119 research outputs found
Global Optimization with Polynomials
The class of POP (Polynomial Optimization Problems) covers a wide rang of optimization problems such as 0 - 1 integer linear and quadratic programs, nonconvex quadratic programs and bilinear matrix inequalities. In this paper, we review some methods on solving the unconstraint case: minimize a real-valued polynomial p(x) : Rn â R, as well the constraint case: minimize p(x) on a semialgebraic set K, i.e., a set defined by polynomial equalities and inequalities. We also summarize some questions that we are currently considering.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA
A semi-proximal-based strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method
The Peaceman-Rachford splitting method is very efficient for minimizing sum
of two functions each depends on its variable, and the constraint is a linear
equality. However, its convergence was not guaranteed without extra
requirements. Very recently, He et al. (SIAM J. Optim. 24: 1011 - 1040, 2014)
proved the convergence of a strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting
method by employing a suitable underdetermined relaxation factor. In this
paper, we further extend the so-called strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford
splitting method by using two different relaxation factors, and to make the
method more flexible, we introduce semi-proximal terms to the subproblems. We
characterize the relation of these two factors, and show that one factor is
always underdetermined while the other one is allowed to be larger than 1. Such
a flexible conditions makes it possible to cover the Glowinski's ADMM whith
larger stepsize. We show that the proposed modified strictly contractive
Peaceman-Rachford splitting method is convergent and also prove
convergence rate in ergodic and nonergodic sense, respectively. The numerical
tests on an extensive collection of problems demonstrate the efficiency of the
proposed method
Optimal parameter for the SOR-like iteration method for solving the system of absolute value equations
The SOR-like iteration method for solving the absolute value equations~(AVE)
of finding a vector such that with is investigated. The convergence conditions of the SOR-like iteration method
proposed by Ke and Ma ([{\em Appl. Math. Comput.}, 311:195--202, 2017]) are
revisited and a new proof is given, which exhibits some insights in determining
the convergent region and the optimal iteration parameter. Along this line, the
optimal parameter which minimizes with and the approximate optimal parameter which
minimizes are explored.
The optimal and approximate optimal parameters are iteration-independent and
the bigger value of is, the smaller convergent region of the iteration
parameter is. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate that the
SOR-like iteration method with the optimal parameter is superior to that with
the approximate optimal parameter proposed by Guo, Wu and Li ([{\em Appl. Math.
Lett.}, 97:107--113, 2019]). In some situation, the SOR-like itration method
with the optimal parameter performs better, in terms of CPU time, than the
generalized Newton method (Mangasarian, [{\em Optim. Lett.}, 3:101--108, 2009])
for solving the AVE.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 7 table
On the convergence analysis of the greedy randomized Kaczmarz method
In this paper, we analyze the greedy randomized Kaczmarz (GRK) method
proposed in Bai and Wu (SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 40(1):A592--A606, 2018) for
solving linear systems. We develop more precise greedy probability criteria to
effectively select the working row from the coefficient matrix. Notably, we
prove that the linear convergence of the GRK method is deterministic and
demonstrate that using a tighter threshold parameter can lead to a faster
convergence rate. Our result revises existing convergence analyses, which are
solely based on the expected error by realizing that the iterates of the GRK
method are random variables. Consequently, we obtain an improved iteration
complexity for the GRK method. Moreover, the Polyak's heavy ball momentum
technique is incorporated to improve the performance of the GRK method. We
propose a refined convergence analysis, compared with the technique used in
Loizou and Richt\'{a}rik (Comput. Optim. Appl., 77(3):653--710, 2020), of
momentum variants of randomized iterative methods, which shows that the
proposed GRK method with momentum (mGRK) also enjoys a deterministic linear
convergence. Numerical experiments show that the mGRK method is more efficient
than the GRK method
On adaptive stochastic heavy ball momentum for solving linear systems
The stochastic heavy ball momentum (SHBM) method has gained considerable
popularity as a scalable approach for solving large-scale optimization
problems. However, one limitation of this method is its reliance on prior
knowledge of certain problem parameters, such as singular values of a matrix.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive variant of the SHBM method for solving
stochastic problems that are reformulated from linear systems using
user-defined distributions. Our adaptive SHBM (ASHBM) method utilizes iterative
information to update the parameters, addressing an open problem in the
literature regarding the adaptive learning of momentum parameters. We prove
that our method converges linearly in expectation, with a better convergence
rate compared to the basic method. Notably, we demonstrate that the
deterministic version of our ASHBM algorithm can be reformulated as a variant
of the conjugate gradient (CG) method, inheriting many of its appealing
properties, such as finite-time convergence. Consequently, the ASHBM method can
be further generalized to develop a brand-new framework of the stochastic CG
(SCG) method for solving linear systems. Our theoretical results are supported
by numerical experiments
Fast stochastic dual coordinate descent algorithms for linearly constrained convex optimization
The problem of finding a solution to the linear system with certain
minimization properties arises in numerous scientific and engineering areas. In
the era of big data, the stochastic optimization algorithms become increasingly
significant due to their scalability for problems of unprecedented size. This
paper focuses on the problem of minimizing a strongly convex function subject
to linear constraints. We consider the dual formulation of this problem and
adopt the stochastic coordinate descent to solve it. The proposed algorithmic
framework, called fast stochastic dual coordinate descent, utilizes sampling
matrices sampled from user-defined distributions to extract gradient
information. Moreover, it employs Polyak's heavy ball momentum acceleration
with adaptive parameters learned through iterations, overcoming the limitation
of the heavy ball momentum method that it requires prior knowledge of certain
parameters, such as the singular values of a matrix. With these extensions, the
framework is able to recover many well-known methods in the context, including
the randomized sparse Kaczmarz method, the randomized regularized Kaczmarz
method, the linearized Bregman iteration, and a variant of the conjugate
gradient (CG) method. We prove that, with strongly admissible objective
function, the proposed method converges linearly in expectation. Numerical
experiments are provided to confirm our results.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.0548
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