68 research outputs found
The influence of noise sources on cross-correlation amplitudes
We use analytical examples and asymptotic forms to examine the mathematical
structure and physical meaning of the seismic cross correlation measurement. We
show that in general, cross correlations are not Green's functions of medium,
and may be very different depending on the source distribution. The modeling of
noise sources using spatial distributions as opposed to discrete collections of
sources is emphasized. When stations are illuminated by spatially complex
source distributions, cross correlations show arrivals at a variety of time
lags, from zero to the maximum surface-wave arrival time. Here, we demonstrate
the possibility of inverting for the source distribution using the energy of
the full cross-correlation waveform. The interplay between the source
distribution and wave attenuation in determining the functional dependence of
cross correlation energies on station-pair distance is quantified. Without
question, energies contain information about wave attenuation. However, the
accurate interpretation of such measurements is tightly connected to the
knowledge of the source distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures; Geophysical Journal Internationa
Measurements and Kernels for Source-Structure Inversions in Noise Tomography
Seismic noise cross correlations are used to image crustal structure and
heterogeneity. Typically, seismic networks are only anisotropically illuminated
by seismic noise, a consequence of the non-uniform distribution of sources.
Here, we study the sensitivity of such a seismic network to structural
heterogeneity in a 2-D setting. We compute finite-frequency cross-correlation
sensitivity kernels for travel-time, waveform-energy and waveform-difference
measurements. In line with expectation, wavespeed anomalies are best imaged
using travel times and the source distribution using cross-correlation
energies. Perturbations in attenuation and impedance are very difficult to
image and reliable inferences require a high degree of certainty in the
knowledge of the source distribution and wavespeed model (at least in the case
of transmission tomography studied here). We perform single-step Gauss-Newton
inversions for the source distribution and the wavespeed, in that order, and
quantify the associated Cram\'{e}r-Rao lower bound. The inversion and
uncertainty estimate are robust to errors in the source model but are sensitive
to the theory used to interpret of measurements. We find that when classical
source-receiver kernels are used instead of cross-correlation kernels, errors
appear in the both the inversion and uncertainty estimate, systematically
biasing the results. We outline a computationally tractable algorithm to
account for distant sources when performing inversions.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Geophysical Journal Internationa
Full Waveform Inversion for Time-Distance Helioseismology
Inferring interior properties of the Sun from photospheric measurements of
the seismic wavefield constitutes the helioseismic inverse problem. Deviations
in seismic measurements (such as wave travel times) from their fiducial values
estimated for a given model of the solar interior imply that the model is
inaccurate. Contemporary inversions in local helioseismology assume that
properties of the solar interior are linearly related to measured travel-time
deviations. It is widely known, however, that this assumption is invalid for
sunspots and active regions, and likely for supergranular flows as well. Here,
we introduce nonlinear optimization, executed iteratively, as a means of
inverting for the sub-surface structure of large-amplitude perturbations.
Defining the penalty functional as the norm of wave travel-time
deviations, we compute the the total misfit gradient of this functional with
respect to the relevant model parameters %(only sound speed in this case) at
each iteration around the corresponding model. The model is successively
improved using either steepest descent, conjugate gradient, or quasi-Newton
limited-memory BFGS. Performing nonlinear iterations requires privileging
pixels (such as those in the near-field of the scatterer), a practice not
compliant with the standard assumption of translational invariance.
Measurements for these inversions, although similar in principle to those used
in time-distance helioseismology, require some retooling. For the sake of
simplicity in illustrating the method, we consider a 2-D inverse problem with
only a sound-speed perturbation.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Ap
Propagation of seismic waves through a spatio-temporally fluctuating medium: Homogenization
Measurements of seismic wave travel times at the photosphere of the Sun have
enabled inferences of its interior structure and dynamics. In interpreting
these measurements, the simplifying assumption that waves propagate through a
temporally stationary medium is almost universally invoked. However, the Sun is
in a constant state of evolution, on a broad range of spatio-temporal scales.
At the zero wavelength limit, i.e., when the wavelength is much shorter than
the scale over which the medium varies, the WKBJ (ray) approximation may be
applied. Here, we address the other asymptotic end of the spectrum, the
infinite wavelength limit, using the technique of homogenization. We apply
homogenization to scenarios where waves are propagating through rapidly varying
media (spatially and temporally), and derive effective models for the media.
One consequence is that a scalar sound speed becomes a tensorial wavespeed in
the effective model and anisotropies can be induced depending on the nature of
the perturbation. The second term in this asymptotic two-scale expansion, the
so-called corrector, contains contributions due to higher-order scattering,
leading to the decoherence of the wavefield. This decoherence may be causally
linked to the observed wave attenuation in the Sun. Although the examples we
consider here consist of periodic arrays of perturbations to the background,
homogenization may be extended to ergodic and stationary random media. This
method may have broad implications for the manner in which we interpret seismic
measurements in the Sun and for modeling the effects of granulation on the
scattering of waves and distortion of normal-mode eigenfunctions.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, in press, Ap
Seismic Sounding of Convection in the Sun
Our Sun, primarily composed of ionized hydrogen and helium, has a surface
temperature of 5777~K and a radius km. In the outer
, energy transport is accomplished primarily by convection. Using
typical convective velocities and kinematic
viscosities of order ms, we obtain a Reynolds number . Convection is thus turbulent, causing a vast range of scales to
be excited. The Prandtl number, , of the convecting fluid is very low, of
order \,--\,, so that the Rayleigh number () is
on the order of . Solar convection thus lies in
extraordinary regime of dynamical parameters, highly untypical of fluid flows
on Earth. Convective processes in the Sun drive global fluid circulations and
magnetic fields, which in turn affect its visible outer layers ("solar
activity") and, more broadly, the heliosphere ("space weather"). The precise
determination of the depth of solar convection zone, departures from
adiabaticity of the temperature gradient, and the internal rotation rate as a
function of latitude and depth are among the seminal contributions of
helioseismology towards understanding convection in the Sun. Contemporary
helioseismology, which is focused on inferring the properties of
three-dimensional convective features, suggests that transport velocities are
substantially smaller than theoretical predictions. Furthermore,
helioseismology provides important constraints on the anisotropic Reynolds
stresses that control the global dynamics of the solar convection zone. This
review discusses the state of our understanding of convection in the Sun, with
a focus on helioseismic diagnostics. We present our considerations with the
interests of fluid dynamicists in mind.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures, in review, Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanic
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