433 research outputs found
Tightening the Complexity of Equivalence Problems for Commutative Grammars
We show that the language equivalence problem for regular and context-free
commutative grammars is coNEXP-complete. In addition, our lower bound
immediately yields further coNEXP-completeness results for equivalence problems
for communication-free Petri nets and reversal-bounded counter automata.
Moreover, we improve both lower and upper bounds for language equivalence for
exponent-sensitive commutative grammars.Comment: 21 page
On the Complexity of Quantified Integer Programming
Quantified integer programming is the problem of deciding assertions of the form Q_k x_k ... forall x_2 exists x_1 : A * x >= c where vectors of variables x_k,..,x_1 form the vector x, all variables are interpreted over N (alternatively, over Z), and A and c are a matrix and vector over Z of appropriate sizes. We show in this paper that quantified integer programming with alternation depth k is complete for the kth level of the polynomial hierarchy
On the power of ordering in linear arithmetic theories
We study the problems of deciding whether a relation definable by a first-order formula in linear rational or linear integer arithmetic with an order relation is definable in absence of the order relation. Over the integers, this problem was shown decidable by Choffrut and Frigeri [Discret. Math. Theor. C., 12(1), pp. 21 - 38, 2010], albeit with non-elementary time complexity. Our contribution is to establish a full geometric characterisation of those sets definable without order which in turn enables us to prove coNP-completeness of this problem over the rationals and to establish an elementary upper bound over the integers. We also provide a complementary ??^P lower bound for the integer case that holds even in a fixed dimension. This lower bound is obtained by showing that universality for ultimately periodic sets, i.e., semilinear sets in dimension one, is ??^P-hard, which resolves an open problem of Huynh [Elektron. Inf.verarb. Kybern., 18(6), pp. 291 - 338, 1982]
On Deciding Linear Arithmetic Constraints Over p-adic Integers for All Primes
Given an existential formula Φ of linear arithmetic over p-adic integers together with valuation constraints, we study the p-universality problem which consists of deciding whether Φ is satisfiable for all primes p, and the analogous problem for the closely related existential theory of Büchi arithmetic. Our main result is a coNEXP upper bound for both problems, together with a matching
lower bound for existential Büchi arithmetic. On a technical level, our results are obtained from analysing properties of a certain class of p-automata, finite-state automata whose languages encode
sets of tuples of natural numbers
On mixed abstraction, languages and simulation approach to refinement with SystemC AMS
Executable specifications and simulations arecornerstone to system design flows. Complex mixed signalembedded systems can be specified with SystemC AMSwhich supports abstraction and extensible models of computation. The language contains semantics for moduleconnections and synchronization required in analog anddigital interaction. Through the synchronization layer, user defined models of computation, solvers and simulators can be unified in the SystemC AMS simulator for achieving low level abstraction and model refinement. These improvements assist in amplifying model aspects and their contribution to the overall system behavior. This work presents cosimulating refined models with timed data flow paradigm of SystemC AMS. The methodology uses Cbased interaction between simulators. An RTL model ofdata encryption standard is demonstrated as an example.The methodology is flexible and can be applied in earlydesign decision trade off, architecture experimentation and particularly for model refinement and critical behavior analysis
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