272 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is the nation with the largest archipelago in the world which consists of 13.466 islands from Sabang till Rote. It also has more than 700 local languages with culturally diverse. Based on that, it makes this country has potential of human resources, otherwise it can be the source of big conflict if could not be maintained as well as. One of the most dominant places in this country is Java, the capital and the center of economic is also in Java. In the past, the colonizer like Dutch and Japan always start their occupation started from Java. In addition, Java also called as the culture center region in this nation in which one of the sign for this reason is the existence of the palace of Sultanate Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat in Yogyakarta Method of this research uses qualitative research, and then data were collect ed from the place of Gus Dur graveyard at Pesantren Tebuireng Jombang in east Java and several areas around here. In addition the researcher classified data and making categorization based on ethnolinguistics perspective. According to Duranti The result of this research showed that for religious people they will start their ritual activities using Islamic speech like opening, content and closing. For opening it will consist of stating basmalah, stating wasilah or tawassul as medium to make interaction and for praying to. The second activities for content it will be consist of reading ayat-ayat al-qur’an and the third is closing, will be consist of expectation and invocation to God. On the other hand, for pure Javanese people, they also have 3 sections during their ritual or selamatan, they are, opening, content and the closing


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    Road pavement planning on the Blora-Cepu highway, Blora Regency is an effort to increase the capacity and quality of road services which aims to improve the smoothness, comfort and safety of driving on the road, increasing economic growth, industry and infrastructure in Blora Regency. apart from the increase in population from year to year and influenced by the movement of human and goods mobility both in the city center and in the region, so that road improvement in Blora Regency is important in supporting the smooth running of transportation and other fields. In order to solve this problem, in this case the researcher tries to analyze the thickness of the rigid pavement on the Blora-Cepu road section using the 2003 Bina Marga method and the AASHTO 1993 method. Raya Blora-Cepu KM 21 + 000 - KM 22 + 400 Blora Regency, Central Java Province, the thickness of the pavement concrete slab using the Bina Marga 2003 method is 20,200 cm and the pavement planning using the AASHTO 1993 method is 20.828 cm or 0.628 cm different. The thickness of the sub-base layer is 12.5 cm above the subgrade

    A discourse analysis of Islam Nusantara in Said Agil Siradj’s speeches

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    This thesis is an analysis of Said Agil Siradj’s (SAS) speech utterances on Islam Nusantara (IN) discourse. It does this by analysing the selected SAS’s speeches during his leadership in the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) (2010-2021). The analysis describes the application of IN discourse and its relationship with the NU aims that maintain the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) ideology. The study employs the Speech Act of Illocutionary Acts to investigate SAS’s speech feature and its contribution of IN discourse to the NU community. Given the context, the speaker highlighted the important messages to protect the NU members from the New Islamic Movements (NIM) that flourished in society. Furthermore, this project is essential to give insight and maintain unity for the importance of inclusive religious teaching within a pluralist society in Indonesia. To achieve the aims of this study, the analysis availed the spoken discourse of SAS’s speech utterances on IN, particularly since its declaration in Jombang 2015. The data were gathered from SAS’s selected speeches on YouTube channels by downloading and transcribing them using NVivo and Microsoft Excel. Then, the transcription process was done carefully to access the objective data of spoken discourse becoming part of the research analysis (Leeuwen, 2008); Litosseliti (2010). The result of the study shows that there is an indication in SAS’s speech utterances of IN correlated with the aims of the NU purpose, e.g., the attention of the speaker’s utterances on the importance of nationalism, tolerance, anti-radicalism, the preservation of local culture, and so on. Those issues have become the attention and feature within the ideology of Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) in the NU. The relation of SAS’s speech utterances with the NU’s aims was represented in his acts while delivering the speeches. For instance, the speaker (SAS) performed his speech utterance by using various acts: Representatives, Directives, Commissives, Expressives, and Declarations. In addition, the speaker highlighted the use of the special terms or register forms for performing the religious practices in his community, such as slametan, tahlilan, istighosah and mauludan. Meanwhile, the form of Direct and Indirect Speech Acts were produced by the speaker as part of polite interactions and to maintain the relationships with the NU members

    Analisis Wacana Humor Dalam Ceramah Gus Baha’

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    Humor is part of human daily activities and it is an effective method to reduce tension and stress in a person. The humor strategy is an effective method of preaching in order to attract the interest of the congregation. This paper is to describe and fill the gaps of the humorous lecture method delivered by the preacher. Gus Baha' has become a phenomenal preacher and a source of pride for traditionalist Islam or Nhadliyin (NU) which currently dominates the Islamic discourse in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach by utilizing the transcription of Gus Baha's video lectures on YouTube. The illocutionary speech act theory from Searle (1979) was used to describe the utterances in his lectures and to utilize the discourse register from Agha (2007) in analyzing the data. The results of the study found forms of using humorous communication strategies in presenting religious lectures. The forms of special terms in his humorous speeches become a typical strategy to attract the congregation

    The Development Methodology Of Operational Dashboard As A Tool For Organizational Performance Monitoring (A Case Study: Telkom Polytechnic)

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    The management needs to monitor and measure the performance of the organization continuously to restrain that business processes aims at the organization's mission and vision. This study assist management to monitor the organization performance continuously to restrain that business processes aims at the organization's goals. Providing the information about the achievement on KPIs that really fit the needs of its users, conveying the information are accurately and timely in the comfortable presentation format that effective. The information comes from various units within organization, so the management can take action or strategic decision-making quickly and precisely targeted for the improvement of the organization. The problems can be solved with information provider tools of the dashboard software. Dashboard software to be built is operational dashboard for the study program. Operational dashboard provides information on the ongoing activities, along with changes in real time to provide awareness to the things that need to be responded quickly, the information presented is very specific to the sufficient depth detail level, it is dynamic because it uses the data with higher frequency real time updates. The methodology proposed by Eva Hariyanti [5] was modified to suitable with environment condition. Her methodology aimed to develop dashboard at strategic and tactical level, while this study to produced operational dashboard. Her methodology concerns in provide data/information, personalized and collaboration among user. The methodology to develop operational dashboard was not cover analytical and trackability characteristic. Keywords : monitor, KPI, performance, operational dashboar


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    ABSTRACT BAMBANG EKO HARIYANTO. 8105102924. The Influence Empowerent Toward Performence on Employees of Wiladatika. Under Graduated Thesis, Jakarta: Concentration of Educational of Office Administration, Study Program of Economics Education, Department Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University, 2014. This research aims to find out the The Influence Empowerent Toward Performence on Employees of Wiladatika. The research was done for three months since April 2014 until Juny 2014. Survey method with correlational approach was used in this research. The population of this research are all the employees which total 244, population achived 207 and 131 employees as the sample. The sample population of this research use propotional random sampling. To get the Y variable’s data, this research used the instruments which are measured by data of performence report that was issued by Corporate on Juny 2014. X variable was also measured by questionarre using likert scale. The regression equality of this research is 347,31+ 0,837X. The normality test by using liliefors table results Lcount = 0,0438 meanwhile the Ltable for sample of 139 = 0,0774, Because of Lcount Ftable 3,92, it can be proved that the regression equality is significant. From the regression linearity test, got Ftable = -3,60 meanwhile Fcount = 1,63. Because of Fcount (-3,60) ttable (1,65). It can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between Empowerment and performence on the employees of Wiladatika. Coeficient determination test results 11.02%. It is mean that 11.02% performence on employees are influenced by empowerment and 88.2% are influenced by other factors


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    Abstrak Kabupaten Bangkalan merupakan wilayah pegunungan yang terlipat dan membentuk antiklinorium yang memanjang dari arah barat – timur. Daerah ini termasuk perbukitan landai hingga pegunungan berlereng terjal dengan sumber mata air dalam tanah yang melimpah. Kabupaten Bangkalan terdapat beberapan wilayah yang berpotensi kekeringan. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana menyatakan Wilayah Kabupaten Bangkalan memiliki resiko kekeringan yang tinggi salah satunya di Desa Pakaan Laok Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui besar potensi sumber mata air Kalkal dan sumber mata air Taman yang ada di Desa Pakaan Laok Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Bangkalan. Analisis potensi sumber mata air di dasarkan pada kemampuan wilayah tersebut dalam mendukung kebutuhan manusia. Potensi sumber mata air suatu wilayah dalam menyediakan air di tentukan dari asupan curah hujan, yang menentukan jumlah air permukaan maupun air bawah permukaan. Jumlah air yang tersedia ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan air domestik dan jumlah penduduk. Teknik wawancara terstruktur digunakan untuk menggali data penggunaan air domestik masyarakat. Unit penelitian didasarkan pada dua sumber mata air dan pengguna sumber mata air Kalkal dan sumber mata air Taman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perhitungan debit sumber mata air dan diperoleh nilai ketersediaan air di dua sumber mata air: sumber mata air Kalkal musim kemarau 423.360 liter/hari, musim penghujan 1.848.960 liter/hari; sumber mata air Taman musim kemarau 648.000 liter/hari, musim penghujan 1.296.000 liter/ hari. Potensi sumber mata air Taman jika dilihat dari hasil perhitungan daya dukung air masih mampu mencukupi kebutuhan air domestik penduduk sekitar sampai 114x lipat dari jumlah pengguna sekarang. Sumber mata air Kalkal mampu menyongkong kebutuhan air domestik penduduk sekitar sampai lebih dari 244x lipat dari jumlah pengguna sekarang. Ketersediaan air di daerah penelitian sangat melimpah, namun distribusi sumber mata air dipengaruhi oleh musim sedangkan kebutuhan air domestik yang cenderung tetap bahkan meningkat sehingga perbandingan keduanya tidak tepat. Perlu diwaspadai terjadi kekurangan pasokan air di saat musim kemarau. Kata kunci: Sumber mata air, potensi air, kebutuhan air domestik, daya dukung air, Kabupaten Bangkala


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    ABSTRAKSooko merupakan Kecamatan yang berada di Kabupaten Mojokerto dimana daerah tersebut memiliki masalah tentang alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke non pertanian. Tujuan penelitian adalah Untuk mengetahui perubahan lahan pertanian ke non pertanian dan mengetahui dampak alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke non pertanian terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomiJenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan sejumlah besar data berupa variabel, unit, atau, individu dalam waktu yang bersamaan . penentuan sampel menggunakan Teknik accidental sampling. Accidental sampling adalah Teknik penentuan sampel berdasarkan kebetulan, yaitu siapa saja yang secara kebetulan bertemu dapat digunakan sebagai sampel . dalam peneletian ininakan mengambil sampel 107 responden.Terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan pertanian ke non pertanian yang cukup luas di Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto yaitu 1790150.75 m2 atau sebesar 17.09 km2. perubahan yang terjadi pada tahun ketahun mengalami perubahan yang setnifikan. Lahan fasilitas umum dengan luas 220283.16 m2 sebesar 2 km 2, sedangkan untuk lahan perumahan dengan luas 135042.93 m2 atau sebesar 1.35 km2 ,perindustrian dengan luas 1290219.87 m2 atau sebesar 12.90 km2.Kata kunci : alih fungsi lahan pertanian,ekonomi,mata pencaharian


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    AbstrakAliran Sungai Kecing menjadi tempat pembungan limbah yang dihasilkan oleh industri pengelolahan udang, dan aliran Sungai Kecing mengalir melewati Desa Cebolek Kidul. Kondisi Sungai Kecing saat ini diperkirakan telah mengalami penurunan kualitas air yang di sebabkan karena limbah cair dari pabrik pengelolahan udang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Kualitas air Sungai Kecing yang melewati Desa Cebolek Kidul 2) Persepasi masyarakat sekitar Sungai Kecing Desa Cebolek Kidul terhadal limbah pabrik udang.Analisis kualitas air sungai menggunakan uji laboratorium yang selanjutnya akan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air limbah menurut Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 dan melakukan survei terhadap masyarakat di sekitar aliran Sungai Kecing. Metode deskrisi kuantitatif. Analisis prioritas strategi pengendalian pencemaran air dengan menggunakan uji laboratorium.Hasilnya adalah 1) Parameter BOD dan COD di semua titik telah melebihi baku mutu air sungai menurut Peraturan Mentri Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 tahun 2014. Penurunan dan kenaikan kualitas air Sungai Kecing semakin jauhnya titik pembuangan limbah ke sungai, kenaikan kandungan kualitas air sungai ini diakibatkan oleh tercampurnya limbah air sungai dengan limbah rumah tangga serta pada titik B2 semua kandungan kualitas air meningkat karena adnya pencampuran limbah pengelolahan udang dengan limbah pengolahan tepung tapioca. 2) Bau yang dirasakan warga sekitar aliran sungai kecing terjadi ketika pabrik produksi puncaknya terjadi ketika pabrik produksi lagi setelah libur.Kata Kunci : Kualitas Air , Baku mutu air , Ba
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