1,861 research outputs found
Luminescence of a Cooper Pair
This paper theoretically discusses the photon emission spectra of a
superconducting pn-junction. On the basis of the second order perturbation
theory for electron-photon interaction, we show that the recombination of a
Cooper with two p-type carriers causes drastic enhancement of the luminescence
intensity. The calculated results of photon emission spectra explain
characteristic features of observed signal in an recent experiment. Our results
indicate high functionalities of superconducting light-emitting devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures embedde
Collapses and revivals of exciton emission in a semiconductor microcavity: detuning and phase-space filling effects
We investigate exciton emission of quantum well embedded in a semiconductor
microcavity. The analytical expressions of the light intensity for the cases of
excitonic number state and coherent state are presented by using secular
approximation. Our results show that the effective exciton-exciton interaction
leads to the appearance of collapse and revival of the light intensity. The
revival time is twice compared the coherent state case with that of the number
state. The dissipation of the exciton-polariton lowers the revival amplitude
but does not alter the revival time. The influences of the detuning and the
phase-space filling are studied. We find that the effect of the higher-order
exciton-photon interaction may be removed by adjusting the detuning.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Squeezing spectra of the output field by high density exciton laser
The effect of the non-linear interaction between the high density Wannier
excitons is analysed. We use the Fokker-Planck equation in the positive P
presentation and the corresponding stochastic differential equation to study
the composite system of a single mode cavity field and exciton under classical
field pumping. The small fluctuation approximation is made to get the
quadrature squeezing spectra of the output light field. The conditions for the
squeezing of the either quadrature component of the output light are given.Comment: 12 pages, no figure
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