21 research outputs found

    Gambaran Activity of Daily Living pada pasien post operasi

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    One of the most postoperative problems is limited movement. The impact of limited movement affects a person's dependence on doing activities of daily living (ADL). The purpose of this study was to determine the Activity of Daily Living Description of postoperative patients. This study is a descriptive research design. Samples were obtained using a consecutive sampling technique with a total of 57 respondents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The instrument used in this study was the CDS questionnaire. The results of this study showed most of the respondents have partially dependent ADL (56,1%); the ADL of great extent care dependent was 31,6% and 1.8% postoperative patients in the category of completely care dependent. The ADL of mind care dependent was 7% and almost independent was 3,5%. Success in fulfilling ADL needs that can be done by patients independently will accelerate the recovery period and improve the quality of life for postoperative patients. Therefore the role of nurses is very important in fostering the independence of postoperative patients so that postoperative patient ADL dependence is reduced or is able to do ADL independently

    Pengaruh Terapi Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) terhadap Depresi pada Klien Hipertensi

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    Hypertension is a disease that characterized by increased of systolic and diastolic bloodpressure that can cause problems in both physical and psychological problems. One ofpsychological problems is depression. EFT therapy is a relaxation technique that could beused to decrease depression in hypertension client. The purpose of this study was to analyzethe effect of EFT therapy on depression in hypertension client. This research usedquasi experimental method with control group pretest-posttest design. The sampling techniquewas consecutive sampling involving 20 respondents that divided into 10 respondentas intervention group who got EFT therapy and 10 respondents as control group who doneactivity daily. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney U Test with 95%CI (É‘=0,05). The result showed that there was a difference of depression before given EFTin intervention group (p=0,003), while in control group there was no difference (p=1,000).There was significant difference of depression on client hypertension in both interventionand control group (p=0,001).The relaxation effect of EFT therapy stimulates the pituitarygland to release endorphin hormone to produce serotonin hormone and dopamine hormone.The conclusion is EFT therapy can reduce depression in hypertension clients, thereforeit can be applied as one of the non-pharmacological therapy in hypertension client. Keywords: EFT Therapy, Depression, Hypertensio

    Pengaruh Therapeutic Exercise Walking terhadap Risiko Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Klien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di Kelurahan Gebang Kecamatan Patrang Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Therapeutic Exercise Walking on the Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulcer in Client with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Gebang Village of Patrang District Jember Regency)

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    Diabetes Mellitus is metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. Diabetic foot ulcer is serious complication in diabetic patients which can lead to lower extremity amputation. Therapeutic exercise walking is one of physical activities which can improve blood circulation in the body. This research aimed to analyze the effect of therapeutic exercise walking on the risk of diabetic foot ulcerin patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This research employed randomized control group pretest postest design. The sampling technique was simple random sampling involving 15 respondents as intervention group and 15 respondents as control group. Therapeutic exercise walking was done three times a week within a month with the duration of 40 minutes. The data were analyzed using dependent t test and independent t test with significant level of 0.05. The results revealed a significant difference between pretest and postest either in the intervention group (p=0.001) or control group (p=0.048). Furthermore independent t test showed a significant difference between intervention group and control group (p=0.015). This result indicates that there is a significant effect of therapeutic exercise walking on the risk of diabetic foot ulcer. Nurse is expected to apply therapeutic exercise walking to prevent diabetic foot ulcer in diabetes mellitus patients. Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, therapeutic exercise walking, risk of diabetic foot ulce

    Pengaruh Terapi Kompres Dingin Terhadap Nyeri Post Operasi ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation) pada Pasien Fraktur di RSD Dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso (The Effect of Cold Compress Therapy toward Post Operative Pain in Patients ORIF Fracture in RSD Dr. H.

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    Fracture is a break of continuity of bone, usually caused by trauma or physical exertion. Pain is themost common complaint in patients with fracture. One of the interventions that can reduce fracturepain is giving cold compress using a towel put in ice cubes mixed with water and put it on the skinthat do for 10 minutes. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of cold compresstherapy against post operative pain in patients ORIF fracture. This research method was preexperimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique was quota samplinginvolving 10 respondents. The independent variable was cold compress therapy and dependentvariable was post operative pain. The data were analyzed using wilcoxon test with significant levelof α = 0,05. Mean of respondent pain score before intervention was 3,7 and score after interventionwas 2,9. The result showed a significant difference between pretest and posttest (p = 0,005). Thisresult indicates that there is significant effect of cold compress therapy on post operative pain inpatients ORIF fracture. Nurse was suggested to apply cold compress therapy as one ofinterventions to decrease post operative pain in patients ORIF fracture.Keywords: ORIF, cold compress, post operative pai

    Nurses' Attitude Toward End of Life Care in Emergency Departement and Intensive Care Unit In Rural Hospital

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    Background: Death is a psychological and physical event that affects patients caring for, especially in Emergency Departement (ED) and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patients and families need the end of life care from a health professional, including nurses. Nurses need to have knowledge, skill, attitude, and interpersonal competencies to provide end of life care. Objective: This study aimed to explored differences of attitudes towards dying care between ED and ICU ward nurses in a rural hospital.Method: Variable in this study was the nurse's attitude. This study used a quantitative comparative cross-sectional research design. The samples were 24 nurses from the emergency ward and 16 from the intensive care unit who were recruited by total sampling. Data were collected to use Frommelt Attitudes Towards the Care of the Dying Care Form B Indonesian version (FATCOD-BI).Result: The results revealed that nurses' attitudes toward caring for dying patients in the ED were 101.42±6.646 (30-150) on average, and in the intensive care unit was 106.44±7.633 (30-150) on average. Nurses in the ICU had a more positive attitude than the ED (p = 0.034). There are differences between the proportion of respondents based on gender, level of education, length of time working in the emergency ward, and ICU. The result showed gender, level of education, and range of time working could influence nurses' attitudes towards caring for dying patients in the emergency ward and ICU.Conclusion: There is a difference between nurses' attitudes towards EOLC in the ED and ICU room at rural hospitals. Moreover, the ICU nurses have a more positive attitude than ED nurses

    Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesiapsiagaan Perawat dalam Menghadapi Bencana Banjir di Kecamatan Gumukmas Kabupaten Jember (Factors Influencing Nurse Preparedness in the Face of Flooding in Gumukmas District in Jember)

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    Preparedness is activities which is being undertaken to anticipating disaster to well organize. Nursehas responsibility to manage disaster to minimize the impact of disaster. There are many factors(age, years in nursing, previous experience with disaster situation, worked in a post disaster shelter,self regulation and health care climate) influence nurse to take well preparedness. The objective ofthe research is to analyze the factors influence preparedness. The descriptive analitic with crosssectional approach. The sample of the research are 16 nurses. The data taken using questionnairefrom Emergency Preparedness Information Questionnaire that have been modiefied. The analyze ofdata using spearman rho test and logistic regression (with α = 0,05). The result of bivariat analyzethere are significant relations between age, years in nursing, previous experience with disastersituation, worked in a post disaster shelter, self regulation, health care climate with preparedness (p< α = 0,05). From multivariat analyze we know that years in nursing is variable dominan factor thatinfluence nurse preparedness (p = 0,020 < α = 0,05). The result indicated that years in nursing ofthe nurse preparedness to face disaster.Keywords : Preraredness nurse, manage disaster, floodin

    Motivasi Perawat dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual pada Klien di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Daerah Balung (Nurses Motivation to Patients Spiritual Needs Fulfillment at Balung Hospital)

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    Nursing care is done by considering individuals as the holistic (bio-psycho-socio-spiritual) creature, particularly in fulfilling spiritual needs. This research was intended to analyze the relationship between the nurses motivation and patients spiritual needs fulfillment at Balung Hospital. This research applied observational analytic method with cross sectional. Sampling technique used total sampling by involving 48 respondents. Data was analyzed using nonparametric Chi Square. The result of the analysis reveal that the majority of the motivation of the nurses was influenced by extrinsic motivation, 72,7% of high motivation and good spiritual fulfillment, 38,5% of low motivation was good spiritual fulfillment, 61,5% of low motivation was bad spiritual fulfillment, and 27,3% of high motivation was bad spiritual fulfillment. Results of statistical analysis showed that the p-value is 0,037 (α=0,05) which indicates the relationship between nurses motivation and spiritual needs fulfillment to patients at Balung Hospital. Fulfilling spiritual needs is an important aspect in the process of treating the clients. It is the nurse’s duties to observe then fulfill the patients spiritual needs. Hence, coordination with other medical team through various discussions is an immediate importance. Nurses are expected to meet the patients needs of spiritual aspects in order to achieve a more holistic nursing care.   Keywords: nursing care, motivation, spiritual fulfillmen


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    Metabolic disorders in blood sugar levels are caused by damage to insulin secretion so that it affects energy production. Fatigue is one of the complaints and symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients. This study aims to analyze the relationship between energy management and fatigue in patients with diabetes mellitus. This study used a correlational design with a cross sectional approach. Calculation of the sample in this study using the Slovin formula, which obtained 34 respondents with diabetes mellitus at the Kejayan Health Center, Pasuruan Regency using purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this study used an energy management questionnaire and Multidimensional Fatigue Invantory (MFI20). The results show that in energy management, energy management in patients with diabetes mellitus is obtained with a good category of 55,9%. On fatigue, the median result is 60.50 with a min-max value of 34-73. The correlation test showed that there was a relationship between energy management and fatigue (p = 0,033, r = -0,366, = 0,05). There is a negative correlation which shows that the higher the energy management, the lower the fatigue felt. Fatigue felt by diabetic patients does not go away easily so that energy management must be carried out properly. It is expected that diabetes mellitus patients maintain good energy management. It is a concern for nurses in improving energy management of diabetes mellitus patients to reduce the fatigue they feel

    Pengaruh Metode Biblioterapi terhadap Pengetahuan Remaja tentang Hygiene Menstruasi di SMP Negeri 2 Mayang Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Bibliotherapy Method toward knowledge of Adolescents at SMP Negeri 2 Mayang Jember District)

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    Adolescent is one of the period human development that is very important. In this case so many instances life and change that will matter with a teenager will determine the quality of life in adulthood. Reproductive health problems happened in adolescents largely caused by infection that can happen because a lack of maintenance adolescent to instrument reproduction. Hygiene menstruation is the hygiene individuals with a crucial role in behavior health a woman hygiene a particularly when menstrual reproduction. The purpose of this research is analyst influence method of bibliotherapy toward knowledge of adolescents about hygiene menstruation at SMP Negeri 2 Mayang Districts of Jember. Design used is quasi experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The sampling method used is cluster sampling with sample students as many as thirty students. The analyzed used Mann Whitney. Pre test results showed 76,7% sufficient knowledge at twenty three students and 3,4 % (one students) good knowledge. The post test on fifteen students intervention’s group 80% (twelve students) good knowledge and 20% (three students) sufficient knowledge, while in the control group because not given method bibliotherapy 100 % sufficient knowledge. The researcher suggest the school to do bibliotherapy method to increase knowledge about hygiene menstruation students. Keywords: bibliotherapy, hygiene menstruation, adolescen