13 research outputs found
characterization of determinants with an agent-based land use model
Wood is a limited resource which is exposed to a continuously growing global
demand not least because of a politically fostered bioenergy use. One approach
to master the challenge to sustainably meet this increasing wood demand is
short rotation forestry (SRF). However, SRF is only gradually evolving and it
is not fully understood which determinants hamper its expansion. This study
provides theoretical insights into economic and environmental determinants of
an SRF expansion and their interplay. This assessment requires the
incorporation of farmers' decision-making based on an explicit investment
appraisal. Therefore, we use an agent-based model to depict the decision-
making of profit-maximizing farmers facing the choice between SRF, the
cultivation of conventional annual agricultural crops and abstaining from
cultivation (fallow land). The land use decisions are influenced by general
economic determinants, such as market prices for wood and annual crops, and by
site-dependent determinants, such as the environmental site quality. We found
that the willingness to pay for SRF-based products and for annual crops most
strongly influences the coverage of SRF in the landscape. SRF will in most
cases be established on sites with low productivity. However, a decrease in
the willingness to pay for annual crops will lead to a reallocation of SRF
plantations to sites with higher productivity. Furthermore, our model results
indicate that the impact of the distance to processing plants on farmers'
decisions strongly depends on general economic determinants and the given
spatial structure of the underlying natural landscape. Analysing the relative
importance of different determinants of an SRF expansion, this study gives
insights into the approach of using SRF to sustainably meet the growing wood
demand. Moreover, these insights are taken as a starting point for the design
of effective government interventions to promote SRF
Calibration of the air quality sensor - Flow 2 - 1st & 2nd Stage
Calibration of the air quality sensor - Flow 2 - section: Pomorska Street - Plac Inwalid贸w - Krak贸w - 04.10.2020 (test measurement no. 1). There are two stages (1st & 2nd) combined in dataset. Reason: Both 1st and 2nd stage were done in the same place (Krak贸w)
Architektura informacji serwis贸w informuj膮cych o jako艣ci powietrza w Polsce w 艣wietle wynik贸w bada艅 ich u偶ytkownik贸w
Referat przybli偶a problematyk臋 element贸w architektury informacji zastosowanej w ramach popularnych serwis贸w dedykowanych informacji o jako艣ci powietrza w Polsce (Airly, Powietrze GIOS, aqicn.org, Plume Labs Air Quality Map, Breezometer, European Air Quality Index). Autorka analizuje uk艂ad map i wyst臋powanie narz臋dzi filtruj膮cych, wyniki zastosowanych wobec poszczeg贸lnych stref informacji o jako艣ci powietrza na poszczeg贸lnych obszarach kraju oraz bada ich zr贸偶nicowanie w obr臋bie poszczeg贸lnych platform. We wnioskach pr贸buje udzieli膰 odpowiedzi na pytanie o unifikacj臋 nazewnictwa takich element贸w i struktur臋 ich wyst臋powania (grupowanie w ramach serwisu) oraz ich wp艂yw na przejrzysto艣膰 komunikat贸w dotycz膮cych informacji o jako艣ci powietrza. Otrzymane rezultaty por贸wnuje z mi臋dzynarodowymi wytycznymi znanymi jako WHO Air Quality Guidelines, EU Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQDs) oraz wytycznymi Eionet (European Environment Information and Observation Network)
Hacktivism represents a dynamic intersection of technology and activism, where individuals or groups leverage digital tools to advance social or political causes. This text explores the multifaceted nature of hacktivism, encompassing a spectrum of activities from online protests and information dissemination to more disruptive forms of digital direct action
Measurement - Labes City (West Pomerania, Poland) - 12/2020-01/2021
Measurement done using Flow2 air quality sensor in Labes City (West Pomerania). Measurement data range: 01.12.2020-30.01.202
Preliminary Literature Review - Rayyan QCRI
Set of data for 1st Preliminary Literature Review. Software: Rayyan QC
Supplement for PhD Thesis: "Information management regarding air quality in Polish metropolises vs. information ecology"
This project contains the data generated & used for the research process described in the dissertation