25 research outputs found


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    Lilik Hanifah, R.1108019, 2009. Hubungan Antara Status Gizi Ibu Hamil Dengan Berat Badan Bayi Lahir (Studi Kasus di RB POKASI). Data persalinan dari RB POKASI periode 1 Januari 2006 – 31 Desember 2008 menunjukkan angka kejadian KEK dan BBLR sebesar 30,87 % dan 11,30 % dari 460 kelahiran bayi. Angka ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan target yang ditetapkan pada sasaran program Indonesia Sehat 2010 untuk KEK dan BBLR yaitu 20 % dan 7 % (Depkes RI, 2000). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi ibu hamil berdasarkan indikator LILA dengan berat badan bayi lahir. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder periode 1 Januari 2006 - 31 Desember 2008 di RB POKASI. Sampel diambil secara total, dengan jumlah 95 orang. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah kartu ibu yang telah ditetapkan oleh Depkes RI. Uji hipotesis menggunakan regresi linier dengan program SPSS versi 15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi ibu hamil dengan berat badan bayi lahir (p : 0,000 dan R : 0,591), sedangkan faktor – faktor lain yang mempengaruhi berat badan bayi lahir hanya Hb yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan berat badan bayi lahir (p : 0,000 dan R : 0,427). Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari persamaan regresi pada penelitian ini adalah semakin baik LILA semakin baik pula berat badan bayi lahir sedangkan semakin kurang LILA semakin kurang pula berat badan bayi lahir. Kata kunci : status gizi, ibu hamil, berat badan bayi lahi


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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang prinsip efisiensi dan keadilan pada pengelolaan pendidikan di sekolah menengah negeri di Kabupaten Kendal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan efisiensi dan keadilan pada pengelolaan pendidikan di sekolah menengah Kabupaten Kendal. Selain itu 1) untuk mengetahui gambaran pengelolaan dana sekolah dan 2) untuk mengetahui apakah sekolah telah menerapkan efisiensi dan keadilan dalam pengelolaan dana sekolah. Prinsip keadilan merupakan prinsip pembiayaan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pemerataan atau perilaku yang sama dari pihak sekolah kepada para siswa dan orang tua.  Prinsip efisiensi mengacu kepada pengelolaan anggaran yang ada untuk dibelanjakan secara maksimal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah. Efisiensi di sini mengacu kepada mutu atau kualitas pendidikan di sekolah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan siswa dan Masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kepustakaan, Objek penelitian mengambil sekolah-sekolah yang berada di Kabupaten Kendal. Penggalian data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara dan kepustakaan. Data disajikan secara deskriptif analisis berupa pemaparan hasil penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Limbangan, SMA Negeri 1 Singorojo, dan SMK Negeri 3 Kendal. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 orang yang terdiri dari kepala sekolah, dua orang bendahara BOS dan BOP, empat orang wakil kepala sekolah, dan tiga orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan keuangan menggunakan prinsip efisiensi dengan persentase 83,33%  dan menunjukkan keadilan dengan persentase 86,67%

    The Climate Change Impact on Drought Characteristics in North Lombok Regency

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    Lombok Island is part of Indonesia which has a high vulnerability to drought. The area that often experienced drought severely on Lombok Island is North Lombok Regency. This study wants to examine the effect of climate change on drought characteristics in this region using the standardized precipitation index method using four rain stations in the North Lombok region rainfall recording data of 20 years (1999-2018). The analyses were taken into two groups of a 10-year time scale, 1999-2008 and 2009-2018, to overview both of the 10-years drought characteristics. Drought index values ​​were observed on a period of 1-month (SPI1), 3-months (SPI3), and 6-months (SPI6) to get the map of drought duration, drought magnitude, drought intensity, and relative frequency. The results show that the drought characteristics in Lombok showed a decrease significantly in all measurement parameters used. The SPI3 results have shown the drought duration was decreasing in the last 10 years by 87%, from 2,43 to 0.03 months. The strength of the drought decreased by 88%, from -1.03 to 0.12 (severely dry to normal). Then the drought intensity became lower up to 87% from -0.22 to -0.03 monthly, and the relative frequency of drought events decreased by 83%. Signs of the decline were further followed by the same decreasing trends in the 6-month drought index, SPI6. The decrease in the drought parameter index illustrates that climate change impact has reduced the risk of drought disaster on the island of Lombok in the futur

    Koreksi Bias Data Hujan Luaran GCM ECHAM5 Untuk Prediksi Curah Hujan Bulanan dan Musiman Pulau Lombok: Bias Correction for GCM ECHAM5 Model Rainfall Data Output in Estimating Monthly and Seasonally Rainfall for Lombok Island

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    This study aims to evaluate the ability of the ECHAM5 GCM model output data in estimating monthly rainfall on the island of Lombok. The data used in this study are ECHAM5 monthly rainfall data and automatic rainfall recorder (ARR) measurement rain data for 2000-2018 obtained from ARR Gunung Sari. Correction of bias is conducted by using the mean ratio method and the regression method. The method that produces the best approach is then used to obtain rain data projections and a simple regression method. Evaluation and validation used the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) values. The results obtained are that the daily and monthly rainfall data from the ECHAM5 model cannot be directly used to replace the rain measurement data because of its very low accuracy. The downscaling technique performed on daily and monthly rainfall data using the average ratio method does not show satisfactory performance where the efficiency figures produced are still low even gave a slight increasing number. However, the ECHAM5 model data can be used to obtain rainfall projections on a monthly and seasonal scale with a good and satisfactory correlation.  Key words: mean ratio method; global climate model; ECHAM5; monthly rainfall


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    Sharia Insurance is an institution that provides services in the service sector that appears among people who still do not understand about sharia insurance and its mechanisms, so that people are still awkward to use the insurance services. Islamic insurance in Indonesia has the potential to grow along with the growth of the Islamic financial market. The sharia insurance strategy to increase product sales is carried out by conducting outreach to the public. In terms of increasing the number of customers, especially by expanding the market, especially for people who have not used sharia insurance services through direct socialization, maintaining and improving existing markets by trying to always maintain communication with customers to provide quality services, introducing financial planning and management. risk in Islamic insurance. Fast service provides convenience for more strategic management of needs so that it creates public interest in using sharia insurance services

    Karakteristik Infiltrasi dan Potensi Irigasi di Lahan Kering Kecamatan Bayan Kabupaten Lombok Utara

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    Agricultural development with horticultural crops on dry land is one of the government's efforts to increase dry land productivity so that new paddy fields are created in the Bayan area. Noting that land infiltration capability and its classification are important factors needed in irrigation planning to support the development of horticultural agriculture, so it is necessary to conduct field research on this matter. This study aims to determine the characteristics and classification of land infiltration and determine the trend of irrigation that can be applied. Field infiltration tests were carried out in Anyar and Sukadana villages with 4 test points each. The infiltration rate test in the field was carried out using a double ring infiltrometer and a soil test at the Geotechnical Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Unram. Analysis of the data used Horton's formula as a comparison and the results of the analysis were presented in the form of tables and graphs, conclusions were made descriptively. The results showed that the average infiltration rate in Anyar Village was at point 1 = 26.90 cm/hour, point 2 = 14.94 cm/hour, point 3 = 27.33 cm/hour, and point 4 = 8.21 cm/hour with soil including sandy clay. Infiltration rate classification of points 1 and 3 is very fast, point 2 is fast and location 4 is rather fast. For Sukadana Village the infiltration rate was obtained at point 1 = 43.52 cm/hour, point 2 = 36.67 cm/hour, point 3 = 12.86 cm/hour, and point 4 = 10.97 cm/hour, with the condition sandy clay soil. Sukadana's infiltration rate classification points 1 and 2 are very fast and points 3 and 4 are rather fast. Based on the results of the infiltration test, for very fast and fast infiltration, it is potential to apply jet irrigation such as sprinklers or perforations and for rather fast infiltration, drip irrigation can be applied with limited drip syste

    Analisis Optimasi Aplikasi Sistem Irigasi Tetes PVC Ber-Amiter pada Variasi Lahan Bertingkat Untuk Mendukung Kegiatan Pertanian di Permukiman Perkotaan: Optimization Analysis of the Application of Emitter PVC Drip Irrigation Systems on Variations of Multistorey Land to Support Agricultural Activities in Urban Settlements

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    Multilevel drip irrigation with PVC pipes is an efficient irrigation method that has the potential to be applied in urban settlements. Even though the land used is not very large, farming can be done effectively because it uses polybag land. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in PVC pipe drip irrigation networks with amiter on irrigation distribution, irrigation uniformity, and soil moisture levels with variations in irrigation duration. The test was carried out on four variations of tower water level and four variations of PVC drip irrigation networks in a multi-level system, with four variations of irrigation duration t1=5 minutes, t2=10 minutes, t3=15 minutes and t4=20 minutes. The test data analyzed includes irrigation distribution data and irrigation uniformity (Cu) and soil moisture recharge (Wt). The analysis results show that the best distribution of drip irrigation is obtained in network variation 3 with an average of 69 ml. The average uniformity obtained for Cu is above 97%, which is considered very good. Soil moisture Wt in variation 3 drip irrigation networks for a depth of 20 cm ranges from 0.69% - 21.65% at L1, at L2 around 2.16% - 21.65%, at L3 is 2.19% -21.68 % and at L4 it is 10.41% - 28.66%, so the higher the level position, the greater the soil moisture addition provided by irrigation


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    Perubahan pola hujan akibat perubahan iklim diyakini membawa pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap karakteristik berbagai perilaku hidrologis suatu wilayah. Komponen terkait karakteristik hujan ini sangat penting dalam perancangan infrastruktur sumber daya air, yang slaahsatunya adalah Intensity-Duration-Frenquency (IDF) dan Depth-Area-Duration (DAD). Studi ini dilakukan untuk membuat kurva IDF dan kurva DAD untuk Kabupaten Lombok Timur untuk keperluan perancangan berbagai bangunan air utamanya yang membutuhkan intensitas hujan dalam durasi pendek seperti rumus Rasional. Dalam penyusunan kurva IDF, besaran intensitas hujan dihitung dari data hujan harian dan didistribusikan ke dalam hujan jam-jaman menggunakan cara Mononobe sedangkan besaran rancangan diperoleh melalui analisis frekuensi. Sementara pembuatan kurva DAD menggunakan data hujan jam-jaman. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kurva IDF untuk Kabupaten Lombok Timur pada kala ulang 2 tahun mengikuti persamaan I = 195.33 Td-0.667; kala ulang 5 tahun I = 259.84 Td -0.667 ; kala ulang 10 tahun I = 312.84 Td-0.667; kala ulang 25 tahun I = 391.77 Td -0.667; kala ulang 50 tahun I = 460.71 Td -0.667 dan kala ulang 100 tahun mengikuti persamaan I = 538.96 Td -0.667 . Sedangkan hasil pendekatan kurva DAD wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Timur untuk hujan hujan 6 jam mengikuti persamaan D = 50.333 e-0.0006A;  12 jam, D = 7.10-6A2 - 0.0297A + 77.955; 18 jam, D = 1.10-5A2 - 0.0418A + 91.652; dan untuk hujan 24 jam D = 8.10-6A2 - 0.0373A + 102.19

    Maternal health literacy and adherence to recommended ANC contact among pregnant women in Indonesian

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    Maternal health literacy (MHL) equips pregnant women to seek timely Antenatal care (ANC). Through ANC, health workers can provide education that contributes to reducing the maternal mortality rate. This research aims to investigate the relationship between MHL and adherence to recommended ANC contacts and explore how mothers experience accessing ANC. The study design was a mixed-method study. A total of 305 pregnant women with various characteristics participated in this study. Quantitative data analysis used simple linear regression, while qualitative used Collaizi's strategy. The research found a positive relationship between MHL and adherence to recommended ANC contact with R2 = 0.18; F(1, 303) = 6.533, p < 0.05. Three themes represented the phenomenon of pregnant women in carrying out ANC: 1) perceptions about ANC, 2) challenges faced by pregnant women in accessing recommended ANC contact, and 3) supporting factors in doing routine ANC contact. Pregnant women with higher MHL have higher adherence to ANC contact. Health workers and policymakers can involve the results of this research in efforts to revise or make policies related to increasing pregnant women's ANC contacts

    Edukasi tentang Teknik Penyaringan Air Sederhana di Desa Gegerung Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    The village of Gegerung has three hamlets that are currently in dire need of clean water for daily use. Over the past two years, the water from the Meninting Reservoir that flows into Gegerung Village and is utilized by the residents in these three hamlets has become extremely turbid and unsuitable for consumption. The community's knowledge regarding water purification methods is relatively low, as evidenced by some residents still using the murky water for bathing and washing without any purification efforts. To address this issue, an education activity was conducted to disseminate basic knowledge about water filtration technique and the local materials available for household-scale purification. Through the sharing of filtering method knowledge, the community eventually learned and understood a simple method for filtering water using locally available materials in the village, such as sand, palm fiber, and pumice, with an upflow filtration system.Desa Gegerung memiliki tiga dusun yang saat ini sangat membutuhkan air bersih untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Selama dua tahun terakhir, air Waduk Meninting yang mengalir ke Desa Gegerung dan dimanfaatkan oleh warga di tiga dusun tersebut menjadi sangat keruh dan tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi. Pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai cara penjernihan air tergolong rendah, terbukti masih ada sebagian warga yang memanfaatkan air keruh untuk mandi dan mencuci tanpa ada upaya penjernihan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dilakukan kegiatan edukasi untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan dasar tentang teknik penyaringan air dan bahan-bahan lokal yang tersedia untuk penjernihan skala rumah tangga. Melalui berbagi pengetahuan tentang metode penyaringan, masyarakat akhirnya belajar dan memahami metode sederhana dalam menyaring air dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan lokal yang tersedia di desa, seperti pasir, ijuk, dan batu apung, dengan sistem penyaringan up-flow