661 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKNur Hanifah,2017TANGGUNG JAWAB PENGANGKUT TERHADAP KEAMANAN DAN KESELAMATAN PENUMPANG(Suatu Penelitian Pada PT. Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Banda Aceh)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(vii,54) pp., bibl., tabl.(Safrina, S.H., M.H., M.EPM.)Pasal 40 dan 41 Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pelayaran mengatur tentang tanggung jawab pengangkut yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian dan perlindungan hukum untuk semua penumpang yang menggunakan jasa pelayaran. Untuk itu, PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) sebagai penyelenggara angkutan laut hendaknya dapat bertanggungjawab untuk menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang. Akan tetapi pelaksanaan tanggung jawab pengangkut belum maksimal, sehingga menimbulkan kekhawatiran penumpang untuk menggunakan transportasi kapal laut.Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk tanggung jawab pengangkut terhadap keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang, mengetahui faktor yang menjadi hambatan bagi pengangkut dalam mengaplikasikan tanggung jawabnya, dan untuk mengetahui upaya pengangkut dalam meningkatkan tanggung jawab terhadap keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dan jenis data diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dan penelitian kepustakaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan membaca peraturan perundang-undangan, karya ilmiah, pendapat para ahli dan buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan fasilitas yang mendukung keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang adalah salah satu pelaksanaan tanggung jawab pengangkut, namun masih terdapat hal-hal penting yang belum maksimal dilakukan oleh pengangkut, seperti kurangnya cara penyampaian informasi untuk penggunaan fasilitas keamanan dan tidak adanya simulasi khusus kecelakaan pada kapal. Faktor yang menghambat pengangkut melaksanakan tanggung jawab diantaranya karena kurangnya perhatian dari penumpang terhadap aturan keamanan dan keselamatan yang telah dibuat oleh pengangkut seperti penumpang yang tidak mau membeli tiket saat menaiki kapal. Upaya yang dilakukan pengangkut agar lebih meningkatkan tanggung jawabnya dengan memberlakukan tiket online, dan meningkatkan keamanan pelayaran.Disarankan agar pengangkut lebih memperhatikan keamanan dan keselamatan penumpang. Terutama dengan lebih maksimal dalam menginformasikan penggunaan fasilitas-fasilitas keamanan dan keselamatan yang telah tersedia di kapal, agar penumpang bisa menyelamatkan diri jika terjadi kecelakaan kapal

    Peran Majelis Taklim Nurul Huda dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Keagamaan Masyarakat di Desa Getas Gebyur

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    Majelis Taklim termasuk lembaga pendidikan tertua dalam Islam dan keberadaannya bisa dikatakan sebagai fenomena yang unik. Secara garis besar majelis ta’lim mempunyai tujuan yaitu untuk mensyiarkan dakwah islam yang merupakan realisasi nilai-nilai ajaran agama Islam yang dimanifestasikan dalam struktur masyarakat tertentu. Jelas bahwa Majelis Taklim ini memiliki peran penting bagi masyarakat luas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana peran Majelis Taklim Nurul Huda di Desa Getas Gebyur dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap praktik keagamaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan jamaah dan pengurus majelis taklim Nurul Huda dalam rangka meningkatkan pengetahuan keagamaan masyarakat, yaitu: 1. Sebagai wadah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat melalui kegiatan kajian rutinya serta adanya peningkatan dalam hal beribadah, 2. Meningkatkan tali silaturahmi antar jamaahnya dalam setiap kegiatannya, 3. Sebagai bentuk bantuan sosial masyarakat, seperti membantu pembangunan TPQ, ikut menjenguk orang yang sakit, dan lainnya.       &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi rendahnya hasil nilai evaluasi matematika pada pokok bahasan bilangan pecahan, hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa lebih dari 50% hasil nilai siswa belum mencapai KKM yang telah ditentukan yaitu 60. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian yang hendak dicapai adalah:(1)mengetahui proses pembelajaran matematika dengan model Problem Based Learning (pembelajaran berbasis masalah), untuk meningkatkan pemahaman matematis dalam menyelesaikan masalah pada bilangan pecahan dan (2)mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman matematis dalam menyelesaikan masalah pada bilangan pecahan di kelas V SDN I Cikidang dengan menerapkan model Problem Based Learning (pembelajaran berbasis masalah). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang mengadaptasi model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart dengan dua siklus, yang pada setiap siklusnya dilakukan satu tindakan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V-A semester II SDN I Cikidang Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang berjumlah 27 orang. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman matematis pada siswa, terlihat siswa sudah terbiasa dan senang dalam belajar berkelompok, demikian pula perolehan nilai siswa mengalami peningkatan dalam pembelajaran matematika pokok bahasan Bilangan Pecahan. Pada siklus pertama nilai rata-rata siswa mencapai 70,11 atau sebanyak 66,67% siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM. Pada siklus kedua mengalami peningkatan dengan nilai rata-rata mencapai 85,56 atau 88,89% siswa yang mencapai KKM, dan sudah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan klasikal yang peneliti inginkan yaitu 85%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan pemahaman matematis pada siswa dalam materi Bilangan Pecahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, ada beberapa saran yang hendak disampaikan, antara lain: 1) Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan guru dalam menerapkan model Problem Based Learning adalah (a) guru harus memberikan arahan dan kejelasan kepada siswa dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan masalah, (b) guru harus konsisten dan tegas dalam memberikan aturan pada siswa ketika pembagian kelompok, (c) guru harus memiliki komitmen terhadap pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa. 2)Penguasaan materi prasyarat memiliki peran yang penting terhadap pemahaman matematis pada siswa, karena itu penguasaan materi prasyarat perlu ditinjau ulang kembali dengan cara membahas materi sebelumnya This study is motivated by the low of mathematics evaluation result on the subject of fraction numbers, and it can be seen from more than 50% of the students’ result have not reached the value of determined KKM grade, that is 60. Based on the problem, the aims of the study to be achieved are: (1) to discover mathematics learning process by using Problem Based Learning model, to increase mathematical understanding in solving problem on fraction numbers and (2) to find out the enhancement of mathematical understanding in solving problem on fraction numbers in fourth graders of SDN I Cikidang by using Problem Based Learning model. The methodology used in this study is Classroom Action Research which adapts Kemmis and Mc. Taggart model by using two cycles, where each cycle is performed one action. The subjects of the study are the students in class V-A semester II of SDN I Cikidang Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, totaling 27 people. The result of the study by using Problem Based Learning model shows enhancement in mathematical understanding of the students, seen from the students who feel happy and accustomed to work in group, likewise the students’ grades which have increased in the learning fraction numbers subject in mathematics. In the first cycle, the average grade of students reaches 70.11 or in the amount of 66.67% of the students reaches KKM grade. In the second cycle, there is enhancement in the average which reaches 85.56 or in the amount of 88.89% students who reaches KKM grade, and have reached classical completeness criteria desired by the researcher i.e. 85%. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that the application of Problem Based Learning model can be used to increase mathematical understanding of students in fraction numbers material. Based on the result of the study, there are several suggestions that will be delivered, including: 1) The things that have to be concerned by the teacher in applicating Problem Based Learning model are (a) the teacher should give direction and explication to the students in implementing problem investigation, (b) the teacher have to be consistent and firm in giving rules to the students in group division, (c) the teacher should have commitment towards learning centered to the students. 2) The mastery of prerequisite has an important role to mathematical understanding of the students, therefore mastery of prerequisite needs to be reviewed by discussing previous content

    The Origin of Arabic Lexicography: Its Emergence and Evolution

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    This study aims to identify and describe 1) the history of the emergence and evolution of Arabic lexicography, 2) the implications of Arabic lexicography for learning Arabic. This research is a historical study using a qualitative approach with library research methods and documentation techniques. The data analysis used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis show that 1) the emergence of al fikr al mu'jamiy was based on the difficulty of Arabs in understanding the meanings contained in the Qur'an which was named as gha>ri>bu al Quran, during this evolution period of Arabic lexicography gave an impact against the emergence of variations of the Arabic lexicon and entry systems with its characteristics one each other. This variety is the pure thought and innovation by lexicologists at that time in order to find the most appropriate method and system to codify Arabic vocabulary to make the Arabic lexicon provide an umbrella that can protect the purity and sustainability of the Arabic language from the challenges, 2) Arabic lexicography has a big impact in learning Arabic in the fields of morphology, syntax, and semantics which are language subsystems.

    Variasi Dialek Tengger di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Probolinggo, dan Lumajang

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    Penelitian dialektologi tentang variasi memang sangat banyak, akan tetapi penelitian kali ini berbeda karena objek yang digunakan jarang ditemui, yaitu dialek Tengger. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni menghasilkan deskripsi tentang variasi leksikal, distribusi variasi, serta status variasi bahasa Jawa dialek Tengger. Metode pengumpulan yang digunakan yakni metode cakap dan pupuan lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni teknik pancing dan rekam. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yakni metode padan, berkas isoglos, dan dialektometri. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yakni PUP dan segitiga dialektometri. Sumber dalam penelitian ini yakni penutur bahasa Jawa dialek Tengger yang menetap di Pasuruan, Probolinggo dan Lumajang. Hasil penelitian ini yakni adanya bentuk variasi leksikal berupa relik dan inovasi distribusi atau penyebaran variasi terbanyak yakni pada DP2, terbanyak kedua yakni DP3, dan yang paling sedikit yakni DP1. Status variasi yang dihasilkan dengan perhitungan dialektometri yakni beda dialek. Serta adanya temuan tentang pergesaran dialek Tengger pada DP1. Kata Kunci : Variasi leksikal berupa relik dan inovasi, bahasa Jawa dialek TenggerThere are a lot of dialectology research about variation, but this research is quite unique because of the object is tenggers dialect in javanese language. The purpose of this research is creat a good description of lexiacal variation, distribution variation, also tenggers dialect in javanese language status variation. Data source of this thesis based on daily conversation and study research in particular location. The author collected the data using recorder in the interview process and also hook teqnique to have a good response. Reserch method in this thesis used equality, isoglos system, and dialectometry. Data analys tecnique in this research based on PUP and dialectometry triagle. Object of this thesis research are native speakers of tenggers dialect that stayed in Pasuruan, probolinggo, dan lumajang. The result of thia research is a lexical variation in relic, and majority distribution of the variation in the 2nd research area, then 3rd research area, and less number in 1st reserch area. The result of variation status based on dialectomatry is thr differencess of the dialect, and the changes of tenggers dialect in 1st research area have been founded. Keywords: lexical variation on relic and innovation, tenggers dialect in javanese languag

    The Development of Problem-based Psychotropic and Addictive Substance Learning Kits 2 1 to Improve the Students' Metacognition

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    This study was aimed to develop problem-based psychotropic and addictive substance learning kits to improve the students' metacognition and concept mastery. The kits were developed in three stages (define, design, develop). The “develop” stage used the non-equivalent control group design. The subjects were grade VIII students of SMP Nasima, Semarang. The findings of the study showed that the developed learning kits were valid in the very good category. The mastery of concepts and metacognition improved with an average percentage of N-gain for the experimental group with the high category. The result of the questionnaires on metacognition showed the N-gain percentage of the experimental group belonging to the fair category. The students' ability to solve problems and the implementation in the small class and in the experimental group in the first and fourth meetings were in the good category. The students and teacher gave positive responses to the developed learning kits and its implementation in the class.The findings showed that the problem-based learning can be used for improving students' metacognition


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    Penggunaan media Word Wall merupakan salah satu media alternatif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Arab. Sebagaimana permasalahan pada siswa kelas III A MI Al-Ba’ats yaitu rendahnya penguasaan kosakata bahasa Arab yang berdampak pada rendahnya hasil belajar bahasa Arab siswa. Hasil rata-rata belajar siswa belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Arab melalui media pembelajaran Word Wall pada siswa kelas III A MI Al-Ba’ats. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam empat siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 6 tahapan tindakan, yaitu: definisi masalah, assessment kebutuhan, gagasan, implementasi, evaluasi dan keputusan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas III MI Al-Ba’ats yang berjumlah 21 siswa. Sumber data yang digunakan berasal dari guru dan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Hasil belajar dikatakan tuntas apabila ketuntasan individual mencapai 65 dan ketuntasan klaksikal 75% dari seluruh siswa dalam satu kelas memperoleh nilai ≥65. Rata-rata hasil belajar pra siklus sebesar 62 dengan ketuntasan belajar klaksikal sebesar 33,3%. Pada siklus I, nilai rata-rata kelas 69 dengan ketuntasan belajar klaksikal sebesar 66,7%. Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata kelas 73 dengan ketuntasan belajar klaksikal sebesar 85,7%. Pada siklus III, nilai rata-rata kelas 80 dengan ketuntasan belajar klaksikal sebesar 95,2%. Pada siklus IV, nilai rata-rata kelas 80,1 dengan ketuntasan belajar klaksikal sebesar 95,2%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan media pembelajaran Word Wall dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Arab siswa kelas III A MI Al-Ba’ats. Kata kunci: Word Wall, kosakata, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Application of the Word Wall method is one of alternative to improve students Arabic vocabulary. A problem for student of class III A in MI Al-Ba’ats is the low of Arabic vocabulary which has an impacts on the students learning outcomes. The aim to improve of students Arabic vocabulary skills by using Word Wall media. This research used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) with fourth cycles. Each cycles concisted of six phases,which: identification of problems, need assessment, idea, implication and decision making. The subject of the research were 21 students of the class III A MI Al-Ba’ats. The data sources of the research were the research and students. Data collection techniques were used an observation, an interview, tests and documentation. If the individual completeness reaches ≥ 65 and if value of the whole completeness reaches 75% of the students more than ≥ 65, then it could he said as a complete learning outcomes. The average value of learning outcomes in the pre-action is 62 and the value of the whole completeness is 33.3%. The average value of learning outcomes in the first cycle 69 and the value of the whole completeness is 66.7%. The average value of learning outcomes in the second cycle is 73 and the value of the whole completeness is 85.7%. The average value of learning outcomes in the third cycle is 80 and the value of the whole completeness is 95.2%. The average value of learning outcomes in the fourth cycle is 80.1 and the value of the whole completeness is 95.2%. The conclution of this research is by using Word Wall media, it can improve students Arabic vocabulary skills at class III A of MI Al-Ba’ats. Keywords: Clashroom Action Research (CAR), Vocabulary, Word Wal

    Employability of local trained skill labour in construction industry

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    Development in Malaysia is booming which can be witnessed by the various construction projects that currently in progress, especially in the state of Johor which has the highest value of construction work completed for the third quarter of 2016. This necessarily requires skilled labours in a high number especially among the locals since it has been reported that Malaysia’s construction industry is having problems related to the shortage of local skilled labour. In addition, the local workers have been reported to unable to fulfil the demand of construction market and this have caused the contractor to import foreign workers to meet the needs and requirement of labour market in construction sector. The objectives of this study are to determine the criteria set by the construction company in recruiting local skilled labour and to study the strategies that can attract local skilled labour to join construction industry. Questionnaire has been distributed to G7 contractor in the state of Johor in order to achieve the objectives of this study. Collected data was then evaluated and tested for its reliability using the SPSS 20.0 software before it can be analysed in order to obtain the mean value, frequencies and percentage. The outcome of this study indicates that the prospective employer prefers to work with man and they require young, experienced, knowledgeable and skilled workers in doing the job. Most of the strategies that have been selected are mainly related to money namely salary increment, bonus, allowance and overtime payment, apart from upgrading labours welfare and providing a better accommodation. This study can be a guideline to both skills institution and contractor to improve on what they are lacking in order to encourage the local trained skills labour to join the industry


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    The objectives of the study are: (1) to find out the student’s self-concept, (2) to find out the student’s learning strategies; and (3) to identify the student’s perception about the teaching and learning process. This research wasconducted from August to September 2015 at SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta in Multimedia class.The subject of this research was a student of Multimedia class in SMK Negeri 6 Surakarta having different characteristics among his friends and high achievement in English. In this study, the researcher gained an in-depth understanding of the subject’s perspective using case study method. The sources of the data are informants, events, and documents. There werefour techniques of data collection, namely interview, questionnaire, non-participant observation, and document analysis. The data were analyzed using interactive model involving data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion and verification. There are some characteristics of student E dealing with his self-concept and learning strategies. First, he is a person who will not give up when he fails. Second, he has particular time to learn English. In the morning, he usually writes something in English. He also usually reads a book after school, especially at home. Third, student E has a goal in learning English, which is he wants to be able to communicate in English. Fourth, student E has a good self-confidence. Besides some characteristics dealing with the self-concept and learning strategies, student E has several perceptions of teaching and learning process. Overall, student E has a strong self-concept. He is a person who will not give up until he is able to do something. He has a goal especially in learning English. Moreover, he has a good self-confidence both physically and psychologically. Student E has two dominant learning strategies, which are, cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Learners who have known the appropriate and effective way for their learning will get a good result. The learning strategies used by the student are affected by his self-concept. Moreover, he perceives that his English teacher in the school does not teach effectively. He sees that the way the teacher teaches is still one-way. He also thinks that the teaching and learning process in English class is not suitable for him. However, he thinks that the teacher has already used a good language to deliver the material
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