255 research outputs found

    Laser Spinning of Nanotubes: A path to fast-rotating microdevices

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    We show that circularly polarized light can spin nanotubes with GHz frequencies. In this method, angular moments of infrared photons are resonantly transferred to nanotube phonons and passed to the tube body by "umklapp" scattering. We investigate experimental realization of this ultrafast rotation in carbon nanotubes, levitating in an optical trap and undergoing mechanical vibrations, and discuss possible applications to rotating microdevices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    On the treatment of â„“\ell-changing proton-hydrogen Rydberg atom collisions

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    Energy-conserving, angular momentum-changing collisions between protons and highly excited Rydberg hydrogen atoms are important for precise understanding of atomic recombination at the photon decoupling era, and the elemental abundance after primordial nucleosynthesis. Early approaches to ℓ\ell-changing collisions used perturbation theory for only dipole-allowed (Δℓ=±1\Delta \ell=\pm 1) transitions. An exact non-perturbative quantum mechanical treatment is possible, but it comes at computational cost for highly excited Rydberg states. In this note we show how to obtain a semi-classical limit that is accurate and simple, and develop further physical insights afforded by the non-perturbative quantum mechanical treatment

    Potential energy curves for the interaction of Ag(5s) and Ag(5p) with noble gas atoms

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    We investigate the interaction of ground and excited states of a silver atom with noble gases (NG), including helium. Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves are calculated with quantum chemistry methods and spin-orbit effects in the excited states are included by assuming a spin-orbit splitting independent of the internuclear distance. We compare our results with experimentally available spectroscopic data, as well as with previous calculations. Because of strong spin-orbit interactions, excited Ag-NG potential energy curves cannot be fitted to Morse-like potentials. We find that the labeling of the observed vibrational levels has to be shifted by one unit

    Ultracold giant polyatomic Rydberg molecules: coherent control of molecular orientation

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    We predict the existence of a class of ultracold giant molecules formed from trapped ultracold Rydberg atoms and polar molecules. The interaction which leads to the formation of such molecules is the anisotropic charge-dipole interaction (a/R2a/R^2). We show that prominent candidate molecules such as KRb and deuterated hydroxyl (OD) should bind to Rydberg rubidium atoms, with energies Eb≃5−25E_b\simeq 5-25 GHz at distances R≃0.1−1 μR\simeq 0.1-1 \ \mum. These molecules form in double wells, mimicking chiral molecules, with each well containing a particular dipole orientation. We prepare a set of correlated dressed electron-dipole eigenstates which are used in a resonant Raman scheme to coherently control the dipole orientation and to create cat-like entangled states of the polar molecule.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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