100 research outputs found

    On realizing the bosonic string as a noncritical W3-string

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    We discuss a realization of the bosonic string as a noncritical W3W_3-string. The relevant noncritical W3W_3-string is characterized by a Liouville sector which is restricted to a (non-unitary) (3,2)(3,2) W3W_3 minimal model with central charge contribution cl=−2c_l = - 2. Furthermore, the matter sector of this W3W_3-string contains 2626 free scalars which realize a critical bosonic string. The BRST operator for this W3W_3-string can be written as the sum of two, mutually anticommuting, nilpotent BRST operators: Q=Q0+Q1Q = Q_0 + Q_1 in such a way that the scalars which realize the bosonic string appear only in Q0Q_0 while the central charge contribution of the fields present in Q1Q_1 equals zero. We argue that, in the simplest case that the Liouville sector is given by the identity operator only, the Q1Q_1-cohomology is given by a particular (non-unitary) (3,2)(3,2) Virasoro minimal model at c=0c=0.Comment: 12 pages, UG-7/9

    Generalized Conformal Quantum Mechanics of D0-brane

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    We study the generalized conformal quantum mechanics of the probe D0-brane in the near horizon background of the bound state of source D0-branes. We elaborate on the relationship of such model to the M theory in the light cone frame.Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX, revised version with added references to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The holographic RG flow in a field theory on a curved background

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    As shown by Freedman, Gubser, Pilch and Warner, the RG flow in N=4{\cal N}=4 super-Yang-Mills theory broken to an N=1{\cal N}=1 theory by the addition of a mass term can be described in terms of a supersymmetric domain wall solution in five-dimensional N=8{\cal N}=8 gauged supergravity. The FGPW flow is an example of a holographic RG flow in a field theory on a flat background. Here we put the field theory studied by Freedman, Gubser, Pilch and Warner on a curved AdS4AdS_4 background, and we construct the supersymmetric domain wall solution which describes the RG flow in this field theory. This solution is a curved (non Ricci flat) domain wall solution. This example demonstrates that holographic RG flows in supersymmetric field theories on a curved AdS4AdS_4 background can be described in terms of curved supersymmetric domain wall solutions.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Comment on Counting Black Hole Microstates Using String Dualities

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    We discuss a previous attempt at a microscopic counting of the entropy of asymptotically flat non-extremal black-holes. This method used string dualities to relate 4 and 5 dimensional black holes to the BTZ black hole. We show how the dualities can be justified in a certain limit, equivalent to a near horizon limit, but the resulting spacetime is no longer asymptotically flat.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac. v(2) typo correcte

    Hydrodynamics from the Dp-brane

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    We complete the computation of viscous transport coefficients in the near horizon geometries that arise from a stack of black Dp-branes for p=2,...,6 in the decoupling limit. The main new result is the obtention of the bulk viscosity which, for all p, is found to be related to the speed of sound by the simple relation \zeta/\eta = -2(v_s^2-1/p). For completeness the shear viscosity is rederived from gravitational perturbations in the shear and scalar channels. We comment on technical issues like the counterterms needed, or the possible dependence on the conformal frame.Comment: 15 page

    Scalar fields, bent branes, and RG flow

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    This work deals with braneworld scenarios driven by real scalar fields with standard dynamics. We show how the first-order formalism which exists in the case of four dimensional Minkowski space-time can be extended to de Sitter or anti-de Sitter geometry in the presence of several real scalar fields. We illustrate the results with some examples, and we take advantage of our findings to investigate renormalization group flow. We have found symmetric brane solutions with four-dimensional anti-de Sitter geometry whose holographically dual field theory exhibits a weakly coupled regime at high energy.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Non-extremal D-instantons

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    We construct the most general non-extremal deformation of the D-instanton solution with maximal rotational symmetry. The general non-supersymmetric solution carries electric charges of the SL(2,R) symmetry, which correspond to each of the three conjugacy classes of SL(2,R). Our calculations naturally generalise to arbitrary dimensions and arbitrary dilaton couplings. We show that for specific values of the dilaton coupling parameter, the non-extremal instanton solutions can be viewed as wormholes of non-extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes in one higher dimension. We extend this result by showing that for other values of the dilaton coupling parameter, the non-extremal instanton solutions can be uplifted to non-extremal non-dilatonic p-branes in p+1 dimensions higher. Finally, we attempt to consider the solutions as instantons of (compactified) type IIB superstring theory. In particular, we derive an elegant formula for the instanton action. We conjecture that the non-extremal D-instantons can contribute to the R^8-terms in the type IIB string effective action.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures. v3: minor correction and reference adde

    Duality symmetry in four-dimensional string actions

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    We reduce the dual version of D=10D=10, N=1N=1 supergravity coupled to nn vector fields to four dimensions, and derive the SL(2,R)×O(6,6+n)SL(2,R)\times O(6,6+n) transformations which leave the equations of motion invariant. For n=0n=0 SL(2,R)SL(2,R) is also a symmetry of the action, but for n>0n>0 only those SL(2,R)SL(2,R) transformations which act linearly on all fields leave the action invariant. The resulting four-dimensional theory is related to the bosonic part of the usual formulation of N=4N=4 supergravity coupled to matter by a duality transformation.Comment: 9 pages, Latex fil
