3,916 research outputs found
Airborne electromagnetic sea ice thickness sounding in shallow, brackish water environments of the Caspian and Baltic Seas
Ice engineering projects often rely on the knowledge of ice thickness in shallow, brackish water like in the Baltic and Caspian Seas. By means of field data and model results, the paper shows that helicopter-borne electromagnetic induction measurements using frequencies of 3.68 and 112 kHz can yield accurate thickness estimates with salinities as low as 3 ppt. The higher frequency yields the strongest EM signals. In addition, in shallow water the higher frequency is less sensitive to the sea floor signal, and can thus be used in water depths as shallow as 4-6 m, depending on flying altitude. Because the low frequency signal is very sensitive on shallow water depth, a combination of both signals will allow the retrieval of both ice thickness and water depth
A direct helicopter EM sea ice thickness inversion, assessed with synthetic and field data
Accuracy and precision of helicopter electromagneticHEM sounding are the essential parameters for HEM seaicethickness profiling. For sea-ice thickness research, thequality of HEM ice thickness estimates must be better than10 cm to detect potential climatologic thickness changes.Weintroduce and assess a direct, 1D HEM data inversion algorithmfor estimating sea-ice thickness. For synthetic qualityassessment, an analytically determined HEM sea-ice thicknesssensitivity is used to derive precision and accuracy. Precisionis related directly to random, instrumental noise, althoughaccuracy is defined by systematic bias arising fromthe data processing algorithm. For the in-phase component ofthe HEM response, sensitivity increases with frequency andcoil spacing, but decreases with flying height. For small-scaleHEM instruments used in sea-ice thickness surveys, instrumentalnoise must not exceed 5 ppm to reach ice thicknessprecision of 10 cm at 15-m nominal flying height. Comparableprecision is yielded at 30-m height for conventional explorationHEM systems with bigger coil spacings. Accuracylosses caused by approximations made for the direct inversionare negligible for brackish water and remain better than10 cm for saline water. Synthetic precision and accuracy estimatesare verified with drill-hole validated field data fromEast Antarctica, where HEM-derived level-ice thicknessagrees with drilling results to within 4%, or 2 cm
Auf dünnem Eis? Eisdickenänderungen im Nordpolarmeer
While the summer sea ice extent has beendecreasing in the Artic by 8% per decade for the past 30 years,the ice extent has actually increased slightlyin the Antarctic. Ice thickness changes are less well known. In the central Arctic, sea ice thinned by 43%between 19581976 and 19931997. In the Transpolar Drift, level ice thickness decreased by 20% between1991 and 2001. The interpretation of those changes is difficult, however, as both air and water temperatures,as well as the direction and strength of the wind-driven ice drift, have a strong impact on ice thickness
Directed Technical Change and Energy Intensity Dynamics: Structural Change vs. Energy Efficiency
This paper uses a model with Directed Technical Change to theoretically analyse observable heterogeneous energy intensity developments. Based on the empirical evidence, we decompose changes in aggregate energy intensity into structural changes in the economy (structural effect) and within-sector energy efficiency improvements (effciency effect). The relative importance of these effects is determined by energy price growth and sectoral productivities that drive the direction of technical change. When research is directed to the labour-intensive sector, the structural effect is the main driver of energy intensity dynamics. In contrast, the effciency effect dominates energy intensity developments, when research is directed to energy-intensive industries. Increasing energy price generally leads to lower energy intensities and temporal energy price shocks might induce a permanent redirection of innovation activities. We calibrate the model to empirical data and simulate energy intensity developments across countries. The results of our very stylised model are largely consistent with empirical evidence
Incentives and Two-Sided Matching - Engineering Coordination Mechanisms for Social Clouds
The Social Cloud framework leverages existing relationships between members of a social network for the exchange of resources. This thesis focuses on the design of coordination mechanisms to address two challenges in this scenario. In the first part, user participation incentives are studied. In the second part, heuristics for two-sided matching-based resource allocation are designed and evaluated
Analysis of Sea Ice Roughness and Thickness Variation for Improvement of SAR Ice Type Classification
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