13 research outputs found

    Dinamika Perkembangan Sejarah Konstitusi Indonesia: dari Masa Kolonial Hingga Reformasi

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    Penelitian ini menginvestigasi dinamika perkembangan sejarah konstitusi Indonesia dari masa kolonial hingga era reformasi, serta dampaknya terhadap struktur dan fungsi pemerintahan. Melalui pendekatan analisis historis, penelitian ini menguraikan perubahan signifikan yang terjadi dalam konstitusi Indonesia seiring waktu, memperhatikan konteks politik, sosial, dan ekonomi yang memengaruhi proses tersebut. Metode penelitian yuridis normatif adalah pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan studi perpustakaan untuk menganalisis dan menafsirkan hukum serta norma-norma yang berlaku melalui pendekatan teoritis dan analisis dokumen hukum. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konstitusi Indonesia telah mengalami transformasi yang mencolok dari masa kolonial yang dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan kolonial Belanda hingga masa reformasi yang dipicu oleh tuntutan masyarakat akan perubahan demokratisasi dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Setiap periode dalam sejarah konstitusi Indonesia mencerminkan kondisi politik dan sosial yang berbeda, yang tercermin dalam struktur pemerintahan dan nilai-nilai yang ditegakkan dalam konstitusi. Perubahan konstitusi telah memengaruhi struktur pemerintahan Indonesia melalui pembentukan lembaga-lembaga baru, redistribusi kekuasaan, dan peningkatan keterbukaan dalam pengambilan keputusan publik. Di samping itu, perubahan dalam fungsi pemerintahan tercermin dalam peningkatan partisipasi publik dalam pembuatan kebijakan dan penegakan hak asasi manusia sebagai fokus utama dalam menjaga keseimbangan kekuasaan. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan yang penting bagi pembuat kebijakan, praktisi hukum, dan masyarakat umum untuk memahami evolusi konstitusi Indonesia dan implikasinya terhadap struktur dan fungsi pemerintahan. Dengan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang sejarah konstitusi, upaya untuk memperkuat prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, meningkatkan partisipasi publik, dan melindungi hak asasi manusia dapat lebih efektif dilaksanakan untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih baik bagi Indonesia. &nbsp

    Dinamika Hubungan antara Eksekutif, Legislatif, dan Yudikatif dalam Sistem Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran, fungsi, dan interaksi antara tiga cabang pemerintahan—eksekutif, legislatif, dan yudikatif (Trias Politica)–dalam sistem hukum tata negara Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana setiap cabang pemerintahan beroperasi dan berkontribusi dalam menjaga keseimbangan kekuasaan, serta bagaimana interaksi mereka mempengaruhi implementasi hukum dan keadilan di Indonesia. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam Jurnal ini adalah Yuridis Normatif. Yuridis Normatif adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam jurnal dan karya hukum yang mengkaji aspek-aspek internal dari hukum positif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun konstitusi Indonesia menegaskan prinsip pemisahan kekuasaan, dalam prakteknya sering terjadi ketergantungan dan pengaruh antar lembaga yang dipengaruhi oleh dinamika politik. Eksekutif memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap legislatif, yang dapat mengakibatkan ketergantungan legislatif pada kebijakan eksekutif. Selain itu, independensi yudikatif seringkali terganggu oleh tekanan politik dari eksekutif dan legislatif, yang mempengaruhi keadilan dalam proses peradilan. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi bagaimana sistem hukum tata negara Indonesia telah mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip keadilan, demokrasi, dan kepastian hukum dalam keputusan-keputusan pemerintahan. Implementasi prinsip-prinsip ini penting untuk memastikan hukum yang adil dan berkeadilan. Diperlukan upaya untuk memperkuat independensi dan kemandirian setiap cabang pemerintahan serta menjaga keseimbangan kekuasaan agar implementasi hukum dan keadilan dapat berjalan secara optimal. &nbsp

    A comparative study of service-oriented architecture maturity model

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    Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) maturity model is a benchmark for evaluating and assessing the maturity of SOA adoption. Several of SOA maturity models have been constructed by the academia and industry.However, these models contradict with each other in determining “what” need to be assessed in SOA adoption.Therefore, the aims of this study is to review and compare the existing SOA maturity models that were commonly referred such as SOAMM, SIMM, CSOAMM, Inaganti’s Model, iSOAMM, Welke’s Model and SOASMM in order to determine which model should be enhanced to reflect the true definition of SOA. The findings implies that the existing models have their own strengths and weaknesses and based on these findings, this study identify that Welke’s model is the most suitable model that should be enhanced. This study has successfully analyze the existing models and identify an issue that deserve future investigation such as the need to provide two dimensional evaluations for both IT benefits and business benefits and the need to improve the evaluation processes in the SOA maturity model

    An exploratory study for investigating the issues and current practices of service-oriented architecture adoption

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    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an approach that can be used to integrate different services across operating systems, platforms, languages, and networks which offer some benefits. However, many organizations fail to fully utilize SOA because the adoption processes are still immature. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted to investigate current issues and practices of SOA adoption, the use of maturity levels for assessing SOA adoption, and the importance of information technology (IT) and business benefits in SOA adoption. Thus, the Grounded Theory approach was adapted in this study which involved seven software development companies in Malaysia. In this study, 14 SOA practitioners with at least three years of experience in SOA development were interviewed. The collected data was analyzed through three main coding stages: open, axial and selective coding. The theory which emerged from this study revealed SOA adoption issues, current practices, maturity levels, IT and business benefits. The study managed to identify five main issues in SOA adoption which were knowledge, infrastructure, costing, readiness, and documentation issues. The study also portrayed five best practices related to technology, framework, platform, standards, and tools. In addition, results from the study showed five IT and business benefits, consecutively. The findings from the study have led to theories formulation on SOA adoption which may assist researchers and SOA assessors to continuously improve the quality and maturity of SOA adoption in the future

    A conceptual model for service-oriented architecture adoption maturity model

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    Service-oriented architecture (SOA) maturity model is a model that can be used to guide the SOA adoption.There are several SOA maturity models that have been constructed by the previous researchers.However, most of the existing models are focused on what to evaluate rather than how to perform the evaluation.Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose a conceptual model for SOA adoption maturity evaluation.This study reviewed and investigated the existing models in order to identify the issues and current implementation of the SOA maturity model.The findings implied that there is a lack of SOA maturity models that evaluated on the SOA adoption and focused specifically on both IT and business benefits.Furthermore, the existing models also do not provide any details on how to evaluate the maturity of SOA adoption. As a result, this study proposed a conceptual model for SOA adoption maturity evaluation that also consist of a tool to assess the maturity of SOA adoption

    A Service-Oriented Architecture Adoption Maturity Matrix using Kano Model: Cross Evaluation between IT and Business Benefits

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    The many promised benefits of SOA adoption have attracted numerous organizations to adopt SOA. These SOA adoption benefits have been identified by the previous researchers and can be distinguished into IT and business benefits. However, this study found that there is a lack of work that provide a method on how to construct the matrix for evaluating the SOA adoption focuses on both IT and business benefits. Therefore, this study aims to provide a method that can be used to construct a cross evaluation matrix focuses on SOA adoption IT and business benefits. This study first determines the IT and business benefits characteristics and sub-characteristics in order to provide the evaluation criteria for evaluating the SOA adoption. Then this study adapted Kano Model in order to construct the cross evaluation matrix between IT and business benefits. The findings implies that Kano Model is appropriate to be used as the underlying structure to construct the cross evaluation matrix in this study. Kano Model provides the approach on how to plot, organize and better represent the evaluation dimension for evaluating the SOA adoption

    Effectiveness of Plant Bioactive Compounds as Colorectal Cancer Cell Line Inhibitors: A Systematic Review

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    Cancer is a non-communicable disease and one of the highest causes of human death. It has been well documented that active substances have been shown in vitro to have anticancer properties. The purpose of this article is to examine the therapeutic implications of active substances involved in colorectal anticancer activity. We looked through the databases of PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar in our systematic review to find papers released between 2013 and 2023. Ten studies were selected and published between 2013 and 2023. From the results obtained on plant data used as colorectal anticancer, it was reported that plants contain active phenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, gallic acid, saponins, triterpenoid/steroid, hydroquinones, triterpenoids, phenols, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferol, artemisinin, and tannins that can act as colorectal anticancer agents and are proven to be an inhibitor of cell line growth in colorectal cancer

    Evaluation of service-oriented architecture adoption maturity model for sustainable development

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    Goal-oriented evaluation is a fundamental approach to monitor and ensure that all measurement activities are being carried out in the context of a well-defined evaluation goal. However, this study found that the previous ServiceOriented Architecture maturity models have not comprehensively considered providing an appropriate method for evaluating the Service-Oriented Architecture adoption. Therefore, this study aims to provide an evaluation method for Service-Oriented Architecture adoption by using goal-oriented approach. The reason is that in order for the evaluation to be effective, it must be driven by a goal. Thus, this study adapts the goal-oriented approach in order to provide an effective evaluation method for evaluating the Service-Oriented Architecture adoption. This study also extends the metric component in Goal-Question-Metric by providing a scale for each metric based on the NPLF rating scale adapted from ISO/IEC 15504. Conclusively, this paper has shown that goaloriented approach can be used to evaluate the Service-Oriented Architecture adoption through Goal-Question-Metric. GoalQuestion-Metric also provides a hierarchical structure that can be refined in order to evaluate the SOA adoption towards a sustainable development effectively. Sustainable development means that the teams work at consistence and continuous speed to produce a quality result. Therefore, the proposed model may benefit the Service-Oriented Architecture practitioner and quality editor in software engineering domain

    A construction of service-oriented architecture adoption maturity levels using adoption of innovation concept and CMMI

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    The existing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) maturity models constructed their maturity level focuses on the level after the implementation of SOA in the organization. However, less work has been carried out regarding the SOA maturity level that focused on the whole process of SOA adoption including the pre-adoption level. Furthermore, this study also found that less work on constructing the maturity levels for measuring the SOA adoption existed. Therefore, this study aims to construct the Service-Oriented Architecture adoption maturity level by combining the adoption of innovation concept with Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). This study constructs the lower level of the proposed SOA adoption maturity level based on the adoption of innovation concept and the upper level based on CMMI and the existing SOA maturity models. This study has successfully shown that the adoption of innovation concept can be combined with CMMI in order to construct a holistic maturity level for evaluating the SOA adoption. This level covers the whole SOA adoption processes ranging from the pre-adoption level up to the optimized level. This study also aims at evaluating the SOA adoption toward sustainable development. Sustainable development means that the teams work at consistence and continuous speed to produce a quality result. Thus, the proposed maturity level may benefit the SOA practitioner and software quality assurance in software engineering domain