1,024 research outputs found

    Testing surface area with arbitrary accuracy

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    Recently, Kothari et al.\ gave an algorithm for testing the surface area of an arbitrary set A⊂[0,1]nA \subset [0, 1]^n. Specifically, they gave a randomized algorithm such that if AA's surface area is less than SS then the algorithm will accept with high probability, and if the algorithm accepts with high probability then there is some perturbation of AA with surface area at most ÎșnS\kappa_n S. Here, Îșn\kappa_n is a dimension-dependent constant which is strictly larger than 1 if n≄2n \ge 2, and grows to 4/π4/\pi as n→∞n \to \infty. We give an improved analysis of Kothari et al.'s algorithm. In doing so, we replace the constant Îșn\kappa_n with 1+η1 + \eta for η>0\eta > 0 arbitrary. We also extend the algorithm to more general measures on Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 5 page

    A Mathematical Theory of Stochastic Microlensing II. Random Images, Shear, and the Kac-Rice Formula

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    Continuing our development of a mathematical theory of stochastic microlensing, we study the random shear and expected number of random lensed images of different types. In particular, we characterize the first three leading terms in the asymptotic expression of the joint probability density function (p.d.f.) of the random shear tensor at a general point in the lens plane due to point masses in the limit of an infinite number of stars. Up to this order, the p.d.f. depends on the magnitude of the shear tensor, the optical depth, and the mean number of stars through a combination of radial position and the stars' masses. As a consequence, the p.d.f.s of the shear components are seen to converge, in the limit of an infinite number of stars, to shifted Cauchy distributions, which shows that the shear components have heavy tails in that limit. The asymptotic p.d.f. of the shear magnitude in the limit of an infinite number of stars is also presented. Extending to general random distributions of the lenses, we employ the Kac-Rice formula and Morse theory to deduce general formulas for the expected total number of images and the expected number of saddle images. We further generalize these results by considering random sources defined on a countable compact covering of the light source plane. This is done to introduce the notion of {\it global} expected number of positive parity images due to a general lensing map. Applying the result to microlensing, we calculate the asymptotic global expected number of minimum images in the limit of an infinite number of stars, where the stars are uniformly distributed. This global expectation is bounded, while the global expected number of images and the global expected number of saddle images diverge as the order of the number of stars.Comment: To appear in JM

    Alignment, realignment and dealignment in multi-party systems : a conceptual and empirical study

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    The present research is motivated by the conviction that there is inadequate conceptual understanding of the phenomena of ‘realignment’ and ‘dealignment’ in multi-party systems. It aims to fill this gap by examining empirically both phenomena in eleven cases of multi-party systems, in order to develop a conceptual understanding. It proposes a unified approach to studying the phenomena of alignment, and examine whether ‘realignment’ or ‘dealignment’ have occurred in two manifestations of alignment: partisan alignment, and voter alignment along a cleavage and the possible effects of the models of realignment and dealignment on patterns of stability and change of the party system structure. This research is designed as a comparison between “relatively similar” cases, and studies eleven European multi-party systems with electoral systems of proportional representation. It begins in 1950 and covers sixty years, concluding in 2010. It is based on repeated observations over long periods of time (or so-called longitudinal analysis), and examines individual-level and aggregate data.LEI Universiteit LeidenPolitieke Instituties: Ontwerp, functioneren, effecte

    Fractal dimension crossovers in turbulent passive scalar signals

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    The fractal dimension ήg(1)\delta_g^{(1)} of turbulent passive scalar signals is calculated from the fluid dynamical equation. ήg(1)\delta_g^{(1)} depends on the scale. For small Prandtl (or Schmidt) number Pr<10−2Pr<10^{-2} one gets two ranges, ήg(1)=1\delta_g^{(1)}=1 for small scale r and ήg(1)\delta_g^{(1)}=5/3 for large r, both as expected. But for large Pr>1Pr> 1 one gets a third, intermediate range in which the signal is extremely wrinkled and has ήg(1)=2\delta_g^{(1)}=2. In that range the passive scalar structure function Dξ(r)D_\theta(r) has a plateau. We calculate the PrPr-dependence of the crossovers. Comparison with a numerical reduced wave vector set calculation gives good agreement with our predictions.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, 3 figures (postscript file on request

    Three-manifold invariant from functional integration

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    We give a precise definition and produce a path-integral computation of the normalized partition function of the abelian U(1) Chern-Simons field theory defined in a general closed oriented 3-manifold. We use the Deligne-Beilinson formalism, we sum over the inequivalent U(1) principal bundles over the manifold and, for each bundle, we integrate over the gauge orbits of the associated connection 1- forms. The result of the functional integration is compared with the abelian U(1) Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery invariant

    On a microcanonical relation between continuous and discrete spin models

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    A relation between a class of stationary points of the energy landscape of continuous spin models on a lattice and the configurations of a Ising model defined on the same lattice suggests an approximate expression for the microcanonical density of states. Based on this approximation we conjecture that if a O(n) model with ferromagnetic interactions on a lattice has a phase transition, its critical energy density is equal to that of the n = 1 case, i.e., a system of Ising spins with the same interactions. The conjecture holds true in the case of long-range interactions. For nearest-neighbor interactions, numerical results are consistent with the conjecture for n=2 and n=3 in three dimensions. For n=2 in two dimensions (XY model) the conjecture yields a prediction for the critical energy of the Berezinskij-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, which would be equal to that of the two-dimensional Ising model. We discuss available numerical data in this respect.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Geometric Microcanonical Thermodynamics for Systems with First Integrals

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    In the general case of a many-body Hamiltonian system, described by an autonomous Hamiltonian HH, and with K≄0K\geq 0 independent conserved quantities, we derive the microcanonical thermodynamics. By a simple approach, based on the differential geometry, we derive the microcanonical entropy and the derivatives of the entropy with respect to the conserved quantities. In such a way, we show that all the thermodynamical quantities, as the temperature, the chemical potential or the specific heat, are measured as a microcanonical average of the appropriate microscopic dynamical functions that we have explicitly derived. Our method applies also in the case of non-separable Hamiltonians, where the usual definition of kinetic temperature, derived by the virial theorem, does not apply.Comment: 4 page

    A Theorem on the origin of Phase Transitions

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    For physical systems described by smooth, finite-range and confining microscopic interaction potentials V with continuously varying coordinates, we announce and outline the proof of a theorem that establishes that unless the equipotential hypersurfaces of configuration space \Sigma_v ={(q_1,...,q_N)\in R^N | V(q_1,...,q_N) = v}, v \in R, change topology at some v_c in a given interval [v_0, v_1] of values v of V, the Helmoltz free energy must be at least twice differentiable in the corresponding interval of inverse temperature (\beta(v_0), \beta(v_1)) also in the N -> \inftylimit.ThustheoccurrenceofaphasetransitionatsomeÎČc=ÎČ(vc)isnecessarilytheconsequenceofthelossofdiffeomorphicityamongtheÎŁvv<vc limit. Thus the occurrence of a phase transition at some \beta_c =\beta(v_c) is necessarily the consequence of the loss of diffeomorphicity among the {\Sigma_v}_{v < v_c} and the {\Sigma_v}_{v > v_c}, which is the consequence of the existence of critical points of V on \Sigma_{v=v_c}, that is points where \nabla V=0.Comment: 10 pages, Statistical Mechanics, Phase Transitions, General Theory. Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    The subgroup theorem

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46030/1/13_2005_Article_BF01219993.pd

    Power calculation for gravitational radiation: oversimplification and the importance of time scale

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    A simplified formula for gravitational-radiation power is examined. It is shown to give completely erroneous answers in three situations, making it useless even for rough estimates. It is emphasized that short timescales, as well as fast speeds, make classical approximations to relativistic calculations untenable.Comment: Three pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte
