256 research outputs found

    Molekularno otkrivanje i genomska svojstva psećeg virusa Torque teno u Turskoj

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    Torque teno virus (TTV) was first detected in humans, and since then it has been reported in many host species, such as monkeys, cats, pigs, seagulls and dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Torque teno canis virus (TTCaV) in shelter dogs housed in Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter, Turkey. Faecal specimens, including diarrheic and non-diarrheic (n=202), were collected from dogs of various age groups. In total, 32.18% (65/202) of samples were found positive for TTCaV. Out of the 65 positive samples, 34.64% (44/127) samples were from adult diarrheic dogs and 26.09% (6/23) belonged to diarrheic puppies. On the other hand, 28.84% (15/52) positive samples were detected from clinically healthy dogs. Eight sequences showed close homology among themselves, however, the sequences of two samples (CANEL130 and CANEL140) were genetically distinct from other published sequences. This is the first report on the detection of TTCaV in adult dogs and puppies in Turkey, and provides evidence that TTCaV cannot be considered as the sole cause of diarrhea.Virus Torque teno (TTV) otkriven je najprije u ljudi, no otada je zabilježen i u mnogim drugim domaćinima kao što su majmuni, mačke, svinje, galebovi i psi. Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti prisutnost psećeg virusa Torque teno (TTCaV) u pasa u azilu Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter u Turskoj. Uzorci izmeta (n = 202), uključujući one s proljevom i bez proljeva, prikupljeni su od pasa različitih dobnih skupina. Ukupno je 32,18 % (65/202) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na TTCaV. Od 65 pozitivnih uzoraka njih 34,64 % (44/127) potjecalo je od odraslih pasa s proljevom, a 26,09 % (6/23) od štenadi s proljevom. S druge strane, 28,84 % (15/52) pozitivnih uzoraka utvrđeno je u klinički zdravih pasa. Osam je sekvencija pokazalo međusobnu blisku srodnost, no sekvencije dvaju uzoraka (CANEL130 i CANEL140) genetski su se razlikovale od drugih sekvencija. Ovo je prvi nalaz TTCaV u odraslih pasa i štenadi u Turskoj i dokazuje da se TTCaV ne može smatrati jedinim uzročnikom proljeva

    Dynamic accommodation measurement using Purkinje reflections and ML algorithms

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    We developed a prototype device for dynamic gaze and accommodation measurements based on 4 Purkinje reflections (PR) suitable for use in AR and ophthalmology applications. PR1&2 and PR3&4 are used for accurate gaze and accommodation measurements, respectively. Our eye model was developed in ZEMAX and matches the experiments well. Our model predicts the accommodation from 4 diopters to 1 diopter with better than 0.25D accuracy. We performed repeatability tests and obtained accurate gaze and accommodation estimations from subjects. We are generating a large synthetic data set using physically accurate models and machine learning

    Selective COX-2 inhibition with different doses of rofecoxib does not impair endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease.

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of both 25 and 50 mg daily doses of rofecoxib on the endothelial functions of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). For this purpose, 34 patients with documented severe CAD and who were under aspirin treatment (300 mg/day) were randomized to receive 4 weeks of treatment with a placebo (n = 10, group I), rofecoxib 25 mg/day (n = 12, group II), and rofecoxib 50 mg/day (n = 12, group III). Brachial artery vasodilator responses were measured in order to evaluate endothelial function. The percentage of change in endothelial-dependent vasodilation in groups I, II, and III were similar at the baseline level and showed no significant change after treatment (6.2+/-3.9% vs. 5.9+/-3.1% and 5.8+/-3.3% vs. 5.6+/-3.8% and 6.1+/-4.5% vs. 5.8+/-4.1%, respectively; P &#62; 0.05). Compared with the baseline, endothelium-independent vasodilatation, as assessed by nitroglycerine (NTG), remained unchanged after the treatment period (11.2+/-6.9% vs. 10.3+/-7.1% and 11.2+/-6.3% vs. 9.9+/-5.1% and 9.5+/-4.9% and 8.8+/-4.6%, respectively; P&#62; 0.05). Treatment with both doses also showed no significant effects on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels and resting arterial diameters (P &#62; 0.05). In conclusion, 4 weeks of treatment with standard and high doses of rofecoxib showed no significant effects on either endothelial-dependent or independent vasodilator response or plasma hs-CRP levels in patients with severe CAD taking concomitant aspirin.</p

    Tianeptin kötüye kullanımına sekonder gelişen bilateral psödoanevrizma

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    Mycotic aneurysms occur due to destruction of the vessel wall, either by infection of a previously healthy artery wall, or through secondary infection of a preexisting aneurysm. Although mycotic aneurysms are frequent in femoral artery, mycotic pseudoaneurysms of femoral artery are rare (1, 2). Tianeptine is a tricyclic antidepressant with a unique mechanism of action as a glutamatergic modulator. However, tianeptine is also known for its abuse and dependence potential (3-5). We hereby report a case with bilateral femoral pseudoaneurysm due to intraarterial administration of tianeptine in a patient with drug addiction, and surgical treatment of this type of pseudoaneurysm

    Protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen and iloprost on ischemia/reperfusion-induced lung injury in a rabbit model

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    Durakoglugil, Emre/0000-0001-5268-4262; Dokumcu, Z/0000-0002-4996-7824; YILMAZ, Yeliz/0000-0003-1811-122X; Bozok, Sahin/0000-0002-1256-5055WOS: 000307333500001PubMed: 22676276Background: the role of multiorgan damage in the mortality caused by ischemic limb injury is still not clarified. the objective of this study was to examine the potential protective effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and iloprost (IL) therapy on lung damage induced by limb ischemia/reperfusion injury in a rabbit model, using both biochemical and histopathological aspects. Methods: Forty New Zealand white rabbits were randomly allocated into one of five study groups: HBO group (single session of HBO treatment); IL group (25 ng/kg/min infusion of IL); HBO + IL group (both HBO and IL); Control group (0.9% saline only); and a sham group. Acute hind limb ischemia-reperfusion was established by clamping the abdominal aorta for 1 h. HBO treatment and IL infusion were administrated during 60 min of ischemia and 60 min of reperfusion period. Blood pH, partial pressure of oxygen, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and levels of bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and tumor necrosis factor alpha were determined at the end of the reperfusion period. Malondialdehyde was measured in the plasma and lung as an indicator of free radicals. After sacrifice, left lungs were removed and histopathological examination determined the degree of lung injury. Results: in the control group, blood partial pressure of oxygen and bicarbonate levels were significantly lower and creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, malondialdehyde and tumor necrosis factor-a levels were significantly higher than those of the HBO group, IL group, HBO + IL group and sham group. Similarly, the malondialdehyde levels in the lung tissue and plasma levels were significantly lower in the treatment groups compared with the control group. the extent of lung injury according to the histological findings was significantly higher in the control group. Conclusions: These results suggest that both HBO and IL therapies and their combination might be effectively used in the prevention of lung injury after ischemia/reperfusion injury of the lower extremities


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    Savunma sanayisinin zırhlı araçları için geliştirilen düşük alaşımlı yüksek mukavemetli zırh çeliklerinin ark kaynak teknolojisi uygulamaları metalurjik bilgi ve deneyim isteyen zor uygulamalardır. Bu çeliklerin yüksek karbon eşdeğeri ve yüksek mukavemeti sağlayan martenzitik mikroyapıları nedeniyle kaynak proseslerinde güçlüklerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Seçilecek kaynak telinin yüksek süneklilik kapasitesi olan östenitik ya da yüksek mukavemetli olan ferritik yapıda olması kaynak metalinin sahip olacağı mekanik özellikleri ve kaynaklı bağlantının balistik özelliklerini belirlemektedir. Bu seçimler, doğası gereği kaynak parametrelerini ve proses adımlarını da farklılaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; zırh çeliklerinin sınıflandırılması ile kaynak yönteminin, kaynak konfigürasyonun, kaynak metalinin, ısı girdisinin, ısıl işlem uygulamalarının ve gerçekleşen ısıl çevrimlerden dolayı elde edilen mikroyapısal değişimlerin mekanik ve balistik özelliklere etkileri tartışılmıştır

    How fish populations in Lake Bafa (Western Anatolia) respond to ecological shifts

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    Long-term biodiversity monitoring is crucial for freshwater ecosystems as it enables the detection of even subtle changes and biodiversity trends, guiding conservation efforts and ensuring the sustainability of these vital habitats. Despite becoming more commonly considered in the field of freshwater ecology and biological invasions, studies using long-term time series from T & uuml;rkiye's freshwater resources have remained scarce. To assess the availability of data and ultimately present a baseline for future efforts, we combined published museum records and samples from recent field studies from the highly anthropogenically-altered Lake Bafa in Western Anatolia covering the period 1958-2019. Lake Bafa has a very diverse aquatic ecosystem, providing habitat for both freshwater and saltwater species, and is one of the allottees in T & uuml;rkiye's inland fish production. In the current study, we investigated how fish populations in Lake Bafa were affected by environmental changes and examined changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of non-native species over time. The analyses revealed-concomitant to an increase in native marine and freshwater species richness-an increase in non-native species richness over time. Non-native species did not interfere with native species' niche space, whereas applied models indicate that in this highly altered ecosystem, foremost temperature and salinity shaped the fish community over time, limiting the impacts of non-native species. These results have implications for the fishery of the lake, which includes highly valuable catadromous fish species, highlighting the value and importance of collecting long-term data in T & uuml;rkiye to better understand both invasion dynamics and changes in the naturality of Turkish ecosystems. These findings further underline the importance of long-term data to create new management strategies for the lake and to start restoration processes, thus improving fisheries management

    The Effect of Obturator Nerve Blockade on Oncological Outcomes of Patients with Lateral Wall Localized Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer

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    Objective:To investigate the effect of obturator nerve blockade on oncological outcomes of patients with a diagnosis of lateral wall localized non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.Materials and Methods:One hundred six patients diagnosed with lateral wall localized non-invasive bladder cancer were evaluated between January 2015 and March 2020 in this retrospective, cross-sectional observational study. The patients were divided into two groups: patients receiving only spinal anesthesia and those receiving spinal anesthesia combined with ultrasound-guided obturator nerve blockade. Oncological outcomes of the groups were compared statistically.Results:We observed recurrent tumors in 25 patients (45.5%) in Group 1 and 11 patients (21.6%) in Group 2. Additionally, we observed tumor progression in eight patients (14.5%) in Group 1 and two patients (3.9%) in Group 2. We observed statistical significance in differences between groups regarding tumor size, recurrence rate, adequate muscle tissue sampling, ability for complete resection, and persistent obturator reflex. The efficacy rate of obturator blockade was 92.1% in Group 2. One-year recurrence-free survival (RFS) was 98.0% and 5-year RFS was 23.5% for Group 1, while for Group 2, they were 97.4% and 57.2%, respectively.Conclusion:The obturator reflex is a common and challenging reflex that may cause major complications and result in unintended consequences, such as incomplete resection or tumor recurrence with transurethral resection of bladder tumors. In this study, we demonstrated that combining spinal anesthesia with obturator nerve blockade for lateral wall localized non-muscle invasive bladder cancer may prevent tumor recurrence and reduce peroperative complications