34 research outputs found

    The static nonlinear analysis of shells of revolution (SNASOR II)

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    Utilizing stiffness matrices and supplying as input the loading and boundary conditions, program generates equilibrium equations for structure. Nonlinear strain energy terms result in pseudogeneralized forces which are combined with applied generalized forces. Resulting set of nonlinear algebraic equilibrium equations is solved by one of several methods

    Frequencies and modes for shells of revolution (FAMSOR)

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    Using stiffness matrix and lumped-mass representation specified number of natural frequencies are obtained using inverse iteration method. Mode shapes for each frequency are also obtained. These frequencies and mode shapes can be found in reasonable periods of computer time utilizing this code

    Stiffness and mass matrices for shells of revolution (SAMMSOR II)

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    Utilizing element properties, structural stiffness and mass matrices are generated for as many as twenty harmonics and stored on magnetic tape. Matrices generated constitute input data to be used by other stiffness of revolution programs. Variety of boundary and loading conditions can be employed without having to create new mass and stiffness matrices for each case

    Dynamic nonlinear analysis of shells of revolution (DYNASOR II)

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    Equations of motion of shell are solved using Houbolt's numerical procedure with nonlinear terms being moved to right-hand side of equilibrium equations and treated as generalized loads. Program was written in FORTRAN IV for IBM 360 or CDC 6000 series computers

    DYNASOR 2 - A finite element program for the dynamic nonlinear analysis of shells of revolution

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    DYNASOR-2 finite element program for dynamic nonlinear analysis of shells of revolutio

    SAMMSOR 2 - A finite element program to determine Stiffness And Mass Matrices of Shells Of Revolution

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    Finite element program for determining stiffness and mass matrices of shells of revolution - users manua

    Application of an Uncoupled Elastic-plastic-creep Constitutive Model to Metals at High Temperature

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    A uniaxial, uncoupled constitutive model to predict the response of thermal and rate dependent elastic-plastic material behavior is presented. The model is based on an incremental classicial plasticity theory extended to account for thermal, creep, and transient temperature conditions. Revisions to he combined hardening rule of the theory allow for better representation of cyclic phenomenon including the high rate of strain hardening upon cyclic reyield and cyclic saturation. An alternative approach is taken to model the rate dependent inelastic deformation which utilizes hysteresis loops and stress relaxation test data at various temperatures. The model is evaluated and compared to experiments which involve various thermal and mechanical load histories on 5086 aluminum alloy, 304 stainless steel and Hastelloy-X

    Integrated research in constitutive modelling at elevated temperatures, part 2

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    Four current viscoplastic models are compared experimentally with Inconel 718 at 1100 F. A series of tests were performed to create a sufficient data base from which to evaluate material constants. The models used include Bodner's anisotropic model; Krieg, Swearengen, and Rhode's model; Schmidt and Miller's model; and Walker's exponential model

    Integrated research in constitutive modelling at elevated temperatures, part 1

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    Topics covered include: numerical integration techniques; thermodynamics and internal state variables; experimental lab development; comparison of models at room temperature; comparison of models at elevated temperature; and integrated software development

    Development of a moderately sized finite element program for nonlinear structural analysis

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    AGGIE 1 is a computer program for predicting the linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic structural response of two- and three-dimensional continuum solids. The program is based on isoparametric finite elements and allows for 2-D plane stress, plane strain, and axisymmetric analyses and general 3-D analyses. Large strain kinematics is based on the total Lagrangian formulation. Materially nonlinear models include several elastic-plastic work-hardening models as well as an incompressible Mooney-Rivlin model. Included in this report is a brief description of the theoretical bases of the program, the material models used, the element library and the overall program organization. Instructions for data input preparation are given in detail. Several sample problems are given along with the required program input and program generated solutions