62 research outputs found
Komitmen Ibu Generasi Y Dengan Anak Usia Prasekolah Dalam Menjalankan Peran Ganda
AbstractA career woman indirectly is committed to work and to taking responsibility for the family. This situation is not easy for career women with pre-school-aged children because children demand attention. This research describes the double-role commitment of Y-generation mothers with preschool-aged children in Semarang. This descriptive research took the population of career mothers with preschool-aged children. The researchers applied simple random sampling and found 87 respondents. The data collection technique uses a scale. Then, the researchers analyzed the data univariately. The result showed that the double role commitments were high: both the commitment to the jobs and the child nurturing. From the aspects of the double role commitment, the researchers found the most observable commitment role was a strong belief toward the role commitment. Therefore, the targeted objectives would improve the career of mothers with preschool-aged children to be committed to the double roles. In particular, this reseach contributes to Y-generation mothers with preschool-aged children that to be able to commit to their double-roles, it is necessary to start with a goal to be achievedKeywords: Commitment; Y-generation; double role; preschool-aged childrenAbstrakKetika seorang perempuan bekerja, secara tidak langsung telah menentukan komitmen, bahwa selain bekerja juga dituntut untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap keluarga. Kondisi ini tidak mudah bagi ibu bekerja yang mempunyai anak usia prasekolah, karena adanya tuntutan perhatian yang besar terhadap anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran komitmen ibu generasi Y dengan anak usia prasekolah di Kota Semarang dalam menjalankan peran gandanya. Metode penelitian studi deskriptif dengan populasi penelitian ibu generasi Y dengan anak prasekolah. Teknik pengambilan sampel melalui simple random sampling dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 87 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan skala. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen peran ganda responden termasuk kategori tinggi, baik komitmen terhadap pekerjaan maupun terhadap pengasuhan anak. Adapun jika dilihat dari aspek komitmen peran ganda, nampak bahwa aspek komitmen peran yang paling menonjol adalah kepercayaan yang kuat terhadap tujuan komitmen peran. Dengan demikian adanya tujuan yang akan dicapai akan menguatkan ibu bekerja dengan anak prasekolah untuk berkomitmen terhadap peran gandanya. Secara khusus penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada ibu bekerja generasi Y dengan anak usia prasekolah bahwa untuk mampu berkomitmen terhadap peran gandanya, perlu diawali dengan adanya tujuan yang akan dicapai.Kata kunci: Komitmen; generasi Y; peran ganda; anak usia prasekola
Analisa Kemampuan Membaca pada Anak Sekolah Dasar: Literature Review
Fenomena di masyarakat terdapat banyak siswa di pendidikan dasar banyak yang belum bisa membaca dengan lancar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa jauh kemampuan membaca pada anak sekolah dasar dengan menggunakan metode literature review. Studi literature ini dilakukan dengan menganalisa beberapa artikel penelitian dari tahun dua ribu sembilan belas sampai dua ribu dua puluh tiga. Data didapatkan dari Google Schoolar dengan kata kunci anak sekolah dasar dan kemampuan membaca. Hasil dari literature ini didapatkan lima artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil dari studi literature ini didapatkan kemampuan membaca pada anak sekolah dasar masih rendah. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi masukan untuk pendidik dalam merencanakan pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi pada siswa di pendidikan dasar
Keseimbangan Kerja Keluarga pada Perempuan Bekerja: Tinjauan Teori Border
Nowadays, working women are common phenomena. However, the involvement of women in the working career has both positive and negative impacts for the individual women, their family andtheir organisation as well. To minimize those negative impacts, these working women are required to balance their roles both in working and family ranahs. Border theory was used for discussing thework family balance, with the assumption that the interaction between working environment and family environment is the central focus of the border theory. In this case, an individual womantries to appropriately manage the working and family environments in order to maintain the balance. Efforts that have been made include managing the involvement at work and in the family,and making proper communication between her husband and her employer about the problem at work and in the family
Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study
Hyperactivity is a disorder experienced by children which is characterized by aggressive behavior, inability to calm down, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, difficulty concentrating, and likes to seek attention from other people." Hyperactive children must be treated as soon as possible to avoid problems around them. Examples of hyperactivity are often disturbing other friends, not wanting to be controlled, often leaving their seats during class, and often not completing the tasks they have done. Apart from that, hyperactive children include: having a high temper, often hurting other people, often leaving their seats during class, and being spoiled. These behaviors are caused by home or family environmental factors. Objectives (1) behavior of hyperactive children, (2) factors that cause hyperactive children, (3) efforts to overcome hyperactive children. Education, as a vital means of developing human resources, is a need that cannot be separated from human life in making the nation's life intelligent and forming skilled people. Schools as education providers have a responsibility to develop students' potential to become people of faith and piety and able to develop their knowledge. However, it can be found in elementary schools that there are students who have hyperactive behavior which tends to make it difficult for teachers to deal with them. Therefore, teachers are tasked with providing guidance to students who have hyperactive behavior, because these students' hyperactive behavior can certainly have an impact on disrupting the success of educational activities in the classroom. Method This article uses a literature review research method with reference sources from 15 previous research journals. Review: Journal search results found 15 journals that met the criteria for hyperactive children determined by researchers. Most of the research found used a cross sectional study design, but several studies also used case control and cohort study designs. Several different results were found in each study, but they still showed similarities, namely that there were still the same perceptions about hyperactive behavior in each study
Pengembangan Modul Dukungan Suami untuk Mencapai Keseimbangan Kerja-Keluarga
This study is a development using Borg and Gall model. It aims to compile module on husband support to achieve work-family balance for working mothers. The researcher involved 15 respondents for initial data collection, 30 respondents for the small group trial, and 4 judgment experts (family psychology, industrial psychology, Himpaudi research and development, and media). For the big group, there were 50 respondents involved. Data were collected using open and closed questioners and self-assessment scale. Data collected, both qualitative and quantitative, were then analyzed descriptively. Research results show that 1). The result of module validation shows that the layout and concept of the module is categorized as good with slight revision. However, this module is suitable for the training on husband support to achieve work-family balance. 2). The implementation of the module in both small and big group shows that the participants have shown improvement in their understanding and perception of husband support. This shows that husband support module compiled effectively can increase participants’ skill and understanding in achieving work-family balance.
Anak usia dini harus diupayakan memiliki pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang baik dimasa mendatang. Guru TK hendaklah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreativitas sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak salah satunya adalah dalam berbahasa. Realitas di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa masih ada anak yang mengalami kesulitan perkembangan Bahasa. Adanya kenyataan tersebut, maka diperlukan suatu strategi belajar yang baru. STEAM adalah metode yang menekankan pada pembelajaran aktif dan mampu merangsang anak-anak untuk memecahkan masalah. Anak dilatih untuk fokus pada solusi, membangun logika dan sistematis cara berpikir dan meningkatkan pemikiran kritis mereka. Experiential Learning adalah suatu model ini,pembelajaran dimana siswa tidak hanya belajar tentang konsep materi belaka, hal ini dikarenakan siswa dilibatkan secara langsung dalam proses pembelajaran untuk dijadikan sebagai suatu pengalaman. Sehingga akan memudahakan anak untuk bisa mendeskripsikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari secara nyata. Karena hal itulah peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti apakah metode eksperential learning berbantu STEAM efektif dalam meningkatkan bahasa ekspresif anak usia dini di TK Merpati Menjangan Kecamatan Subah Kabupaten Batang pada semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021. Data diperoleh dari siswa kelompok A yang berjumlah 20 anak dan 1 orang Guru.Data kemudian dianalisis dengan SPPS versi 19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode eksperential leraning terbukti efektif dalam meningkat kan kemampuan bahasa ekspresif anak.Kata Kunci: Eksperential Learning, STEAM, Bahasa Ekspresif, Anak Usia Din
Mapping the susceptible areas from violence against women and children
This research aimed to (1) arrange the violence vulnerability indicator area and (2) map the potential areas from violence against children and women. This mix-method research used a sequential exploratory design. The researchers took the qualitative data by interviewing 32 Integrated Service Center officers in Semarang during a FGD. The quantitative research involved 648 people from 16 districts in Semarang taken randomly. The data collecting instruments included an interview guidance, gender-role orientation scale, and parenting scale. The obtained secondary data were from the Central Statistical Bureau in Semarang, the Marital Age data from the Ministry of Religion Semarang, and the data on violence against children and women from the Woman and Child Protection Agency, DP3A, Semarang. The results from the FGD were (1) poverty, incomplete family, low educational access, reported violence rate, patrilineal culture, number of children, and early marital as the factors of violence prevalence, and (2) The indicators of vulnerable areas from violence included poverty, population density, slum, unemployment, drug abuse, socio-economic gap, early marriage, patrilineal culture, and ignorant families. Then, in the second data phase, the researchers found 27.9% of traditional gender role orientation and 72.1% of non-traditional gender role orientation. For parenting patterns, a percentage of 6.5% population applied permissive parenting patterns, 14.8% applied authoritarian parenting patterns, and 78.7% applied democratic parenting patterns. The results found the potential areas with the highest violence were Pedurungan and Eastern Semarang districts. Then, the Southern Semarang and Tugu districts were the areas with the lowest violence prevalence rates. Keywords: Violence against women and children, mapping regions
Dua tahun terakhir nilai ANBK siswa Kelas 5 SDN Kubangjati 02 merah,sekitar bulan Oktober tanggal 3-5 SDN Kubangjati 02 di panggil oleh Balai Besar Penjaminan Mutu pendidikan ( BBPMP) , Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang peran guru dalam pelaksanaan gerakan literasi sekolah (GLS) di kelas V SDN Kubangjati 02. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif naratif. Objek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah dan guru kelas V SDN Kubangjati 02. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Instrument penelitian menggunakan wawancara. Teknis analisis data menggunakan model Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana (2014) yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, penyajian data, verifikasi data, dan kondensasi data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peran guru dalam gerakan literasi sekolah (GLS) sudah terlaksana sesuai dengan program pemerintah yang terdiri dari tahapan pembiasaan, tahapan pengembangan, dan tahapan pembelajaran. Peran guru yang sudah dilaksanakan dalam tahapan pembiasaan diantaranya, membaca 15 menit sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, menata sarana prasarana dan lingkungan kaya literasi, menciptakan lingkungkan dengan bernuansa literasi Dan peran guru dalam tahapan pengembangan yang sudah dilaksanakn diantaranya, membaca terpadu, membaca bersama,numerasi klasikal, berdiskusi tentang buku.pada tahapan pembelajaran di laksanakan belajar berpasangan dalam mengembangkan literasi dan numerasi dan memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran di SDN Kubangjati 02
Pegaruh Self Awareness Terhadap Kedisiplinnan Siswa Kelas XII IPS Ketika Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh di SMA N 3 Pemalang
Di masa pandemi, semua sekolah melakukan pembelajaran dengan sistem jarak jauh atau daring, untuk mengurangi penularan virus covid 19. Alternatif pembelajaran yang sering digunakan selama masa pandemi dilakukan sepenuhnya daring atau jarak jauh maupun campuran, tetapi masih banyak sekolah yang melakukan secara daring atau jarak jauh, diharapkan proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan efektif, namun kondisi pembelajaran jarak jauh saat ini, terlihat kurang efektif dan kedisiplinan siswa. Kedisiplinan siswa masih tergolong rendah karena kurang adanya kesadaran diri pada siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran, sehingga dapat dikatakan self awareness nya masih kurang baik ketika pembelajaran jarak jauh ini diberlakukan. Dalam hal itu Pennelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh self awareness terhadap kedisiplinan siswa ketika pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitiann ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode kausal komperatif. Responden dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XII IPS dengan pengambilan sampel teknik sampling jenuh. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penyebaran skala penelitian. Berdasarkan dari hasil analisis data penelitian dengan menggunakan uji regresi sederhana dapat disimpulkan bahwa data tersebut menunjukan bahwa nilai F hitung 62,122 dengan tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 oleh karena itu, uji regresi linier sederhana dapat dipakai untuk memprediksikan variabel self awareness dengan kata lain didapatkan hasil bahwa terdapat pengaruh variabel self awareness terhadap variabel kedisiplinan siswa selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Untuk dapat melihat seberapa kuat terpengaruhnya antara variabel X dengan variabel Y dapat dilihat dari nilai R square (koefesien determinan) sebesar 0,388 yang artinya pengaruh self awareness terhadap kedisiplinan sebesar 38,8%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada pengaruh antara self awareness terhadap kedisiplinan siswa kelas XII IPS di SMA N 3 Pemalang ketika pembelajaran jarak jauh
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