79 research outputs found
Analisis Strategi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) Di PT. Sierad Produce Tbk. Parung
Quality and safety food products problem was usually after thought in the food industry development issues, accordance with the consumer\u27s desirability that understand the importance of product quality and food safety. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification is one way for company to implementing food safety. Sierad Produce Corp. at this moment has obtained HACCP certificate to produce chicken carcasses.But the implementation need to be controlled, as the case of foodborne illness and foodborne disease can occur easily if not properly controlled. The main objective of this research is to develop the best strategy to implement HACCP and to maintain the food safety quality system at Sierad Produce Corp. The information and data that has been collected within this research were covering both the primary and secondary data based on the date of September 2012 to December 2012. The methods used in this research are descriptive analysis, Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), External Factor Evaluation (EFE), Internal External (IE), Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on this research, the best strategy for implementing HACCP and sustain the system on Sierad Produce are Critical Control Points (CCP) evaluation and improvement of production room
Insights into Ligand-centered Redox Mechanisms in Li-rich Metal Oxides during Battery Reactions
Li-ion battery technology is central to achieve a sustainable society. However, the energy density of current Li-ion batteries is limited by the relatively low capacity of conventional cathodes, in comparison with that of anodes. Going beyond current design rules based on conventional cationic redox, tapping into the lattice oxygen redox displayed by Li-rich transition metal oxides could transcend the current barrier in capacity. This promise makes Li-rich transition metal oxides desirable as next-generation cathodes. However, the associated deficiencies, such as lattice oxygen release, structural reorganization, sluggish kinetics, voltage hysteresis and fade, largely impede their commercialization. These drawbacks are mainly derived from underpinning mechanisms that remain to be fully elucidated, whereby lattice oxygen redox reactions are activated and stabilized. Building a thorough picture of lattice oxygen redox could provide insights into the design of high-energy-density cathode materials.
In order to understand the chemistry of lattice oxygen redox reaction, a series of Li-rich 4d/5d transition metals oxides are investigated in this thesis via various X-ray spectroscopic probes. Li2RuO3, a canonical oxide proposed for lattice oxygen redox, displayed a dramatic evolution of its crystal and electronic structure during the first cycle with a large hysteresis in both voltage and chemistry, which notably decreased in subsequent cycles. X-ray spectra demonstrated a different extent of involvement of Ru and O upon various (de)lithiation stages, indicating different pathways upon charge and discharge and possibly providing an explanation to the hysteresis. Li3RuO4 exhibited unambiguous lattice oxygen redox upon first oxidation to 3.9 V, which also competes with side processes such as electrolyte decomposition and, to a much lesser extent, oxygen loss. This process subsequently then unlocked a reversible conventional cationic redox with the formal Ru5+/Ru4+ couple in the following re-intercalation and subsequent cycles. This compound could also experience highly reversible (de)lithiation associated with a conventional cationic redox with the formal Ru5+/Ru4+ couple between 1.5 and 2.5 V. In spite of having the same O/M ratio as Li3RuO4, Li3IrO4 displayed highly reversible involvement of non-equivalent O sites with different number of non-bonding O 2p states in electrochemical reactions upon delithiation. In contrast, this compound also presented a typical conventional interaction reaction to Li4.7IrO4 accompanied by the formal oxidation of Ir in a reversible manner. Li7RuO6, with the highest O/M ratio of all oxides evaluated, showed highly reversible lithiation to Li8RuO6 between 1.5 and 2.6 V, obeying a conventional cationic redox via the formal Ru5+/Ru4+ couple. In contrast to all other Ru oxides evaluated, Li7RuO6 underwent reversible delithiation to 3.5 V with minimal hysteresis, but it was compensated by the formal Ru5+/Ru6+ redox reaction and involvement of O via covalency with Ru
Data_Sheet_1_A general dual-pathway network for EEG denoising.docx
IntroductionScalp electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis and interpretation are crucial for tracking and analyzing brain activity. The collected scalp EEG signals, however, are weak and frequently tainted with various sorts of artifacts. The models based on deep learning provide comparable performance with that of traditional techniques. However, current deep learning networks applied to scalp EEG noise reduction are large in scale and suffer from overfitting.MethodsHere, we propose a dual-pathway autoencoder modeling framework named DPAE for scalp EEG signal denoising and demonstrate the superiority of the model on multi-layer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), respectively. We validate the denoising performance on benchmark scalp EEG artifact datasets.ResultsThe experimental results show that our model architecture not only significantly reduces the computational effort but also outperforms existing deep learning denoising algorithms in root relative mean square error (RRMSE)metrics, both in the time and frequency domains.DiscussionThe DPAE architecture does not require a priori knowledge of the noise distribution nor is it limited by the network layer structure, which is a general network model oriented toward blind source separation.</p
Meta-analysis for the association between soft drink risk and dental erosion.
<p>Meta-analysis for the association between soft drink risk and dental erosion.</p
Contact Frequency and Social Support Exchange for Different Marital Status.
<p>Note. Standard deviations appear in parentheses.</p
Meta-analysis for the association between yoghourt products risk and dental erosion.
<p>Meta-analysis for the association between yoghourt products risk and dental erosion.</p
Flow chat of selection of studies for inclusion in meta-analysis.
<p>Flow chat of selection of studies for inclusion in meta-analysis.</p
Descriptive Characteristic of Participants with Different Marital Status.
<p>Descriptive Characteristic of Participants with Different Marital Status.</p
The Factor Loadings of the Social Support Questionnaire for Different Marital Status.
<p>Note. CF  =  contact frequency; RS  =  received support; PS  =  provided support.</p
Summary of studies for dietary factors associated with dental erosion.
<p>NR indicates not reported.</p
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