391,398 research outputs found
Functional inversion for potentials in quantum mechanics
Let E = F(v) be the ground-state eigenvalue of the Schroedinger Hamiltonian H
= -Delta + vf(x), where the potential shape f(x) is symmetric and monotone
increasing for x > 0, and the coupling parameter v is positive.
If the 'kinetic potential' bar{f}(s) associated with f(x) is defined by the
transformation: bar{f}(s) = F'(v), s = F(v)-vF'(v),then f can be reconstructed
from F by the sequence: f^{[n+1]} = bar{f} o bar{f}^{[n]^{-1}} o f^{[n]}.
Convergence is proved for special classes of potential shape; for other test
cases it is demonstrated numerically. The seed potential shape f^{[0]} need not
be 'close' to the limit f.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure
Relativistic N-boson systems bound by pair potentials V(r_{ij}) = g(r_{ij}^2)
We study the lowest energy E of a relativistic system of N identical bosons
bound by pair potentials of the form V(r_{ij}) = g(r_{ij}^2) in three spatial
dimensions. In natural units hbar = c = 1 the system has the semirelativistic
`spinless-Salpeter' Hamiltonian H = \sum_{i=1}^N \sqrt{m^2 + p_i^2} +
\sum_{j>i=1}^N g(|r_i - r_j|^2), where g is monotone increasing and has
convexity g'' >= 0. We use `envelope theory' to derive formulas for general
lower energy bounds and we use a variational method to find complementary upper
bounds valid for all N >= 2. In particular, we determine the energy of the
N-body oscillator g(r^2) = c r^2 with error less than 0.15% for all m >= 0, N
>= 2, and c > 0.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure
Spectral bounds for the cutoff Coulomb potential
The method of potential envelopes is used to analyse the bound-state spectrum
of the Schroedinger Hamiltonian H = -Delta -v/(r+b), where v and b are
positive. We established simple formulas yielding upper and lower energy bounds
for all the energy eigenvalues.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
Isometry theorem for the Segal-Bargmann transform on noncompact symmetric spaces of the complex type
We consider the Segal-Bargmann transform for a noncompact symmetric space of
the complex type. We establish isometry and surjectivity theorems for the
transform, in a form as parallel as possible to the results in the compact
case. The isometry theorem involves integration over a tube of radius R in the
complexification, followed by analytic continuation with respect to R. A
cancellation of singularities allows the relevant integral to have a
nonsingular extension to large R, even though the function being integrated has
singularities.Comment: Final version. To appear in Journal of Functional Analysis. Minor
SO(10) and SU(6) Unified Theories on an Elongated Rectangle
Maximally supersymmetric SO(10) and SU(6) unified theories are constructed on
the orbifold T^2/(Z_2 x Z'_2), with one length scale R_5 taken much larger than
the other, R_6. The effective theory below 1/R_6 is found to be the highly
successful SU(5) theory in 5D with natural doublet-triplet splitting, no proton
decay from operators of dimension four or five, unified mass relations for
heavier generations only, and a precise prediction for gauge coupling
unification. A more unified gauge symmetry, and the possibility of Higgs
doublets being components of the higher dimensional gauge multiplet, are
therefore compatible with a large energy interval where physics is described by
SU(5) gauge symmetry in 5D. This leads to the distinctive branching ratios for
proton decay from SU(5) gauge boson exchange, p -> l^+ pi^0, l^+ K^0, \bar{nu}
pi^+, \bar{nu} K^+ (l = e, mu), for well-motivated locations for matter.
Several phenomenological features of the higher unified gauge symmetry are
discussed, including the role of an extra U(1) gauge symmetry, which survives
compactification, in the generation of neutrino masses.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe
Klein-Gordon lower bound to the semirelativistic ground-state energy
For the class of attractive potentials V(r) <= 0 which vanish at infinity, we
prove that the ground-state energy E of the semirelativistic Hamiltonian
H = \sqrt{m^2 + p^2} + V(r) is bounded below by the ground-state energy e of
the corresponding Klein--Gordon problem
(p^2 + m^2)\phi = (V(r) -e)^2\phi. Detailed results are presented for the
exponential and Woods--Saxon potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Safety Engineering with COTS components
Safety-critical systems are becoming more widespread, complex and reliant on software. Increasingly they are engineered through Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) (Commercial Off The Shelf) components to alleviate the spiralling costs and development time, often in the context of complex supply chains.
A parallel increased concern for safety has resulted in a variety of safety standards, with a growing consensus that a safety life cycle is needed which is fully integrated with the design and development life cycle, to ensure that safety has appropriate influence on the design decisions as system development progresses.
In this article we explore the application of an integrated approach to safety engineering in which assurance drives the engineering process. The paper re- ports on the outcome of a case study on a live industrial project with a view to evaluate: its suitability for application in a real-world safety engineering setting; its benefits and limitations in counteracting some of the difficulties of safety en- gineering with COTS components across supply chains; and, its effectiveness in generating evidence which can contribute directly to the construction of safety cases
Deaf children need language, not (just) speech
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) children need to master at least one language (spoken or signed) to reach their full potential. Providing access to a natural sign language supports this goal. Despite evidence that natural sign languages are beneficial to DHH children, many researchers and practitioners advise families to focus exclusively on spoken language. We critique the Pediatrics article âEarly Sign Language Exposure and Cochlear Implantsâ (Geers et al., 2017) as an example of research that makes unsupported claims against the inclusion of natural sign languages. We refute claims that (1) there are harmful effects of sign language and (2) that listening and spoken language are necessary for optimal development of deaf children. While practical challenges remain (and are discussed) for providing a sign language-rich environment, research evidence suggests that such challenges are worth tackling in light of natural sign languages providing a host of benefits for DHH children â especially in the prevention and reduction of language deprivation.Accepted manuscrip
Projective vs metric structures
We present a number of conditions which are necessary for an n-dimensional
projective structure (M,[nabla]) to include the Levi-Civita connection nabla of
some metric on M. We provide an algorithm, which effectively checks if a
Levi-Civita connection is in the projective class and, in the positive, which
finds this connection and the metric. The article also provides a basic
information on invariants of projective structures, including the treatment via
Cartan's normal projective connection. In particular we show that there is a
number of Fefferman-like conformal structures, defined on a subbundle of the
Cartan bundle of the projective structure, which encode the projectively
invariant information about (M,[nabla])
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