in model calculations of atmospheric NH3 for forest ecosystems. Finally, diurnal variations in the measured NH3 concentrations were related to meteorological conditions, forest phenology and the spatial distribution of local anthropogenic NH3 sources. This suggests that an accurate description of ammonia fluxes over forest ecosystems requires a dynamic description of atmospheric and vegetation processes

    Correlated k-distribution method for radiative transfer in climate models: Application to effect of cirrus clouds on climate

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    A radiative transfer method appropriate for use in simple climate models and three dimensional global climate models was developed. It is fully interactive with climate changes, such as in the temperature-pressure profile, cloud distribution, and atmospheric composition, and it is accurate throughout the troposphere and stratosphere. The vertical inhomogeneity of the atmosphere is accounted for by assuming a correlation of gaseous k-distributions of different pressures and temperatures. Line-by-line calculations are made to demonstrate that The method is remarkably accurate. The method is then used in a one-dimensional radiative-convective climate model to study the effect of cirrus clouds on surface temperature. It is shown that an increase in cirrus cloud cover can cause a significant warming of the troposphere and the Earth's surface, by the mechanism of an enhanced green-house effect. The dependence of this phenomenon on cloud optical thickness, altitude, and latitude is investigated

    An Elemental Assay of Very, Extremely, and Ultra Metal-Poor Stars

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    We present a high-resolution elemental-abundance analysis for a sample of 23 very metal-poor (VMP; [Fe/H] < -2.0) stars, 12 of which are extremely metal-poor (EMP; [Fe/H] < -3.0), and 4 of which are ultra metal-poor (UMP; [Fe/H] < -4.0). These stars were targeted to explore differences in the abundance ratios for elements that constrain the possible astrophysical sites of element production, including Li, C, N, O, the alpha-elements, the iron-peak elements, and a number of neutron-capture elements. This sample substantially increases the number of known carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) and nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor (NEMP) stars -- our program stars include eight that are considered "normal" metal-poor stars, six CEMP-no stars, five CEMP-s stars, two CEMP-r stars, and two CEMP-r/s stars. One of the CEMP-rr stars and one of the CEMP-r/s stars are possible NEMP stars. We detect lithium for three of the six CEMP-no stars, all of which are Li-depleted with respect to the Spite plateau. The majority of the CEMP stars have [C/N] > 0. The stars with [C/N] < 0 suggest a larger degree of mixing; the few CEMP-no stars that exhibit this signature are only found at [Fe/H] < -3.4, a metallicity below which we also find the CEMP-no stars with large enhancements in Na, Mg, and Al. We confirm the existence of two plateaus in the absolute carbon abundances of CEMP stars, as suggested by Spite et al. We also present evidence for a "floor" in the absolute Ba abundances of CEMP-no stars at A(Ba)~ -2.0.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Connections of activated hopping processes with the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation and with aspects of dynamical heterogeneities

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    We develop a new extended version of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for glass transition, which incorporates activated hopping processes via the dynamical theory originally formulated to describe diffusion-jump processes in crystals. The dynamical-theory approach adapted here to glass-forming liquids treats hopping as arising from vibrational fluctuations in quasi-arrested state where particles are trapped inside their cages, and the hopping rate is formulated in terms of the Debye-Waller factors characterizing the structure of the quasi-arrested state. The resulting expression for the hopping rate takes an activated form, and the barrier height for the hopping is ``self-generated'' in the sense that it is present only in those states where the dynamics exhibits a well defined plateau. It is discussed how such a hopping rate can be incorporated into MCT so that the sharp nonergodic transition predicted by the idealized version of the theory is replaced by a rapid but smooth crossover. We then show that the developed theory accounts for the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation observed in a variety of fragile glass formers. It is also demonstrated that characteristic features of dynamical heterogeneities revealed by recent computer simulations are reproduced by the theory. More specifically, a substantial increase of the non-Gaussian parameter, double-peak structure in the probability distribution of particle displacements, and the presence of a growing dynamic length scale are predicted by the extended MCT developed here, which the idealized version of the theory failed to reproduce. These results of the theory are demonstrated for a model of the Lennard-Jones system, and are compared with related computer-simulation results and experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure