371 research outputs found

    Shifting Gears: Toward a New Way of Thinking About Transportation

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    The transportation system in the U.S. has been shaped by a core set of ideas that are embedded in professional practice. These ideas – freedom, speed, mobility, vehicles, capacity, hierarchy, separation, control, and technology – have produced a system in which most people are dependent on driving, with all the negative consequences that entails. Shifting to a system that offers people choices about their daily travel requires a shift in thinking on the part of the transportation profession. In this talk, I take a critical look at the way of thinking that, for the last century, has shaped our transportation system and consider the ways in which that thinking is – and is not – shifting.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/trec_seminar/1248/thumbnail.jp

    Trip generation: Introduction to the special section

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    JTLU vol. 8, no. 1, pp 1-4 (2015)This paper introduces a set of articles about how transportation planners need better tools for estimating trip generation, and to develop better tools we need more data collection, especially methods that capture passenger trips by personal vehicles, transit, walking, and bicycling, as well as freight trips. With such data in hand, researchers would be able to develop models that both produce more accurate estimates of vehicle trips and generate trip estimates for other passenger modes and for freight. Such estimates would help to ensure adequate provision for these modes and not just for cars