172 research outputs found


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    Hukum wakaf termasuk bagian hukum Islam yang dinamis dan kontekstual di Indonesia. Banyak ketentuan baru yang belum ada sebelumnya, bahkan ada yang di luar pemahaman mainstream. Kontekstualitas hukum Islam di bidang wakaf dapat menjadi contoh yang baik dalam rangka penggalian dan pengembangan bidang hukum yang lain agar hukum Islam selalu relevan. Hukum Islam harus resisten terhadap perkembangan zaman sehingga sesuai untuk tiap zaman dan menembus batas teritorial

    Law Enforcement Problems and Impacts of the Law Development in Indonesia

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    One of the crucial law issues in Indonesia is law enforcement. Law enforcement has received much attention, not only domestically, but internationally. Problematic law enforcement will have an impact on law development. The purpose of this study is to describe law enforcement in Indonesia, the factors that influence law enforcement in Indonesia, and the impact of law enforcement on national law development. This research uses a normative approach. The results showed that law enforcement is one element of the operation of the law. Without law enforcement, the purpose and function of law will not be fulfilled. If law enforcement has a problem, the purpose and function of the law will not be achieved. Law enforcement is strongly influenced by the mentality and morality of law enforcement. Culture of law-abiding society also affects law enforcement. The problem of law enforcement has an impact on the development of national law. Public pessimism about law enforcement has led to a loss of trust in the law

    Considering the Living Law as A Source in National Legal Development

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    The construction of national law is one of the projects that has not been completed to this day in Indonesian law. Legal development should ideally pay attention to existing legal sources, especially laws that have become community culture. The results of this study show that legal development must be able to produce legal product reforms to replace the Dutch colonial legacy regulations that do not reflect the values and interests of the Indonesian people and encourage the growth of government and national development activities that originate from Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Incorporating the living law in the development of national law is an accommodative policy so that the national law produced is truly a product that is able to protect and protect all heterogeneous components of the Indonesian nation with their different backgrounds and legal needs Keyword: The living law, the source of law, the development of national law, Islamic la

    Relasi Agama dan Demokrasi; Telaah Kritis Eksistensi Partai Islam Di Indonesia

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    This study discusses the relation between religion and democracy; critical examination of the existence of Islamic parties in Indonesia. This study is a qualitative study based on library (library research). The approach used is descriptive qualitative which aims to illustrate or describe the reality that exists or what is happening or the actual reality of the object under study. Then interpreted in the form of a report. The approach used is the cultural anthropology approach. The results of this study indicate that Muslims interpret the relationship of religion and democracy to occur in three models, namely the negative, neutral and positive models. In the context of Islamic political parties in Indonesia, the basic problem is the inability of parties to package democratic issues, starting from the emergence of religious sentiment, politicization of religion, political pragmatism in PKS parties. Furthermore, the PPP party has problems with party regeneration, leadership dualism, and political attitudes. Whereas the UN party is seen in the absence of a leader figure and political culture. Keywords: Religion, Democracy, Islamic Part

    The Reorientation Of Criminal Justice System To Give Protection To Crime Victims

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    The tendency of current criminal justice is that it favours more criminals. Meanwhile, crime victims receive less attention. As a result, the objective of sentencing is rendered ineffective. This study aims at 1) Describing the development of thoughts on the criminal justice system, 2) Formulating the idea of a criminal justice system which would give more attention and protection to the crime victims, and 3) Making an argumentation that a change in the orientation of a criminal justice system to the crime victims is a necessity. This research uses a normative approach. The research data used here are the secondary ones in the form of literature. The analysis uses induction-interpretation-conceptualization flow of thought. The results show that the tendency of the current criminal justice system is focused only on criminals. As the aggrieved party, the crime victims are forgotten instead. Such a sentencing system can never satisfy the victims, especially when the crime renders the victims at a personal disadvantage. The crime victims or their heirs deserve the rights to decide what sentence should be given to the criminals which can give benefits for the victims or their family such as indemnities. The idea of changing the orientation of criminal justice for crime victims, in essence, is to give law attention and protection to the victims. This is both realistic and rational. The objective is to actualize justice and expediency in law. Keywords: Reorientation; Criminal Justice; System Protection Victim

    Law Enforcement of Terrorism Criminal Performers in Indonesia

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    The Indonesian state is firm against perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism. Many perpetrators have been sentenced to death. Terrorism continues to be a threat that can occur at any time. The purpose of this study is to describe the basic concepts of law enforcement, examine law enforcement against criminal acts of terrorism in Indonesia, and analyze the problems and solutions of law enforcement going forward. This research uses a normative approach. Data were analyzed and presented qualitatively. The results showed that law enforcement is the implementation of applicable law. Without the enforcement of the law of justice, certainty and usefulness which are the objectives of the law will not be achieved. Laws with weak implementation will be distant and isolated from society. Law enforcement against terrorism in Indonesia refers to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2003 concerning the Eradication of Terrorism Crimes. The legal policy to eradicate terrorism is intended as a long-term policy and anticipatory measure. Law enforcement against terrorism is carried out through formal and formal channels. Formal path with the Criminal Justice System. The informal route is through a de-radicalization program. The absence of legal instruments to ensnare the spread of radical teachings is an obstacle. Ideally, the de-radicalization design should be carried out through four approaches, namely reduction, rehabilitation, resocialization,and reintegration.Keywords: law enforcement, terrorism, Indonesia, deradicalizatio

    Sosialisasi kebijakan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak perempuan tenaga kerja migran dalam mewujudkan nilai-nilai keadilan sosial

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    Fenomena migrasi yang berwajah perempuan diawali dengan keterbatasan akses dan kontrol perempuan terhadap sumber-sumber kehidupan akibat kebijakan pembangunan yang cenderung berorientasi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi global serta menempatkan perempuan dalam situasi pemiskinan. Selama ini perempuan kerap dijadikan solusi dari setiap persoalan ekonomi yang dihadapi oleh keluraga seperti dijadikan objek tanggungan utang, aset ekonomi untuk membantu keluarga mencari nafkah, termasuk didalamnya menjadi Tenaga Kerja Migran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga. Perempuan tenaga kerja migran kerap mengalami ketidakadilan dan penindasan berlapis yang terjadi di desa akibat pemiskinan maupun di seluruh tahapan migrasi, yaitu pra, pemberangkatan, masa kerja hingga kepulangan. Sila ke 5 Pancasila, sebagai Dasar Nilai Keadilan Sosial, mengaturnya dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2012 berdasarkan Konvensi Internasional Mengenai Perlindungan Hak-Hak Seluruh Pekerja Migran dan Anggota Keluarganya memiliki tujuan melindungi pekerja migran Indonesia yang berada diluar negeri mendapatkan hak perlindungan tersebut. Dalam Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2004 jelas disebutkan bahwa Pemerintah bertanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan upaya perlindungan TKI diluar Negeri serta Pasal 27 mengatur tentang penempatan TKI di Luar Negeri hanya dapat dilakukan ke negara tujuan yang pemerintahnya membuat perjanjian tertulis dengan Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia atau ke Negara tujuan yang mempunyai peraturan perundang-undangan yang melindungi tenaga kerja asing. Oleh sebab itu, setiap orang dilarang menempatkan calon TKI pada jabatan atau tempat pekerjaan yang bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan norma kesusilaan serta peraturan perundang, baik di Indonesia maupun di Negara tujuan. Dalam pelaksaaannnya, Balai Latihan Kerja Luar Negeri sering kali tidak memberikan pemahaman dan wawasan terhadap calon tenaga kerja migran tentang arti pentingnya perlindungan hukum dan bagaimana mereka bisa melakukan advokasi terhadap dirinya sendiri jika mengalami kekerasan ataupun pelecehan di negara tujuan bekerja. Kegiatan Sosialisasi ini salah satunya dimaksudnya memberikan pemahaman dasar berkenaan perlindungan hukum dan upaya yang harus dilakukan jika mengalami kejadian yang tidak mengenakan tersebut dalam mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Keywords Kebijakan, Perlindungan Hukum, Hak-Hak Pekerja Perempuan, Tenaga Kerja Migra

    Towards Indonesia As A State Law Happiest People

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    The development of the concept of state law is a product of history. Formulation of understanding continues to evolve to follow the historical development of society in the state, although in practice the discussion refers to the concept of the modern state of the mainstream since the 19th century; Continental European Rechtstaats concept, and Anglo-Saxon with the concept of Rule of Law. Each country has its own style. The concept of state law in one country cannot be forced into other countries. Indonesia has the Pancasila ideology that by applying them consistently, so it can become law states that happy people. Keywords; state law, rechtstaats, rule of law, happy people, Indonesi

    The Reorientation Of Criminal Justice System To Give Protection To Crime Victims

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    The tendency of current criminal justice is that it favours more criminals. Meanwhile, crime victims receive less attention. As a result, the objective of sentencing is rendered ineffective. This study aims at 1) Describing the development of thoughts on the criminal justice system, 2) Formulating the idea of a criminal justice system which would give more attention and protection to the crime victims, and 3) Making an argumentation that a change in the orientation of a criminal justice system to the crime victims is a necessity. This research uses a normative approach. The research data used here are the secondary ones in the form of literature. The analysis uses induction-interpretation-conceptualization flow of thought. The results show that the tendency of the current criminal justice system is focused only on criminals. As the aggrieved party, the crime victims are forgotten instead. Such a sentencing system can never satisfy the victims, especially when the crime renders the victims at a personal disadvantage. The crime victims or their heirs deserve the rights to decide what sentence should be given to the criminals which can give benefits for the victims or their family such as indemnities. The idea of changing the orientation of criminal justice for crime victims, in essence, is to give law attention and protection to the victims. This is both realistic and rational. The objective is to actualize justice and expediency in law. Keywords: Reorientation; Criminal Justice; System Protection Victim

    Study of ideas national law profile in the development of national law in Indonesia

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    The Indonesian people do not yet have their own national product laws. The development of national law is still proceeding. The idea of a national law profile in Indonesia is also still being debated. This study aims to examine the idea of a national law profile in Indonesia. This study uses a philosophical approach, which is studying the law from the ideal side. The results of this study indicate that the idea of a national law profile in Indonesia has been widely described by legal experts. There is Mohctar Kusumaatmadja who offers the idea of development law. Satjipto Rahardjo offers progressive law and Romli Atmasasmita with integrative law that tries to combine ideas from previous legal expert
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