95 research outputs found

    Mobile Brain and Body Imaging during Walking Motor Tasks

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    Mobile brain and body imaging (MoBI) presents new and promising methods for moving traditional research studies out of a controlled laboratory and into the real world. Most current neuroimaging techniques require subjects to be stationary in laboratory settings because of both hardware and software limitations. Recent developments in mobile brain imaging have utilized Electroencephalography (EEG) in conjunction with advanced signal processing techniques such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to overcome these obstacles and study humans doing complex tasks in non-traditional environments. In my first study, I used high density EEG to examine the cortical dynamics of subjects walking on a split-belt treadmill with legs moving independently of each other at different speeds to investigate how humans adapt to novel perturbations. I found significantly increased low and high frequency spectral power across all sensorimotor and parietal neural sources during split-belt adaptation compared to normal walking, which provides insight into the brain areas and patterns used to accommodate locomotor adaptation. In my second study I combined multi-modal sensing and biometric devices including EEG, eye tracking, heart rate, accelerometers, and salivary cortisol into a portable setup that subjects wore indoors on a treadmill using virtual reality as well as outdoors in a public arboretum. Subjects walked for 1 hour each indoors and outdoors while completing a free viewing visual search oddball task in virtual reality and in real life. I reported on the methods for how to set this experiment up, synchronize all data, and standardize the data in order to make it usable as an open access dataset that has been made available to the public online. My third study used this data set to examine the P300 event-related potential response during both indoors in virtual reality and outdoors in the arboretum. I found a significantly increased amplitude response between 250 to 400 ms across the centro-parietal electrodes that distinguished target flags from distractor flags during visual search for both indoor and outdoor environments. And finally, for my fourth study I used the same data set to look at the behavioral and neural correlates associated with gait dynamics when subjects walked indoors on a treadmill vs outdoors in variable terrain while also doing the visual search task. I found significant EEG power differences across multiple neural sources that showed increased spectral fluctuations throughout the gait cycle when subjects walked outdoors compared to indoors on a treadmill. The collective studies in this dissertation present new ways of using mobile brain and body imaging devices to expand our knowledge of the neural dynamics involved in humans moving in complex ways and in variable environments outside of traditional laboratories.PHDBiomedical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147691/1/ghanada_1.pd

    Decoding Working-Memory Load During n-Back Task Performance from High Channel NIRS Data

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    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can measure neural activity through blood oxygenation changes in the brain in a wearable form factor, enabling unique applications for research in and outside the lab. NIRS has proven capable of measuring cognitive states such as mental workload, often using machine learning (ML) based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). To date, NIRS research has largely relied on probes with under ten to several hundred channels, although recently a new class of wearable NIRS devices with thousands of channels has emerged. This poses unique challenges for ML classification, as NIRS is typically limited by few training trials which results in severely under-determined estimation problems. So far, it is not well understood how such high-resolution data is best leveraged in practical BCIs and whether state-of-the-art (SotA) or better performance can be achieved. To address these questions, we propose an ML strategy to classify working-memory load that relies on spatio-temporal regularization and transfer learning from other subjects in a combination that has not been used in previous NIRS BCIs. The approach can be interpreted as an end-to-end generalized linear model and allows for a high degree of interpretability using channel-level or cortical imaging approaches. We show that using the proposed methodology, it is possible to achieve SotA decoding performance with high-resolution NIRS data. We also replicated several SotA approaches on our dataset of 43 participants wearing a 3198 dual-channel NIRS device while performing the n-Back task and show that these existing methods struggle in the high-channel regime and are largely outperformed by the proposed method. Our approach helps establish high-channel NIRS devices as a viable platform for SotA BCI and opens new applications using this class of headset while also enabling high-resolution model imaging and interpretation.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures. Under revie

    Clustered Gene Expression Changes Flank Targeted Gene Loci in Knockout Mice

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    Gene expression profiling using microarrays is a powerful technology widely used to study regulatory networks. Profiling of mRNA levels in mutant organisms has the potential to identify genes regulated by the mutated protein.Using tissues from multiple lines of knockout mice we have examined genome-wide changes in gene expression. We report that a significant proportion of changed genes were found near the targeted gene.The apparent clustering of these genes was explained by the presence of flanking DNA from the parental ES cell. We provide recommendations for the analysis and reporting of microarray data from knockout mice

    Cross-modal cue effects in psychophysics, fMRI, and MEG in motion perception

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    Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.) PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.Motion perception is critical to navigation within the environment and has been studied primarily in the unisensory visual domain. However, the real world is not unisensory, but contains motion information from several modalities. With the billions of sensory stimuli our brains receive every second, many complex processes must be executed in order to properly filter relevant motion related information. In transparent motion, when there are more than one velocity fields within the same visual space, our brains must be able to separate out conflicting forms of motion utilizing environmental cues. But even in unimodal visual situations, one often uses information from other modalities for guidance. We studied this phenomenon in psychophysics with cross-modal (visual and auditory) cues and their role in detecting transparent motion. To further examine these ideas, using a single subject we explored the spatiotemporal characteristics of the neural substrates involved in utilizing these different cues in motion detection during magnetoencephalography (MEG). Another dimension of motion perception is involved when the observer is moving and, therefore, must deal with self-motion and changing environmental cues. To better understand this idea we used a visual search psychophysical task that has been well studied in our lab to determine whether subjects use a simple relative-motion computation to detect moving objects during self-motion or whether they utilize scene context when detecting object motion and how this might change when given a cross-modal auditory cue. To find the spatiotemporal neural characteristics involved in this process, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and MEG were performed separately in elderly subjects (healthy and a stroke patient) and compared with previous studies of young healthy subjects doing the same task.2031-01-0


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