48,753 research outputs found

    A technique to eliminate false lock in PCM demodulation

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    One loop provides error signal which adjusts voltage controlled oscillator. Second loop multiplies input signal with generated in-phase signal. Both signals are integrated over bit period. First loop detects null which indicates lockup, and second loop emphasizes impact signal information

    Phase shift keyed, pulse code modulated signal synchronizer

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    Signal is demodulated and synchronized by three loop circuits: ''Q'' loop uses quadrature signal to stabilize frequency; ''B'' loop acts on baseboard signal to stabilize phase; and decoding ''I'' loop acts on in-phase signal. Synchronizer may be used to eliminate false-lock

    Pulse code modulated signal synchronizer

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    A bit synchronizer for a split phase PCM transmission is reported that includes three loop circuits which receive incoming phase coded PCM signals. In the first loop, called a Q-loop, a generated, phase coded, PCM signal is multiplied with the incoming signals, and the frequency and phase of the generated signal are nulled to that of the incoming subcarrier signal. In the second loop, called a B-loop, a circuit multiplies a generated signal with incoming signals to null the phase of the generated signal in a bit phase locked relationship to the incoming signal. In a third loop, called the I-loop, a phase coded PCM signal is multiplied with the incoming signals for decoding the bit information from the PCM signal. A counter means is used for timing of the generated signals and timing of sample intervals for each bit period

    Vector-valued covariant differential operators for the M\"obius transformation

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    We obtain a family of functional identities satisfied by vector-valued functions of two variables and their geometric inversions. For this we introduce particular differential operators of arbitrary order attached to Gegenbauer polynomials. These differential operators are symmetry breaking for the pair of Lie groups (SL(2,C),SL(2,R))(SL(2,\mathbb C), SL(2,\mathbb R)) that arise from conformal geometry.Comment: To appear in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistic

    Three-dimensional effects on pure tone fan noise due to inflow distortion

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    Two dimensional, quasi three dimensional and three dimensional theories for the prediction of pure tone fan noise due to the interaction of inflow distortion with a subsonic annular blade row were studied with the aid of an unsteady three dimensional lifting surface theory. The effects of compact and noncompact source distributions on pure tone fan noise in an annular cascade were investigated. Numerical results show that the strip theory and quasi three-dimensional theory are reasonably adequate for fan noise prediction. The quasi three-dimensional method is more accurate for acoustic power and model structure prediction with an acoustic power estimation error of about plus or minus 2db

    Quantum network coding for quantum repeaters

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    This paper considers quantum network coding, which is a recent technique that enables quantum information to be sent on complex networks at higher rates than by using straightforward routing strategies. Kobayashi et al. have recently showed the potential of this technique by demonstrating how any classical network coding protocol gives rise to a quantum network coding protocol. They nevertheless primarily focused on an abstract model, in which quantum resource such as quantum registers can be freely introduced at each node. In this work, we present a protocol for quantum network coding under weaker (and more practical) assumptions: our new protocol works even for quantum networks where adjacent nodes initially share one EPR-pair but cannot add any quantum registers or send any quantum information. A typically example of networks satisfying this assumption is {\emph{quantum repeater networks}}, which are promising candidates for the implementation of large scale quantum networks. Our results thus show, for the first time, that quantum network coding techniques can increase the transmission rate in such quantum networks as well.Comment: 9 pages, 11figure

    Quantum Deformation of igl(n) Algebra on Quantum Space

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    We study quantum deformed gl(n)gl(n) and igl(n)igl(n) algebras on a quantum space discussing multi-parametric extension. We realize elements of deformed gl(n)gl(n) and igl(n)igl(n) algebras by a quantum fermionic space. We investigate a map between deformed igl(2)igl(2) algebras of our basis and other basis.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, version published in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Determination of polarized parton distribution functions

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    We study parametrization of polarized parton distribution functions in the \alpha_s leading order (LO) and in the next-to-leading order (NLO). From \chi^2 fitting to the experimental data on A_1, optimum polarized distribution functions are determined. The quark spin content \Delta\Sigma is very sensitive to the small-x behavior of antiquark distributions which suggests that small-x data are needed for precise determination of \Delta\Sigma. We propose three sets of distributions and also provide FORTRAN library for our distributions.Comment: 1+5 pages, LATEX, aipproc.sty, 4 eps figures. Talk given at the 14th International Spin Physics Symposium, Osaka, Japan, October 16-21, 200