6 research outputs found

    Inferring Arithmetic Expressions from Data

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    We present a framework for learning arithmetic expressions from a set of observations. Our intention is to introduce a Bayesian method for what is known as equation discovery. Our method is based on measuring a degree of belief (posterior probability) for a set of hypothesized expressions to find those which best explain the observed data. This measure is used as the basis for choosing one hypothesis over another. In our work we distinguish two tasks in the process of equation discovery, namely: the task of exploring the space of arithmetic expressions and that of evaluating the degree that an expression describes the data. Separating these two, allows us to investigate them independently. For the first task, we use a context-free grammar to construct a large set of expressions which we take as our hypothesis space. The set contains a large number of hypotheses (each an arithmetic expression) that should be tested against the data. We also evaluate complexity of for each expression using the grammar. The complexity is presented to the model in the form of a prior probability. Our main focus here is the second task: the posterior evaluation using a Bayes formulation. The method tests a hypothesized expression against a set of provided samples that have quantitative input features. It calculates a likelihood probability which expresses the degree that a hypothesis describes the data. A final posterior probability is calculated based on the prior and the likelihood, that is the measure of qualification for each expression.Pattern Recognition and BioinformaticsMediamaticsElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Semi-supervised rail defect detection from imbalanced image data

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    Rail defect detection by video cameras has recently gained much attention in bothacademia and industry. Rail image data has two properties. It is highly imbalanced towards the non-defective class and it has a large number of unlabeled data samples available for semisupervised learning techniques. In this paper we investigate if positive defective candidates selected from the unlabeled data can help improve the balance between the two classes and gain performance on detecting a specic type of defects called Squats. We compare data sampling techniques as well and conclude that the semi-supervised techniques are a reasonable alternative for improving performance on applications such as rail track Squat detection from image data.Railway EngineeringPattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Influencing factors for condition-based maintenance in railway tracks using knowledge-based approach

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    In this paper, we present a condition-based maintenance decision method usingknowledge-based approach for rail surface defects. A railway track may contain a considerable number of surface defects which influence track maintenance decisions. The proposed method is based on two sets of maintenance decision factors i.e. (1) defect detection data and (2) prior knowledge of the track. A defect detection model is proposed to monitor surface defects of the trackincluding squats. The detection model relies on track images and Axle Box Acceleration (ABA) signals to give both positions of severity and defects. To acquire the prior knowledge, a set of track monitoring data is selected. A fuzzy inference model is proposed relying on the maintenance factorsto give the track health condition in a case study of the Dutch railway network. The proposed condition-based maintenance model enables infrastructure manager to prioritize critical pieces of the track based on the health condition.Railway Engineerin

    Deep convolutional neural networks for detection of rail surface defects

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    In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network solution to the analysis of image data for the detection of rail surface defects. The images are obtained from many hours of automated video recordings. This huge amount of data makes it impossible to manually inspect the images and detect rail surface defects. Therefore, automated detection of rail defects can help to save time and costs, and to ensure rail transportation safety. However, one major challenge is that the extraction of suitable features for detection of rail surface defects is a non-trivial and difficult task. Therefore, we propose to use convolutional neural networks as a viable technique for feature learning. Deep convolutional neural networks have recently been applied to a number of similar domains with success. We compare the results of different network architectures characterized by different sizes and activation functions. In this way, we explore the efficiency of the proposed deep convolutional neural network for detection and classification. The experimental results are promising and demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach.Accepted Author ManuscriptTeam DeSchutterRailway EngineeringOLD Intelligent Control & Robotic

    A big data analysis approach for rail failure risk assessment

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    Railway infrastructure monitoring is a vital task to ensure rail transportation safety. A rail failure could result in not only a considerable impact on train delays and maintenance costs, but also on safety of passengers. In this article, the aim is to assess the risk of a rail failure by analyzing a type of rail surface defect called squats that are detected automatically among the huge number of records from video cameras. We propose an image processing approach for automatic detection of squats, especially severe types that are prone to rail breaks. We measure the visual length of the squats and use them to model the failure risk. For the assessment of the rail failure risk, we estimate the probability of rail failure based on the growth of squats. Moreover, we perform severity and crack growth analyses to consider the impact of rail traffic loads on defects in three different growth scenarios. The failure risk estimations are provided for several samples of squats with different crack growth lengths on a busy rail track of the Dutch railway network. The results illustrate the practicality and efficiency of the proposed approach.Railway EngineeringTeam DeSchutterLearning & Autonomous Contro

    A decision support approach for condition-based maintenance of rails based on big data analysis

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    In this paper, a decision support approach is proposed for condition-based maintenance of rails relying on expert-based systems. The methodology takes into account both the actual conditions of the rails (using axle box acceleration measurements and rail video images) and the prior knowledge of the railway track. The approach provides an integrated estimation of the rail health conditions to support the maintenance decisions for a given time period. An expert-based system is defined to analyse interdependency between the prior knowledge of the track (defined by influential factors) and the surface defect measurements over the rail. When the rail health conditions is computed, the different track segments are prioritized, in order to facilitate grinding planning of those segments of rail that are prone to critical conditions. In this paper, real-life rail conditions measurements from the track Amersfoort-Weert in the Dutch railway network are used to show the benefits of the proposed methodology. The results support infrastructure managers to analyse the problems in their rail infrastructure and to efficiently perform a condition-based maintenance decision making.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Railway EngineeringTeam DeSchutte