4 research outputs found
Risk factors of adverse cardiac events.
<p>CI: confidence interval. NA: the odds ratio was not applicable due to the zero count.</p>*<p>Indicates a significant influence on the occurrence of an adverse cardiac event.</p
Characteristics of patients with and without adverse cardiac events.
<p>Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or number (percentage).</p
cTnI levels in the various cardiac adverse event groups.
<p>Data were presented as count of positive cTnI and positive rate of cTnI.</p>*<p>Indicates a significant difference as compared to acute myocardial ischemia group.</p>†<p>Indicates a significant difference as compared to cardiac arrhythmia group.</p
Changes of cTnI, HIF-1α and HO-1 during the perioperative period.
<p>The cTnI positive rate (A) and serum HIF-1α (B) and HO-1 (C) levels at the 4 time points (baseline, 30 min after surgery, 48 h after surgery, and 72 h after surgery) from patients with or without adverse cardiac events. *Indicates a significant difference between those with and without an adverse cardiac event. (A) Data were presented as percentage and 95% confidence interval. (B, C) Data were presented as mean and standard deviation.</p