44,077 research outputs found
Launch Operations: Prelaunch Activities
Prelaunch activities, countdown and launch for Nimbus 3 satellite
The capture time of grids
We consider the game of Cops and Robber played on the Cartesian product of
two trees. Assuming the players play perfectly, it is shown that if there are
two cops in the game, then the length of the game (known as the 2-capture time
of the graph) is equal to half the diameter of the graph. In particular, the
2-capture time of the m x n grid is proved to be floor ((m+n-2)/2).Comment: 7 page
Modelling of dimensional stability of fiber reinforced composite materials
Various methods of predicting the expansion and diffusion properties of composite laminates are reviewed. The prediction equations for continuous fiber composites can be applied to SMC composites as the effective fiber aspect ratio in the latter is large enough. The effect of hygrothermal expansion on the dimensional stability of composite laminates was demonstrated through the warping of unsymmetric graphite/epoxy laminates. The warping is very sensitive to the size of the panel, and to the moisture content which is in turn sensitive to the relative humidity in the environment. Thus, any long term creep test must be carried out in a humidity-controlled environment. Environmental effects in SMC composites and bulk polyester were studied under seven different environments. The SMC composites chosen are SMC-R25, SMC-R40, and SMC-R65
Field dependence of gaseous ion mobility: Test of approximate formulas
The accuracies of three approximate formulas were tested by comparison with special cases for which accurate results could be found. The Wannier free flight theory was found to be superior, and can be extended to yield a formula without further adjustable constants that gives an exact result at low electric fields and good results at medium and high fields. It is applicable for any ion neutral force law and mass ratio
Fully automated calculation in fermion scattering
The package aITALC has been developed for fully automated calculations of two
fermion production at e+ e- collider and other similar reactions. We emphasize
the connection and interoperability between the different modules required for
the calculation and the external tools Diana, Form and LoopTools. Results for
e+ e- -> f anti-f, e+ e- are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables, 2 figures. Contribution to the X International
Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research,
ACAT 2005, May 22-27, 2005, Zeuthen (Germany
Clementine Observations of the Zodiacal Light and the Dust Content of the Inner Solar System
Using the Moon to occult the Sun, the Clementine spacecraft used its
navigation cameras to map the inner zodiacal light at optical wavelengths over
elongations of 3-30 degrees from the Sun. This surface brightness map is then
used to infer the spatial distribution of interplanetary dust over heliocentric
distances of about 10 solar radii to the orbit of Venus. We also apply a simple
model that attributes the zodiacal light as being due to three dust populations
having distinct inclination distributions, namely, dust from asteroids and
Jupiter-family comets (JFCs), dust from Halley-type comets, and an isotropic
cloud of dust from Oort Cloud comets. The best-fitting scenario indicates that
asteroids + JFCs are the source of about 45% of the optical dust cross-section
seen in the ecliptic at 1 AU, but that at least 89% of the dust cross-section
enclosed by a 1 AU radius sphere is of a cometary origin. When these results
are extrapolated out to the asteroid belt, we find an upper limit on the mass
of the light-reflecting asteroidal dust that is equivalent to a 12 km asteroid,
and a similar extrapolation of the isotropic dust cloud out to Oort Cloud
distances yields a mass equivalent to a 30 km comet, although the latter mass
is uncertain by orders of magnitude.Comment: To be published in Icaru
CP violating asymmetry in decays
The CP violating asymmetry from the decay rates of
charged Higgs bosons into the lightest neutral Higgs boson and a boson
is calculated and discussed in the complex MSSM. The contributions from all
complex phases are considered, especially from the top-squark trilinear
coupling, which induces a large contribution to the CP asymmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version published in JHE
Automated calculations for massive fermion production with aITALC
The package aITALC has been developed for the automated calculation of
radiative corrections to two-fermion production at colliders. The
package uses Diana, Qgraf, Form, Fortran, FF, LoopTools, and further unix/linux
tools. Numerical results are presented for .Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of "Loops and Legs in Quantum Field
Theory 2004", Zinnowitz, Usedom Island, Germany, April 2004. 5 pages, latex,
espcrc2, 5 figures, 1 tabl
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