23 research outputs found

    Economic Growth, Trade and Environmental Issues: Testing Environmental Kuznets Curve

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    ASEAN experiences a dynamic economic growth due to its liberalised markets. However concerns arise related to environmental issues resulting from the economic activities. It reflects tradeoffs between economic growth driven by trade and foreign direct investment (FDI), and environment. To investigate such a relation the Environmental Kuznets Curve was applied by regressing amount of carbon emission with gross domestic product (GDP), quadratic GDP, trade openness and FDI. The result reveals that amount of carbon emission is linearly and positively correlated with GDP per capita. It is predicted that as ASEAN economies grow, carbon emission increases. Trade openness is also found to contribute to carbon emission

    Analisis Potensi Pajak Daerah Untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Fiskal Kabupaten Dan Kota Di Sulawesi Utara

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    An Analysis on North Sulawesi\u27s Local Tax Potential to Strengthening Its Fiscal CapacityDespite recording double digit growth since 2005, North Sulawesi\u27s tax to GDRP ratio has been fairly stable at about 0,24% on average (6,89% to total revenue). This paper cataloques a range of factors that may account for the local tax potential of North Sulawesi\u27s to strengthen its fiscal capacity. Calculation on local tax potency especially on restaurant tax confirm gap between real revenues and its potency about Rp1.06 billion. By using panel data through econometric methodologies, the paper assesses the statistical significance of a number of potential determinants of local tax revenue, using data from 15 regions in North Sulawesi over the period 2009–2014. The results indicate that, among the variables that exert a statistically significant influence on local tax potential are per capita GDRP, agriculture sectors, and high school number, while the employee has no statistically significance

    Trade Creation dan Trade Diversion antara Indonesia dan Negara-negara Asean-korea

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    Indonesia has several free trade agreements with trading partners that aimed to eliminate tariff and non tariff trade barriers. One of the free trade agreements is ASEAN-Korea FTA. Trade agreement in goods in ASEAN-Korea FTA was agreed since 2007 and now it is entering the implementation phase. The objective of this research is to determine whether the ASEAN-Korea FTA would increase the trade flows between Indonesia and ASEAN-Korea\u27 countries by analyzing the impact of regional integration on trade creation and trade diversion. This research is utilized balance panel data including 13 countries from 1998-2012. The empirical result shows that all Indonesia\u27s trading sectors experienced decline because of trade diversion and trade creation does not occur. Indonesia\u27s import trading with the non-member countries of ASEAN-Korea is 68% lower than the existing trading

    Analisis Dampak Infrastruktur Transportasi Dan Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi Terhadap Nilai Tukar Perdagangan Di ASEAN Dan Asia Timur

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    The cooperation among ASEAN countries and East Asia countries gives advantage and challenge for each member country. Each country can improve their term of trade through International trade. The aims of this study are to analyze the impact of transportationinfrastructure and information communication technology on term of trade in ASEAN countries (consist of Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Philipines and Vietnam) and East Asiacountries (consist of China, Japan, Hongkong and South Korea).This study used panel yearly data of term of trade, index of transportation infrastructure, cost of export/import, time to export/import, internet user, and export/import of communication devices. Time references were 2006-2011. Statics panel data modelwas used to determine the relationship between term of trade and these variables for ASEAN and East Asia.Dummy intercept was applied to explain the differences between ASEAN countries and East Asia countries. The results expose that both in ASEAN and East Asia Countries, transportation infrastructure andthe export value ofcommunication deviceshave a positive correlation on the term of trade, whereas cost of export has a negative correlationon term of trade. To increase the term of trade,each countryshould be improvethe quality of transportation infrastructure, increase export of communication devices,and reducethe cost to export

    Transmisi Harga Kopi Antara Pasar Indonesia Dengan Pasar Tujuan Ekspor Utama

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    Indonesia is the world\u27s fourth biggest coffee exporter with a market share of 9.7 %. This study examined the asymmetric price transmission in the coffee market between the importing countries (United State, German, and Japan) and Indonesia. AECM (Asymmetric Error Correction Model) was used to examine the asymmetric price transmission by using the monthly data from 2005 to 2014. The result of the study showed that there is no price asymmetry in the coffee market in the long run because there is no market power in the coffee market; however, in the short run, there is asymmetry price transmission in the United State and Japan due to the adjustment cost

    Analisis Pengaruh Non-tariff Measures Ekspor Komoditi Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) Indonesia Ke Negara Tujuan Ekspor Utama

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    The study of this paper is aimed to evaluate the effects of non-tariff measures (NTM) upon Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) export in the main destinations. Identified the competitiveness analysis using the Revealed Comparative Advantage index and the impact of the measures has estimated using a panel data gravity model constructed with disaggregated data about bilateral export trade flow of crude palm oil between Indonesia and its main trade partners for the period from 2003 to 2013. NTM represented binary variable that specified with a dummy variable. The gravity model has estimated with a fixed effects model and the results indicated that the existence of trade barriers to trade (TBT) appears to impede the Indonesian exports of CPO. But the existence of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) which related to food safety and the existence of trade remedy (antidumping, subsidy, safeguard) presented a positive impact upon the Indonesian exports of CPO

    Capital Adequacy of the Banking Industry in Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the relationship between credit risk and profitability on the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of commercial banks in Indonesia. The empirical model result shows that credit risk and profitability performance altogether significantly influence the capital adequacy ratio (CAR). Partially, the variables that significantly influence the CAR are the characteristics and complexity of the bank group. This study also suggests that the pace towards the long-term balance is, in general, less than one year. Capital ratio in the banking industry is 8%, indicating the bank has set aside to anticipate the impact of external factors as well as to comply with Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 15/12/PBI/2013

    Modal Intelektual Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Di Sektor Keuangan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014

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    This study aimed to analyze the company's intellectual capital in the financial sector. The financial sector companies listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2010-2014 was used as the sample. The sample selection using purposive sampling method. The data used in this study were secondary data from company annual report obtained from the official website of Indonesia Stock Exchange. Measurement of intellectual capital in this study using a model of Value Added Intellectual Coefficients (VAIC) and measurement of financial performance using ratio analysis with ROA as profitability variable, ATO as productivity variable, and GR as variable growth. The results showed that the overall financial performance of the financial sector in the period of observation were top performers and common performers. Based on the value of company's intellectual capital, the intellectual capital components contributed most was human capital

    Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Pemasaran Biji Kakao di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Parigi Moutong is one of cocoa production center in the Central Sulawesi province. The problem faced by cocoa farmers in Parigi Moutong is the weak bargaining position of farmers in the price determination. The purpose of this study is to analyze cocoa beans market structure, conduct and performance at Parigi Moutong district. The methods used are market concentration and exit barriers to analyze market structure; market conductand farmer share and marketing margin to analyze market performance. The results show that the market of cocoa beans has four marketing channels which the highest total margin is on 2nd channel (Rp 25 465 and oligopsony structure. The most efficient marketing channel is channel 3 with 58.01 percent of farmer share. One of alternatives to increase farmer's bargaining position in determining the cocoa price is by improving the cocoa quality through fermentation. This can be conducted by the farmer empowerment systematically and sustainably