69 research outputs found
Menjaga Stabilitas Usaha Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Penerapan Akad Murabahah pada Pelaksanaan Investasi Syariah
Indonesia yang menjadi salah satu Negara di asia yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19 ini, baik dari sektor kesehatan, pendidikan dan sektor-sektor penting lainnya. Bahkan pada sektor ekonomipun menjadi sasaran dari dampak pandemi Covid-19 tersebut, sehingga banyak perusahaan, pabrik dan beberapa pelaku ekonomi mengalami kerugian yang cukup besar. Selain itu, dampak dari pandemi Covid-19 ini menyebabkan rendahnya sentiment investor terhadap pasar yang pada endingnya membawa pasar ke arah cenderung negative. Untuk mengurai kekhawatiran para investor tersebut, dalam penelitian ini akan memberikan sebuah konsep untuk menjaga stabilitas usaha pada pelaksanaan investasi. Dalam mempertegas content pada penelitian ini, terdapat tiga pokok permasalah yang akan dijawab, yaitu bagaimana perspektif hukum Islam tentang investasi, bagaimana tinjauan umum tentang akad murabahah, serta bagaimana cara menjaga stabilitas usaha dengan penerapan akad murabahah pada pelaksanaan investasi syariah. Penelitian yang merupakan jenis penelitian normatif ini akan menggunakan metode pendekatan konseptual, serta teknik analisis data bersifat analisis deskriptive dan argumentative. Dengan harapan bahwa konsep ini akan memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap perkembangan ekonomi dan terwujudnya kemaslahatan, serta terciptanya masyarakat adil makmur yang diridhoi Allah SWT. (Indonesia which is one of the countries in Asia that has been effected by the covid -19 pandemic, both from the health sector, education and other important sectors. Even in the economic sector was targeted by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, so that many companies, factories and some economic actors suffered considerable losses. In addition, the impact of covid-19 pandemic caused low investor sentiment towards the market which in the end led the market to tend to be negative. To unravel the concerns of these investors, in this study will provide a concept to maintain business stability in the implementation of investments. In emphasizing the content of this research, there are three main issues that Will be answered, namely how is the perspective of islamic law on Investment, how is an overview of murabahah contracts, and how to maintain business stability by implementing murabahah contracts in the implementation of Sharia investment. Reseach which is a type of normative research will use conceptual approach methods, as well as descriptive and argumentative data analysis techniques. It is hoped that this concept will have a positive impact on economic development and the realization of benefits, as well as the cration of a just and prosperous society blessed by Allah SWT)
Rokat Tase’ in Review of Maqashid Syariah Perspective of Muhammad Thahir Ibnu Asyur: Case Study of Madura Island
Local wisdom embedded in a community group, of course, will become an inseparable part of life, one of which is the rokat tase’ tradition which is routinely carried out by several coastal communities. Therefore, this article will examine and analyze in depth the rokat tase' tradition with maqashid sharia from Imam Muhammad Thahir Ibn Ashur. This article, which is essentially an empirical legal research, will comprehensively use the maqashid sharia approach and qualitative descriptive methods. The result of this research is that in the first concept in his thought, Ibn Ashur distinguishes maqāṣid ash-syarīʻah into maqāṣid ash-syarah al-ʻāmah and maqāṣid ash-syarīʻah al-khāṣṣah bianwāʻ al-muʻāmalāt. Furthermore, he describes the rationale in determining maqasid, namely with fitrah, maslahah, and ta'lil. Finally, he explains the operationalization of maqasid theory in three ways, namely through al Maqam, Istiqra' and distinguishing between wasail and maqasid. In addition, after being studied in depth and competently through maqashid sharia with Ibn Asyur's thoughts on the implementation of the rokat tase' tradition in Madura in particular, presumably in this tradition it contains values that are quite large. Among other things are the achievement of the problems of the people through the establishment of Islam in the tradition, the realization of good social benefits among others, the maintenance of the welfare of the community in avoiding future dangers and the realization of the economic development of the people through the implementation of the existing rokat tase' tradition. Thus, for the considerable benefit in it, this tradition deserves to be maintained and preserved properly and correctly. Kearifan lokal yang tertanam di dalam suatu kelompok masyarakat, tentunya akan menjadi bagian hidup yang tidak dapat terpisahkan. Salah satunya seperti tradisi rokat tase’ yang rutin dilaksanakan oleh beberapa masyarakat di pesisir pantai. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan mengkaji dan menganalisis secara mendalam tradisi rokat tase’ dengan maqashid syariah dari Imam Muhammad Thahir Ibnu Ashur. Artikel yang pada esensinya merupakan penelitian hukum empiris ini, secara komprehensif akan menggunakan pendekatan maqashid syariah dan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pada konsep pertama dalam pemikirannya, Ibnu Ashur membedakan maqāṣid asy-syarīʻah menjadi maqāṣid asysyarīʻah al-ʻāmah dan maqāṣid asy-syarīʻah al-khāṣṣah bianwāʻ al-muʻāmalāt. Selanjutnya ia menguraikan dasar pemikiran dalam menetapkan maqasid yaitu dengan fitrah, maslahah, dan ta’lil. Terakhir ia menjelaskan operasionalisasi teori maqasid dengan tiga cara yaitu melalui al Maqam, Istiqra’ serta membedakan antara wasail dan maqasid. Selain itu, setelah dikaji secara mendalam dan kompeten melaui maqashid syariah dengan pemikirannya Ibnu Asyur terhadap pelaksanaan tradisi rokat tase’ di Madura khususnya, kiranya dalam tradisi tersebut mengandung nilai-nilai kemaslahatan yang cukup besar. Antara lain adalah tercapainya kemaslahatan umat melalui tegaknya agama Islam dalam tradisi tersebut, terwujudnya kemaslahatan sosial yang baik antar sesama, terjaganya kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam menghindari bahaya yang akan datang dan terealisasikannya pembangunan ekonomi umat melalui pelaksanaan tradisi rokat tase’ yang ada. Dengan demikian, atas kemaslahatan yang cukup besar di dalamnya, tradisi ini patut untuk dipertahankan dan dilestarikan dengan baik dan benar
Praktik Pilihan Rasional Perempuan Desa Pelaku UMKM di Kabupaten Kediri dalam Peningkatan Perekonomian Keluarga
This writing aims to find out and analyze the practices of village women who join MSMEs actors in the Kediri Regency in improving the family economy. It is interesting to study in-depth the gender equality and the construction that women in gender equality build as actors or drivers of these MSMEs. This study uses qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach, while the theory used is a rational choice theory. The results of this study explain that: 1) The rational choice of women MSMEs in Kediri Regency is due to awareness, encouragement, and opportunities in running the micro business by playing the role of actors and existing resources. 2) The process of forming rational choices for women MSMEs in Kediri Regency is due to a solid determination to achieve goals and the pressure of the family economy. 3) The formation of capital for MSMEs actors in Kediri Regency is in various ways: (a) providing a sales mechanism initiative, (b) building social capital, (c) establishing norms, and (d) instilling trust
Problematika dan Konsepsi Kemandirian Pesantren Salaf
Pesantren salaf selalu dioposisikan dengan arus globalisasi. Banyak yang menganggap mereka terpisah dari realitas. Walaupun demikian, keberadaannya hingga hari ini mengindikasikan mereka sanggup secara mandiri. Namun masih banyak kekurangan, yang dimungkinkan kemandiriannya tidak bertahan lama. Berdasar pada fakta artikel ini mengungkap bagaimana problamatika dan konsep penting kemandirian pesantren salaf dicapai? Penelitian ini berjenis library reseach. Adapun konklusi dari penelitian adalah pertama, masalah laten yang dihadapi pesantren salaf adalah masalah kepemimpinan, pembelajaran, dan disorientasi peran sosialnya. Kedua, konsep kemandiriannya meliputi pendidikan, life skill, leadership, entrepreneurship dan kesadaran ikhtiar
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kualitas solar cell pada nilai fill factor (ff) dan efisiensinya ( ). Data tegangan Vi dan Ii diambil secara otomatis menggunakan software logger pro dan menggunakan analisis persamaan eksponensial . Data diambil dari solar cell merk polikristal type (99×69) mm2 yang dipaparkan di depan sumber cahaya lampu bohlam philips 100W/220V sejauh 18 cm pada Ir sebesar 983, 344 W/m2. Nilai Pmax terbesar besar berada pada sudut kemiringan 30o sebesar 0,0231 watt. ff yaitu 67%, efisiensi 22%. Pada sudut 30o tersebut arah cahaya datang tegak lurus dengan bidang solar cell. Sedangkan ff terendah kemiringan 70o yaitu 0,5362 dan efisiensi 13%. Kata kunci: Fill factor dan efisiensi solar cell; logger pro. ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the quality of solar cell on the value of the fill factor (ff) and efficiency (h). The voltage data Vi and Ii are taken automatically using logger pro software and using exponential equation analysis. The data was taken from polycrystalline solar cell type (99×69) mm2 which was presented in front of the light source of Philips lamp bulb 100W/220V as far as 18 cm at Ir of 983, 344 W/m2. The largest Pmax value is at a slope angle of 30o of 0,0231 watts. ff is 67%, efficiency is 22%. At the 30o angle the direction of the light comes perpendicular to the plane of the solar cell. While the lowest ff is 70o, which is 0,5362 and efficiency is 13%. Keywords: Fill factor and efficiency solar cell; logger pro
Organizing Ontalan Tradition in Madurese Customs
The Ontalan tradition is a Maduranese tradition of throwing money to the bride and groom at the bridal events, which its people still preserve. The Ontalan practice is unique in its implementation because it only involves the groom’s family, relatives, and bhle. In contrast, the bride is not obligated to carry it out. Research was included in empirical legal research, namely studying and analyzing legal behavior, both individuals and society. The research method used by the researcher was qualitative. This research intended to understand the phenomena experienced by describing them in words and language in a particular natural context using various scientific methods. As empirical legal research, the approach used by researchers is a socio-legal approach. This research showed that Ontalan was first carried out at the groom’s house at the time of the bridal events, one day after its events. The groom’s family and relatives carried out the parties. The money given is not thrown away but is delivered using an envelope. Second, they carry out Ontalan to continue their ancestral heritage, help the bride and groom, reject lousy luck, and strengthen friendship because it does not conflict with religion. The benefits of implementing Ontalan were to create a spirit of social care through giving alms, bringing family relationships closer, strengthening ties, and making an equal household; those who do not implement Ontalan will receive social sanctions. Third, religion and culture are interrelated from the sociological perspective of Islamic law. The term Ontalan is a social definition because the actual social fact of Ontalan is a gift that, in its implementation, aims to create social change through efforts to help the bride and groom build harmonious and equal family relationships. Using the ‘Urf theory, the Ontalan tradition is included in ‘urf shahih because it does not conflict with sharia, benefits the practitioners, and contains religious values
Pengaruh Management Resources DPMPD Terhadap Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Kediri Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Abstract: The purpose of this study focuses on the influence of the level of DPMPD resource management on the successful implementation of community empowerment programs in Kediri Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic where the background of the pandemic is changing the system and empowerment that demands resource management to continue to empower the community in Kediri Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach that uses data collection techniques with questionnaires (Likert scale), observation, interviews, and documentation. Sampling in this study used a random sampling technique to DPMPD employees and participants who took part in the training. The results of the analysis of the influence of DPMPD management resources on the successful implementation of community empowerment programs in Kediri Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic showed a significance level of 0.00 and R square of 0.659 and the equation value which showed a positive value so that it could be interpreted that there was a significant and positive influence. resource management on the success of the implementation of the empowerment program that is equal to 65.9%.
Keywords: DPMPD, Success, Resources Management
Urgensi Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Perlindungan Data Pribadi
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mempengaruhi berbagai bidang aspek kehidupan, salah satu efek dari perkembangan teknologi dirasakan dalam proses sistem pengelolaan data yang seluruhnya hampir berbasis digital. Disisi lain dalam pesatnya perkembangan teknologi menimbulkan permasalahan baru, permasalahan yang sering muncul dalam era saat ini terkait perlindungan data pribadi. pengaturan terkait perlindungan data pribadi baik dalam lembaga pemerintah maupun swasta, sudah diatur di beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan, namun dalam implementasinya aturan yang mengatur tentang perlindungan data pribadi belum cukup untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi data pribadi. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini menganalisis terkait urgensi Rancangan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi. Metode riset menggunakan Penelitian Normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Data yang digunakan adalah berbagai jurnal terkait dengan topik yang penulis kaji, peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dan beberapa pemberitaan yang bersumber dari media cetak maupun elektronik. Banyaknya kasus terkait kebocoran data pribadi, dan digunakan untuk kepentingan komersil individu atau kelompok tertentu. Menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan, karena hal tersebut menjadi bom waktu yang harus diwaspadai, mengingat kebocoran data pribadi sangat merugikan dan melanggar privasi masyarakat. Penggunaan data pribadi harus diimbangi dengan adanya perlindungan yang kuat terkait perlindungan data pribadi, dalam prakteknya di Indonesia kurangnya aturan hukum terkait dengan perlindungan data pribadi membuat terjadi banyaknya kasus kebocoran data.The rapid development of technology affects various aspects of life, one of the effects of technological developments is felt in the process of data management systems which are almost entirely digital based. On the other hand, the rapid development of technology creates new problems, problems that often arise in the current era regarding the protection of personal data. Regulations related to the protection of personal data, both in government and private institutions, have been regulated in several laws and regulations, but in their implementation the rules governing the protection of personal data are not sufficient to provide protection for personal data. Therefore, this study analyzes the urgency of the Personal Data Protection Bill. The research method uses a conceptual-analytical approach to literature review. The data used are various journals related to the topic the author is studying, related laws and regulations and several news sources from print and electronic media. The number of cases related to the leakage of personal data, and used for the commercial interests of certain individuals or groups. It is something that needs to be considered, because it is a ticking time bomb that must be watched out for, considering that the leakage of personal data is very detrimental and violates people's privacy. The use of personal data must be balanced with strong protections related to the protection of personal data, in practice in Indonesia the lack of legal regulations related to the protection of personal data has resulted in many cases of data leakage
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